Past Links of Interest

April 2024

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: An Academic Analysis of Gold’s Historical Value (04/30)
Curmudgeon: China Futures Firms Propel Gold Market to All Time Highs (04/25)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Analysis of Middle East Conflict; the Fed, Markets and “Uniparty” (04/22)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Middle East Conflict Expands; Implications for the Markets (04/15)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Gold and Oil Price Rises Driven by Geopolitical Tensions and Increased Global Defense Spending (04/08)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What if Taxes and Interest Rates were included in U.S. Inflation Metrics? (04/01)

March 2024

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Has Fed Tightening Since 2022 Accomplished Its Objective? (03/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Outlook for U.S. Government Spending, Inflation, Fed Funds; Bullish on the Markets with a Note of Caution (03/25)
Curmudgeon: 2024 Global Liquidity and Monetary Aggregates Rise While Corporate Debt Defaults Soar (03/18)

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Despite Fed’s Efforts, Inflation is Still Out of Control (03/18)
Curmudgeon: 2024 AI Fueled Stock Market Bubble vs 1999 Internet Mania? (03/11)
Curmudgeon: 2024 BLS and Fed Subterfuge; Inflation Gauges, Fed Funds Forecast & Impact on the Markets (03/11)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Should an Investor Buy and Hold the S&P 500? (03/04)

February 2024

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Did a New York Court Ruling Violate the U.S. Constitution? (02/26)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: CPI Revisited, Market Comments, Higher Rates Increase Deficit and Debt  (02/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Finagling the CPI; S&P 500 at New High with Ultra Complacency (02/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: January New Jobs Conundrum and Outlook for the Markets (02/02)

January 2024

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Clandestine Role of the Fed in Increasing Liquidity (01/29)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What’s Driving Stocks to New All-Time Highs? Fed Watch and Recession Odds (01/22)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Middle East Regional Conflict Expands; Influenced by Iran and Qatar (01/16)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  BLS Fake Job Reports; Excess Liquidity Boosted U.S. Economy in 2023 (01/08)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  2023 Year in Review, Market Forecasts and Asset Allocation for 2024 (01/02)

December 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  Analysis of Gaza War, Pro-Hamas Protests at Universities, and Possibility of a 2-State Solution (12/26)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed Pivot, Reversal and Re-Reversal? It’s All in the Game! (12/18)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Nifty Fifty versus Magnificent Seven; U.S. Government/Fed Changed Stock Market Valuations (12/11)
 Curmudgeon: Will the Gaza War Expand to a Regional Conflict: US and Israel versus Iran and Russia? (12/04)

November 2023

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Fund Inflows vs Outflows vs Cash/MMFs; “Anarcho Capitalist” in Argentina (11/27) 
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Bond Market Analysis; Outlook for U.S. Dollar, Stocks, and Bonds (11/20)

 Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: BofA Global Research Historical Charts; S&P 500 Breakout and Fed Keynesians (11/13)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Anti-Semitic Behavior, False Claims of Genocide and Market Review (11/06)

October 2023

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Markets Face Additional Risks as Gaza War Enters New Phase (10/30)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo Update on Israel-Gaza War, Huge Geopolitical Risks, and Impact on the Markets: (10/23)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Defensive Stocks Decline; Small Caps Underperform (10/16)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Kicking the Can Down the Road: U.S. Congress Passes Stop Gap Funding Bill for 45 Days (10/02)

September 2023

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: U.S. Treasury Yields and Inflation to Stay High into 2024 (09/25)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Will the Fed Keep Interest Rates Higher for Longer? (09/18)
Curmudgeon: A Combustible Mix: Hidden Leverage, Global Liquidity Downtrend and Low Stock Market Volatility (09/11)
Curmudgeon: Federal Reserve Regional Banks Post Losses Near $100B! (09/04)

August 2023

Curmudgeon: China’s Unstoppable Economy Hits Brick Wall (08/28)
Curmudgeon: Magnificent Seven Stocks Fall as Interest Rates Rise (08/21)
Curmudgeon: Interest Rates Rise; Fed Balance Sheet Shrinks, Global Liquidity Flatlines (08/14)
Curmudgeon: S&P 500 in “Earnings Recession” While Stock Prices Soar (08/09)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Fed Rate Hikes Threaten Pension Funds; U.S. Economy Avoids a Recession (08/01)

July 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What’s Fueling the Rise in Stocks? Inflation Whipsaw Coming? (07/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Is a New BRICS Currency Coming in Late August? (07/17)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Non-Seasonal Adjusted Jobs Data Shows a Not So Hot Job Market (07/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Fed’s Campaign to Raise Interest Rates is Misguided (07/03)

June 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Central Bank Digital Currency’s (CBDC’s) Won’t Happen! (06/26)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo:  Impact of Generative AI on Jobs and Workers (06/22)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: New Knowledge of Fiscal Policy Tactics Tables Recession Forecast (06/20)
Curmudgeon: Generative AI Unicorns Rule the Startup Roost; OpenAI in the Spotlight (06/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Recession Call, Bull or Bear Market, Banks at Risk? (06/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Debit Limit Ceiling “Compromise” Will Eventually Exacerbate Inflation Woes (06/05)

May 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Liquidity and AI Drive the Rise of Mega Cap Tech Stocks (05/30)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Is Gold Still an Inflation Hedge? (05/22)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Inflation is Decreasing While Regional Banking Crises Persists (05/15)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Update on Debt Limit: U.S. Will Not Default! (05/01)

April 2023

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Morgan Stanley Warns the Bear Market is Intact (04/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A Scam to Make Soaring Budget Deficits Look Smaller (04/17)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: OPEC Responds to Fed Rate Hikes, Oil Prices as Inflation Indicator, Bogus Jobs Report (04/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: When Bad News is Good News; Market Review & Outlook; Banana Republic? (04/03)

March 2023

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Why Didn’t the Fed Hedge Interest Rate Risk to Prevent Losses? (03/29)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Desperate FSOC Meeting Augurs More Financial Crisis Ahead (03/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Powell and Yellen Conspire to Ignore Dodd-Frank Law to Bailout “Some” Depositors (03/20)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed Breaks SVB; Will More Banks be in Crisis Mode? (03/13)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: History of How the U.S. Became Ruled by Elites (03/06)

February 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Market Review; Seasonally Adjusted Numbers; Gold as an Inflation Hedge (02/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Finagled U.S. Economic Numbers Explained (02/21)
Curmudgeon: Investor Flee Stock Funds, Bond Funds Benefit, Recession and Inflation Watch (02/13)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Is Friday’s BLS Employment Report to be Believed? (02/06)

January 2023

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Wall Street Looking Ahead to the Fed’s Inevitable Monetary Policy Pivot (01/30)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A CPI Sea Change Coming Soon? (01/23)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: U.S. Reached its Debt Ceiling; Catastrophic Default Awaits if it Isn’t Raised by Summer (01/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Market Update & Outlook; Stocks in Bull or Bear Market? (01/16)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: A Dysfunctional Congress Will Lead to a Dysfunctional Economy! (01/09)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Political Corruption and a New World Monetary Order (01/09)
Curmudgeon: December 2022 Fed Meeting Minutes Reveal Fed Policy Foibles (01/05)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Geopolitical Threats to 2023 Global Economy and Markets (01/03) 

December 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Perspective on U.S. Inflation; 97 Year Analysis of the Fed and Asset Price Declines (12/27)
Curmudgeon: Recession Fears for 2023 May Dampen Usual Santa Claus Rally (12/21)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed’s Action, Talk, and Ignorance Imply a Hidden Agenda? (12/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Jumbo Fed Rate Hikes Continue as Inflation Lessens and Recession Fears Increase (12/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. Economy Not as Strong as November’s Jobs Report Suggests (12/04)

November 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: FTX Collapse Rivals the Greatest Ponzi Schemes in History (11/28)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Should St Louis Fed President James Bullard and Nancy Pelosi Resign? (11/21)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Explosive Market Moves, Mid-Term Elections and Requirements to Work at the Fed (11/14)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: FOMC Meeting, Small Business Failures, Markets, and the Mid-Term Elections (11/07)

October 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed Pivot Rumor Drives Dow to Best October in Decades (10/31)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Gold/Silver, U.S. Dollar, BRICS/OPEC+ Currency CBDCs (10/24)
Curmudgeon: Lessons Learned Have to be Unlearned in 2022 All-Asset Wipe-out (10/17)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Accomplishing the Means to the Ends Chosen (10/17)
Nouriel Roubini: The Stagflationary Debt Crisis Is Here (10/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: 3rd Quarter GDP EST Adjusted Up 800% Overnight! (10/03)

September 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Message to the Fed: Grave Dangers of a Hard Landing (09/26)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: U.S. Economic Weakness, Bear Market Rallies, Unfavorable Seasonality (09/19)

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Using Volume to Confirm Market Trend; What’s the Fed’s Goal? (09/19)

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Hawkish Central Banks: Fed QT Threatens Bond Market Liquidity (09/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: “Goldilocks” August Jobs Report Not That Hot Up Close (09/05)

August 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Message to Fed Chairman Powell:  Remember the Alamo! (08/29)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why America is in a Steep Decline – Part II (08/23)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why America is in a Steep Decline – Part I (08/22)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Stocks Surge on Hopes for Stronger Economy and Weaker Inflation (08/15)

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Fed and the U.S. Government Can Not be Trusted! (08/08)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Fed is Managing the Inflation Narrative Versus Actually Managing Inflation (08/01)

July 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Calm Before the Economic Storm (07/25)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: BofA Recession Call, Market Update, Gold’s Favorable Seasonality (07/18)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: The 2022 Gold Conundrum – Investment Bank Manipulation or Strong U.S. Dollar? (07/11)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: BLS Employment Report, Recession Watch, Inflation, and the Fed  (07/11)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed in “Check” Status Now; Faces Imminent “Checkmate” Day of Reckoning (07/04)

June 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Would Be Philosopher King Topples Markets; What’s Next? (06/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth – Presented by Jerome Powell (06/21)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Stagflation Scorecard: Effects, Risks and Parallel to the late 1970s  (06/20)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  Steep Stock Decline on Thursday Possibly Linked to Leaked Bad CPI Data (06/13)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  Investors Advised to Prepare for an Upcoming Economic Hurricane (06/06)

May 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon:  As the Economy Weakens, the Bear Market Rally Will Continue (05/30)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: “The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away” (05/23)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: A Most Difficult Year for Investors and Traders May Get Worse (05/16)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Worst Year for Bond Market Since 1842 and the Fed Still Isn’t Finished (05/09)
Fiendbear: Crossroads Week Dead Ahead (05/02)

April 2022

Curmudgeon: Hawkish Fed Tanks Stocks as Treasury Yields Flirt with 3% (04/25)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The U.S. Dollar’s Strength Explained (04/18)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Inflation, Markets, Fed Policy, Elections and War in Ukraine (04/11)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Beginning of the End for the US Dollar (04/04)

March 2022

Curmudgeon: Flat Yield Curve, Weakening Economy, Fed Rate Hikes and Financial Accidents (03/28)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Inflation Rages at 40-Year High, Fed Nudges Rates Up 25 bps (03/21)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Bear Market, Global Recession, and the Fed’s Dilemma (03/14)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed’s Talk of Extensive Rate Hikes in 2022 is Just Talk (03/07)

February 2022

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Analyzing the Ukraine Invasion and Impact on Global Economy (02/28)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Russia Won’t Invade Ukraine; Fed Bluffing on Multiple Rate Increases (02/21)
Curmudgeon: Popular FAANG Trade is Starting to Show Cracks (02/04)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Invisible Rate Hikes, U.S. Economy vs. Inflation, and a Tale of Divergent Forecasts (02/04)

January 2022

Curmudgeon: To Restore Credibility, the Fed Must Explain Epic Inflation Misread (01/31)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Is Fed Chair Powell a Phony or a Fool? (01/31)
Curmudgeon: Markets Collapse Before Staging Historic Rebound (01/25)
Curmudgeon: Inside of BofA’s Negative 2022 Stock Market Outlook (01/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Are U.S. Stocks in a Bear Market?  (01/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: No Bear Market in 2022! (01/18)
Curmudgeon: Timid Incremental Fed Rate Hikes Won’t Tame Growing Inflation Monster (01/17)
Curmudgeon: Fed Has Difficult Task to Contain Inflation Without Crashing Markets (01/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Which is a Better Inflation Hedge – Gold or Stocks? (01/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: 2021 – Another Incredible Year for U.S. Equities; 2022 Forecasts (01/03)

December 2021

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Negative Real Interest Rates Harms Savers but Rewards Extreme Speculation (12/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Will the Fed’s Monetary Naivete Allow Inflation to Spiral Out of Control? (12/20)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Inflation too High?  BLS to Change CPI Calculation; Central Banks to Meet (12/13)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: All Aboard a Derailed Train; Russia-Ukraine-NATO Flash Point Bears Watching (12/06)

November 2021

Curmudgeon: U.S. Economy is Weakening as Inflation Becomes Stickier (11/29)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why are Gold and Silver Lagging Inflation? (11/24)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Is Risk a Thing of the Past? Markets Don't Grow Old if They're Manipulated! (11/22)
Curmudgeon: Inflation versus the Fed; AI Unicorns in 3Q-2021; a Flipping Home Fiasco (11/15)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Is the Fed a No Risk Hedge Fund or a Ponzi Scheme? (11/08)
Curmudgeon: Inflation, Oil Futures, Energy Stocks, Gold vs Real Rates and U.S. Debt (11/01)

October 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Global Liquidity Supernova; Oil Price Rise vs. Equities, VIX, Inflation Persists (10/25)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Down to Their Last Pennies – Investor Market Exposure Unprecedented (10/18)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Fed Ignores Inflation Spike, Panic/Euphoria Index, Energy Prices, and a Secular Bull Market in Commodities(10/11)
Curmudgeon: Eye Opening Charts and Commentary are Wake-up Call for Investors (10/04)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Classic Movie Quote Analogy, Small Business Formation, and the Next Fed Chairman (10/04)

September 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: A Potential Petrodollar Shock with a Huge Impact On Markets (09/27)
Curmudgeon: Fed Induced “Free Money Party” Creates Record Unicorn Stock Offerings (09/27)
Curmudgeon: Valuations Explode with Investors Confident It’s Different This Time (09/20)
Curmudgeon: Cost of Money at 5,000 Year Lows Even as Inflation Surges (09/13)
Curmudgeon: How Will the Fed and ECB Cope with Stagflation? (09/06)

August 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Markets Celebrate Excesses; Fed Chair Has Skin in the Game! (08/30)
Curmudgeon: Wall Street are Quacking While Technical Indicators Deteriorate (08/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: RRP’s: Wall Street Newcomers Need a Monetary Education! (08/24)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: The Death of Sanity (08/16)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Inflation, Debt Monetization, MMT; “Earnings are Pesky Details” (08/09)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: The Fed Pours Gasoline on an Already Red-Hot Real Estate Market (08/02)

July 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: NBER Declares COVID-19 Recession Over – Shortest on Record (07/26)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Elevated Stock Market Sentiment, Technical Divergences, and the Fed (07/19)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Critique of Fed’s Semi-Annual Report to Congress (07/12)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: How Long Can the Fed Monetize Debt and Perptuate So Many Asset Bubbles? (07/05)

June 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Complacency and Confidence Soar as Central Banks Ignore Surging Asset Bubbles (06/28)
Curmudgeon: 95% of Financial Media Content is Either Wrong or Irrelevant (06/21)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A Historical Look at Inflation; Fed Delay is Cause for Concern (06/14)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Inflation and Debt are Systemic Threats to the U.S. Dollar (06/07)

May 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Investment Pro’s: Clock Ticking on Bubble Markets (05/31)
Curmudgeon: Point Counterpoint on U.S. Economy; Investment Risk Revealed (05/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Critique of the Fed’s “Transitory” Response to Rising Inflation (05/17)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: April Jobs Report Disappoints with BLS Fudging the Numbers (05/10)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Technology Fab Five Biggest Winners from Covid-19 Pandemic (05/03)

April 2021

Curmudgeon: Know-Nothings are the New Wizards of Wall Street (04/26)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Gold vs. Bitcoin – Which One Will Survive (04/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Who Controls the United States of America? – Part II (04/14)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Stock Market Valuations Enter the Twilight Zone and Wall Street Could Care Less (04/12)
Curmudgeon: The Fed’s Massive Credit Market Intervention Fuels Junk Bond Mania (04/06)
Curmudgeon: More Extreme IPO Valuations Latest Sign of Financial Euphoria (04/05)

March 2021

Curmudgeon: U.S. Tech Deal Resurgence Fueled by Expensive Stock (03/29)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Who Controls the United States of America? (03/22)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. Government Deception Exposed; Inflation to Increase (03/15)
Curmudgeon: Guaranteed Income Payments – Welfare on Steroids (03/10)
Curmudgeon: Analysis of Profligate U.S. Government Spending and Guaranteed Income Experiments – Part I (03/08)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Inflation Inevitable as Fed Since Volcker Has Becoming Increasingly Dovish (03/01)

February 2021

Curmudgeon: The Popularity and Risks in Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) (02/16)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Disconnect Between U.S. Equity Markets and the Economy is Accelerating (02/08)
Curmudgeon: Mania in GameStop and AMC the Most Irrational of Irrational Exuberance Seen So Far (02/01)

January 2021

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Europe’s Economy Won’t Recover Anytime Soon (01/25)
Curmudgeon: China’s Economy Outpaces All Other Developed Countries in 2020 (01/18)
Curmudgeon: Will $4 Trillion Deficits Cure the US Economy, but Tank the Dollar?  (01/11)
Curmudgeon: U.S. – China Trade Agreements; Will a New Administration Have Better Luck? (01/04)

December 2020

Curmudgeon: Euphoric U.S. Stock Market and Pandemic Plagued Economy in Total Opposition (12/28)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A Perspective on Monetarism, Valuations and Manias (12/28)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Constitution vs. the Coronavirus Lockdowns (12/21)
Curmudgeon: Will Another Huge IPO Bubble Lead to Another Huge Crash? (12/14)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: U.S. Stocks at Record Highs but is There a Disconnect from the Economy? (12/07)

November 2020

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Assessment of Global Economy Amidst New Coronavirus Lockdowns (11/30)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: New Asia-Pacific Trade Pact Poses Challenges (11/16)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Gold Review and Outlook after Biden “Elected” U.S. President (11/09)
Curmudgeon: All Bets Are Off in a Contested Presidential Election (11/02)

October 2020

Curmudgeon: China’s Economy Now the World’s Largest; CCP 5 Year Plan Outlook (10/26)
Curmudgeon: Tech Companies Dominate the Stock Market but For How Long? (10/19)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: How Does America Keep Functioning While It Sinks Into Depravity and Corruption? (10/12)
Curmudgeon: Sept 2020 U.S. Jobs Report; Recent Layoffs; Labor Participation Rate Decline; GDP Forecasts (10/05)

September 2020

Curmudgeon: Analysis of September 2020 OECD Economic Report: Living with Uncertainty (09/20)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Global Economies Rebound, but Won’t Reach Pre-Coronavirus Levels Till (09/14)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. Government Economic Numbers Are Not What You Think They Are! (09/14)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Detailed Look at August Jobs Report Reveals BLS Disinformation Campaign (09/07)

August 2020

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Will the Fed’s New Monetary Policy Stimulate the Economy and Inflation? (08/31)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Magnificent Six Stocks Up Mightily; Rest of Market Down in L Shaped Economic Recovery (08/21)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: End Game for U.S. Debt Spiral: Hyperinflation, MMT, and Minimum Basic Income (08/20)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A Historical Review of Money and Gold in the U.S. (08/14)
Curmudgeon: Gold Makes All-Time High as U.S. Dollar Debasement Continues (08/09)
Curmudgeon: Rhetoric vs Reality: PPP Loans went to China Owned Companies (08/02)

July 2020

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. vs China Cold war, Economic Comparison, Gold Holdings (07/27)
Curmudgeon: Heightened Tensions in the South China Sea; Flashpoint for Global Trade (07/22)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Goodbye Hong Kong! China Trade Deals Can’t be Trusted (07/19)
Curmudgeon: Is the U.S. – China Deal a Relic of History? (07/13)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: The Fed Creates Another Moral Hazard and Ends Free Markets (07/06)

June 2020

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Economic Fascism, Corporatism, and the Move to Anarchy in the U.S. (06/29)
David Haggith: 2020 Economic Predictions: This Series of Unfortunate Events Guarantees the Epocalypse (06/26)
Curmudgeon: Coronavirus Update: U.S. Economy Hit Hard; IMF Forecasts Worse Downturn; Disconnect Danger Ahead? (06/25)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Mnuchin’s Re-Reversal on Disclosing PPP Loan Recipients; Large Corporations favored over Small Business (06/22)
Curmudgeon: COVID-19 Economic and Psychological Pain MUST be Alleviated Now! (06/07)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: New Undisclosed Threats to the US Economy and Markets (06/02)

May 2020

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: China Threatens Hong Kong’s Autonomy; Scraps GDP Targeting (05/25)
Curmudgeon: U.S. Unemployment Situation Much Worse than April BLS Report (05/10)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Hokium of a “V” Recovery and Stock Market Rally (05/03)

April 2020

Curmudgeon: California Governor Newsom Becomes the “Anti-Trump” On Immigration (04/26)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Perspective on U.S. Economy and the Coronavirus – Suicide is NOT Painless! (04/17)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: No “V” Recovery in US; Perspective on the Economy and Bear Markets (04/06)

March 2020

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Mixed Sentiment and Composite Indexes; Bad to Horrific Economic Outlook; Debt Crisis Looming; Relax Nonetheless! (03/29)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Perspective: U.S. Economy and Stock Market Implode in Just 21 Trading Days! (03/22)
Curmudgeon/SuperBear: Did Your Market Timing Service Get You Out at the Top? (03/13)
Curmudgeon: Did You Buy the Dip? How is Your Melt-Up Portfolio Doing? (03/10)
Peak Prosperity (YouTube): Coronavirus Breaks the Stock Market (03/10)

February 2020

Curmudgeon: Have Earnings Become Irrelevant for S&P 500 Companies? Monster Bubble vs Depression? (02/24)
Charles Hugh Smith: The Fed Has Created a Monster Bubble It Can No Longer Control (02/19)
Curmudgeon:  Whatever Happened to the Inflation Premium on 30-year U.S. Treasury Bonds? (02/17)
Curmudgeon: Fed T-Bill Buying Persists Depsite Ultra Easy Financial Conditions (02/10)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Has the U.S. Economy Really Comeback or Weakened? What’s the Outlook for 2020? (02/02)

January 2020

David Haggith: Stock Market More Overpriced and Perilous Than Anytime in History (01/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Analysis of China’s Economy: Debt Fueled Growth, Trade Deal to Test Trump, Risk of Shadow Banking, etc. (01/20)
Curmudgeon: China Economy Expands but Debt and New Loans Soar; Trade Deal Revisted (01/19)
Curmudgeon: Phase One Trade Agreement Signed, but Tariffs Remain in Place (01/15)
Curmudgeon: Will Geopolitical Tensions Effect the Oil and Stock Markets? (01/12)

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Can Central Banks Change the Stock Market’s Primary Trend (01/05)

December 2019

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: End of Decade Review: “Requiem of Free Market Capitalism” (12/30)
Curmudgeon: End of Decade Review of U.S. Economy and Financial Markets (12/22)
Curmudgeon: Buy, Buy, Buy; Melt-Up Talk Proliferates (12/16)
Curmudgeon: A Tribute to Paul Volcker – Greatest Fed Chairman in History (12/09)
Curmudgeon: S&P 500 Forecasts Bullish but Prices Bolstered by Buybacks and ETFs, Not Earnings (12/08)

November 2019

Curmudgeon: Unicorn Valuations Plummet Resulting in VC Confidence Drop (11/28)
Curmudgeon: S&P 500 Earnings Recession Continues; Servere Decline in Core Earnings Explained (11/24)
Curmudgeon: S&P 500 Earnings Beat Estimates Which Continue to Fall; ShadowStats Financial Forecast (11/11)

October 2019

Curmudgeon: Analysis and Implications of U.S. Budget Deficit at $1 Trillion (10/27)
David Haggith: Quick Recap of the Fed’s Foundering Follies and Our Descent into Economic Madness (10/24)
Curmudgeon: Fed Launches New Round of QE with a Stated Different Purpose (10/13)
David Haggith: The Beginning of the End: Great Recession 2.0 is Obscured but Here! (10/01)

September 2019

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Lessons in Dishonesty - from U.S. Government Agencies and the Banking System (09/22)
David Haggith: Fed Loses Control of its Benchmark Interest: Repo Rates Through the Roof! (09/22)
David Haggith: Why are Bonds Going for Broke? (09/16)

August 2019

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: China Risk is Potentially Far More Than a Trade War; What’s the Fed’s Real Goal? (08/11)

July 2019

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Bond Vigilantes and Deficit Hawks are Extinct; Stocks love DEBT! (07/28)
David Haggith: The Fed’s Final Bullet Hits ‘Em in the Foot (07/22)
Curmudgeon: Annualized Global Bond Fund Inflows Hit a Record; Negative Yields; Profit Recession Dead Ahead? (07/21)

David Haggith: A Long Shadow Creeps Over the Economy This Summer (07/12)
David Haggith: Ten Big Steps Down the Road to Recession (07/08)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Bitcoin ALL UP; M2 and Money Velocity DOWN! (07/03)
David Haggith: Best-Case Scenario Has a Worst-Case Twist (07/01)

June 2019

David Haggith: Market Mayhem is Due to Truly Perfect Storm for 2019 Recession (06/17)
David Haggith: These Three Major Stock Bear Markets are Still Roaring (06/03)

May 2019

David Haggith: Carmageddon Keeps Rolling Along (05/28)
David Haggith: Market Loses its Hopium-Induced High, Falls Four Straight Weeks (05/20)
David Haggith: The Zombie Epocalypse: A River of Denial Floods Markets Everywhere (05/06)  

April 2019

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: 10+ Year Bull Market Continues – Dow Theory Bear Call was a FALSE SIGNAL (04/28)
David Haggith: US GDP Not All it was Cracked up to be (04/28)
David Haggith: List of 24 Points Pressing Hard Toward Recession (04/22)
David Haggith: Here is How Far Central Bankers Got in Normalizing Before the Everything Crash Began (04/17)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why Stocks Have Moved Up Despite Lower Profits and a Weakening Gobal Economy (04/15)
David Haggith: Tick, Tick, Talk, 2019 Recession Coming (04/09)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Dow Theory Explained and Bull Market Signal Questioned (04/07)
Curmudgeon: DOW THEORY BULL MARKET Confirmed; Disconnect and Economic Weakness Worries Persist (04/03)

March 2019

David Haggith: Two Down, One to Go, and the Fed is Stuck (03/27)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: BoA: No Love For Stocks Yet Higher Prices Forecast; Victor Disagrees! (03/25)
David Haggith: A Week in the Life of a Topsy-Turvy Wildly Whirling World (03/11)

February 2019

David Haggith: More Evidence That the Bears Have it Dead Right (02/27)
David Haggith: The Bears Have it Right: Economy Went Polar Opposite of Bullish Predictions (02/19)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Market Ignores Weak Economic Reports; Huge Fund Outflows; Victor’s Analysis (02/17)
David Haggith: Housing Market Crash 2.0: The Jury is in for 2018-2019 (02/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why No Commodity Inflation? The Government Changed the Laws (02/10)
David Haggith: The Fed’s Failure is a Fait Accompli, Exactly as This Blog Said it Would Be! (02/07)

January 2019

David Haggith: Powell Put Sends Stocks Soaring, Recession Must be Near (01/31)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Fed’s Balance Sheet Runoff is All About Bank Reserves; Who Does the Fed Represent? (01/28)
David Haggith: The Great Recovery Rewind: How the Federal Reserve’s Balance-Sheet Unwind is Unwinding Recovery (01/28)
David Haggith: Federal Reserve Confesses Sole Responsibility for All Recessions (01/17)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Stock Buybacks Exposed: Record Year, Outlook and Examples; Lower Growth=Lower P/E (01/13)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed Chair Sets New Record: 180 Degree Flip Flop in 15 Days! (01/06)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Thoughts on the Decline in U.S. Productivity and Standard of Living (01/03)
David Haggith: Angry Gartman: “We Are Supposed to Believe the Bull Market is Still Intact? Utter and Complete Nonsense” (01/03)
David Haggith: The Roar of Stupidity is Now Deafening (01/02)

December 2018

Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Bear Market, Corrections and Recession Lead Times (12/30)
David Haggith: It’s Up, It’s Down, It’s Done – a Day in a Year of the Dow (12/30)
Curmudgeon: Quick Takes and Shadowstats’ Thoughts on the U.S. Stock Market (12/28)
David Haggith: Fed Med is Dead: How We Went From Fake Recovery to Freefall (12/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Bear Market Update and New Investor Psychology (12/24)
David Haggith: Something Wicked This Way Comes. Is it the Fed? Is it the President? Is it the Treasurer? (12/24)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Superior Long Term Indicators Say U.S. Stocks are in 2nd Leg of a Bear Market (12/23)
David Haggith: Stock Market Hangs on Edge of Very Big Cliff (12/18)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: December 2018 Fed Meeting and the Markets (12/16)
Curmudgeon: Dow Theory Sell Signal Triggered Yesterday—Yet No One Noticed! (12/11) 
Curmudgeon: Are U.S. Stocks in a Bear Market or Just a Correction? (12/09)

November 2018

Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Post Midterms Stock Market Outlook: History vs. Fundamentals in Conflict (11/12)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. Financial Markets, Outlook, and the Fed (11/04)

October 2018

September 2018

Curmudgeon: Ready, Set, Go: Global Debt Implosion, Deleveraging, and Quantitative Tightening (09/10)

August 2018

Curmudgeon: Longest S&P Bull Market with Many Bear Markets; Seaonality Fails in New Era (08/19)
Curmudgeon: U.S. Budget Deficit Rising (Should be Falling); Impact on Borrowing and Interest Rates (08/06)
David Haggith: Icarus Flies, but FAANGs Fall from the Gaping Maw of US Stock Market (08/06)
David Haggith: Fabulously Fake Facts – “G” in GDP Stands for “Gullibility” (08/01)

July 2018

David Haggith: Housing Market Collapse 2.0 Accelerates Rapidly! (07/30)
David Haggith: The Economy is Cracking Up. Are You? (07/23)
David Haggith: Epocalypse Ahead On Highway to Hell For Global Economy and US Stock Market (07/02)
Curmudgeon: Mega Tech Stock Weighting and Outsized Gains Makes Nasdaq and S&P 500 Dangerously Undiversified (07/01)

June 2018

MarketWatch: This 501-day Trading Streak for the Dow Just Came to a Screeching Halt (06/26)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: New Era Economy and Financial Markets Explained—Part II (06/20)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: New Era Economy and Financial Markets Explained—Part I (06/18)

May 2018

David Haggith: Death of the Great Recovery Part 3: Housing Collapse 2.0 Has Begun (05/30)
David Haggith: Death of the Great Recovery Part 2: The Second Coming of Carmageddon (05/07)
David Haggith: Stocks Perfectly Poised to Plummet Past Point of No Return (05/04)

April 2018

March 2018

David Haggith: The Dumb Money is Helping the Smart Money Exit the Stock Market (03/12)
David Haggith: All Fed up on Peak Debt (03/05)
David Haggith: As a Matter of INTEREST, Talk of Inflation Fear, the Fed’s Perfect Unwind, Concern about Wages is ALL Economic Denial (03/02)

February 2018

Curmudgeon: Results of GOP Tax Bill: Big Surprise in 4thQ 2017 DJIA GAAP Earnings while Stock Buybacks Accelerate as Predicted (02/27)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Market Risks, Problems and Positions – Part II (02/15)
Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Stock Market Volatility vs. U.S. Budget Deficits and Debt at a Tipping Point? [revised] (02/14)
David Haggith: Stock Market’s Massive Moves Not Seen Since Great Recession (02/12)
David Haggith: Groundhog Day Drives Market 666 Points Below Ground (02/05)

January 2018

Curmudgeon: Does the U.S. Government Want a Strong or Weak Dollar? (01/29)
Curmudgeon: Ray Dalio from Davos: Cash is STUPID + Chart of the Century (01/26)
David Haggith: I Bet My Blog on a 2018 Economic Collapse – 2018 Economic Predictions (01/23)
Curmudgeon: Strong Earnings Power Stocks Rapid Rise in 2018…or Maybe Not? (01/22)
Curmudgeon: Implications of Surging Momentum and Highlights of BoAML Fund Manager Survey (01/17)
Curmudgeon: Investors Intelligence Bull/Bear Ratio at All Time High! [Chart] (01/16)
Curmudgeon: U.S. Equity Market Celebrates the New Year; Champagne Sparkles Till Time is Up (01/08)
Curmudgeon/Sperandeo: Global Stocks Defying Skeptics; 2018 Outlook and Bull Market Tops (01/03)

December 2017

David Haggith: The Ghosts of Crashes Past, Recent, and Future as they Appeared on this Blog (12/29)
Curmudgeon: U.S. Corporate Tax Cuts Boost a Market Dominated by New Era Thinking (12/26)
Curmudgeon: Charts Indicate That Central Banks Must Tighten Monetary Policy: Part II (12/11)
Curmudgeon: Charts Indicate That Central Banks Must Tighten Monetary Policy: Part I (12/09)
John Maudlin: There’s Overwhelming Evidence That the U.S. Stock Market Is Heading For Disaster (12/06)

November 2017

David Haggith: Stock and Awe, Bears in Bondage (11/08)

October 2017

David Haggith: US Stock Market Whistles Past the Graveyard (10/11)

September 2017

August 2017

David Haggith: Graphic Anatomy of a Stock Market Crash (08/09)

July 2017

David Haggith: US Economy Keeps Moving Into Summer Storm (07/14)

June 2017

David Haggith: Central Banks Buying Stocks Have Rigged US Stock Market Beyond Recovery (06/27)
David Haggith: Retail Apocalypse Engulfs US Economy – Shutters 23,000 Stores, and That’s Just the First Destructive Wave! (06/20)
David Haggith: Is the Central Bank’s Rigged Stock Market Ready to Crash on Schedule? (06/13)
David Haggith: Summer Storm Keeps Building as Second Dip of Great Recession Approaches (06/05)

May 2017

David Kranzler: A Stock Market Crash: A Matter Of “When,” Not “If” (05/30)
Benjamin Smith: The Latest Sign of a Looming Stock Market Crash (05/30)
Mate Cser: The Schiller P/E Hits 30 (05/17)
Dent Research: Could this be the Straw that Breaks the Market’s Back? (05/08)

April 2017

March 2017

Mark Snyder: Have We Reached a Turning Point For Stocks? Tuesday Was the Worst Day (03/22)
David Haggith: 2017 Economic Forecast: Global Headwinds Look Like Mother of All Storms (03/08)

February 2017

David Haggith: 2017 Economic Headwinds: Housing Bubbles Popping Up and Just Plain Popping Everywhere (02/27)
David Stockman: The Crash Will Be Violent (02/10)

January 2017

Brian Maher: An Omen of Global Collapse (01/30)
Brian Maher: The Second Largest Bubble in 100 Years (01/25)
Curmudgeon: SoGEN “Bruised Bears” Shows US Most Overvalued Market (01/12)
EconMatters: Capital Destruction is a Fascinating Concept (01/09)
Moe Zulfiqar: Stock Market Crash: 3 Factors Say Big Declines Ahead for Stocks in 2017 (01/05)
David Haggith: If 2016 Wasn’t the Epocalypse, What the Heck Was It? (01/04)

December 2016

Curmudgeon: 2016 Market Review, Fund Flows and Bid Adieu (12/31)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Trump Viewed Thru Rose Colored Glasses; Victor’s Market Updates (12/27)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Short Term Interest Rates, Unemployment, the CPI and ANIMAL SPIRITS (12/19)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Ecstatic U.S. Stock Market Defies History and Ignores Increased International Risk (12/12)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Italian Referendum Fails, PM Resigns; Possible EU Breakup? (12/05)

November 2016

Curmudgeon: Russell 2000 Breaks Out to All Time High With a 15-day Winning Streak (11/30)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Equity Markets and U.S. Dollar Continue Their Bull Runs (11/28)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Effect of Trunp’s Fiscal Policies on Stocks, Bonds, Gold and U.S. Dollar (11/21)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: A Requiem of the 2016 Election and Market Reaction (11/14)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: 2016 Election – Impact on Politics, the Economy, and Markets (11/06)

October 2016

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: GDP Growth Not Likely to Last; Victor’s Market Outlook (10/31)
Curmudgeon: US Debt and Delinquencies Way Up After 7.75 Years of “Economic Recovery” (10/27)
David Haggith: Is the Fed Fix in for the Election? (10/27)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: “Helicopter Money” is Coming: Will it Work or Add to the World’s Death Spiral (10/24)
David Haggith: Federal Reserve Admits it Never Knew What it was Doing (10/21)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: US Recession Coming Soon; Equities Bull Market Ending and Bear Growling (10/16)
Curmudgeon: Earnings vs. Stock Prices and Will a Trio of Warnings Fall on Deaf Ears? (10/10)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Easy Money Policies  Encourage Financial Risk Taking; NOT Capital Investment (10/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is Deutsche Bank a Serious Threat to the Financial and Monetary System? (10/04)

September 2016

Curmudgeon: Bull Market Top Checklist (09/28)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Commodity Update, Fed Meeting, Citi and SoGen, US Dollar Crash (09/25)
Christopher Lingle: Failure of Negative Nominal Interest Rates (09/23)
Curmudgeon: Fidelity Corrals the Largest “Unicorn Herd” – Other Mutual Funds Join the Party (09/21)
Craig Wilson: David Stockman: Central Bank Era of Bubble Finance Leading to a Dead End (09/20)
Curmudgeon: BoAML Survey: Financial Markets Overvalued and Bond Shock Possible; Wage Gains? (09/19)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Friday’s Stock Market Decline: Complacency vs. New Fed Policy (09/12)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What Causes Productivity Growth; Are Taxes Critical to the Result? (09/11)
Curmudgeon: S&P 500 Earnings Continue to Decline as EPS Estimates are Lowered (09/09)
Suzanne McGee: Trump Finally Got It Right on the Fed’s ‘False Economy’ – But Will We Listen? (09/08)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: “Real” Fiscal Policy is and has been Non-Existent! (09/05)

August 2016

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Janet Yellen’s Jackson Hole Speech: The Set Up to Raise Rates? (08/29)

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: The Pros and Cons of “Buy and Hold” vs. the Next Bear Market (08/22)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Stock Market Analysis and Perspective On Risk vs. Reward – Part II (08/16)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Stock Market Analysis and Perspective On Risk vs. Reward – Part I (08/15)
Curmudgeon: The Productivity Paradox – US Economic Long Term Growth Threatened (08/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Does July’s Strong Job Report Mean Happy Times are Here Again? (08/08)
David Haggith: This Graph Says It All – US 2016 Recession Already Here! (08/05)
Curmudgeon: Eurozone Recession Could Cause Big Banks to Fail and Trigger “Bail-Ins” (08/03)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Integrity of “News Reporting” Has Become Extinct! (08/01)

July 2016

Curmudgeon: S&P 500 Earnings and Estimates Decline as Stock Prices Soar (07/27)
Alan Newman: Dark Legacy (07/26)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Unpubliczed Risks to Global Economy and Financial Markets (07/25)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why Gold Is More Than a “Pet Rock” (07/18)
David Haggith: Central Bank Wonderland is Complete and Now Open for Business – The Epocalypse Has Fully Begun (07/14)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Analysis of the Jobs Report, Record Low Yields and Stock Market Action (07/11)
David Haggith: Brexit Beleaguered Bankers Back to Begging for Bailouts! (07/11)
David Stockman: Here We Go Again – August 2007 Redux (07/08)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Brexit Reality or Manipulation: Stocks and Bonds Rally; Treasury Yields at All-Time Low (07/04)

June 2016

David Haggith: Economic Predictions for Summer 2016: The Epocalypse Keeps Crashing (06/29)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Brexit Post-Mortem: Analysis, Economic Impact, Market Calls (06/27)
David Haggith: Brexit: Brits Lead Anti-Establishment Rebellion in European Departure (06/24)
David Haggith: Why Janet Aint Yellin’ “Higher Interest” Anymore: Jobs Worse than Expected and Far Worse than Reported (06/22)
John Hussman, Ph. D.: Imagine (06/21)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Brexit Explained: Overview, UK Newspaper Positions/Analysis, Market and Economic Impact (06/19)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Federal Reserve Bank “Magic Profits” Exaggerates US Corporate Profits (06/14)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Shockingly Weak Jobs Report Shows Fed is in Another Dimension (06/06)

May 2016

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: G7 Meeting Highlights and Opinion on Abe’s Economic Distress Call (05/29)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: China Update: South China Sea Expansion, Economic War, Market Reaction and Failures of Communism (05/23)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Dallas Fed: Stock Market Disconnected from Real U.S. Economy (05/16)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon/Fiendbear: Potpourrii of Observations on Economy, Markets, and Politics (05/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Weak Productivity: The Untold Story of the U.S. “Economic Recovery” (05/05)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Gold – “The Barbarous Relic” – Now in a Bull Market! (05/02)

April 2016

Curmudgeon: Disappointing U.S. GDP is Actually Worse Than Reported! (04/29)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: “Free Trade” – A Fraudulent Name for Trade Bills U.S. Government Wants to Pass (04/25)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Trump Assessment and Corruption of the U.S. Presidential Election Process [Politics] (04/18)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Yellen and Fed Leaders: No Bubble and U.S. Economy on Solid Course (Really?) (04/11)
Curmudgeon: Global Earnings Recession and a Grinding Bear Market (04/06)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Is the Stock Market Rally Based on Improving Fundamentals? (04/04)

March 2016

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Effects of Brussels on Brexit and a Potential EU Breakup! (03/28)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: U.S. Government Corruption Starts with the Federal Reserve! (03/21)
John Whitefoot: Stock Market Crash: This is What the Federal Reserve Won’t Tell You (03/17)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: New Monetary Easing by the ECB Has Many Hidden Dangers (03/13)
Alan Newman: Massive Leverage = Massive Risk (03/10)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why Donald Trump is Teflon and Rising! [Politics] (03/07)

February 2016

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Global Economic Weakness is Getting Worse (02/28)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Quandary of Short Selling – Even in a Bear Market! (02/22)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Monetary Battle of Little Big Horn (02/16)
Curmudgeon: Dow Theory Bear Market Confirmed (02/12)
Gregory Mannarino: Dow Jones Industrial Average 6,000 Extreme Sell-Off Coming (02/09)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Potential Economic Impact of U.S. Presidential Candidates Policies (02/08)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: U.S. and Global Growth Disappoints Yet Again; Negative Interest Rates? (02/01)

January 2016

John Whitefoot: Stock Market Crash Is a Dire Warning for Americans Everywhere (01/26)
Andrew Moran: Peter Schiff: Stock Markets Are ‘Whistling Past a Graveyard’ As Fed Will Launch QE4 (01/26)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is the Correction Over or is it a Primary Bear Market (01/25)
Victor Sperandeo/Fiendbear: If You Like Volatility, Thank the Fed (01/18)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is a Bear Market in Place Now? China’s Impact and Influence Reviewed (01/11)
Comstock Partners: Difference Between Past Fed Tightening and Now (01/06)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Year End Recap and 2016 Projections (01/04)

December 2015

Curmudgeon: Analysis of China’s Economy and Stock Market – Key to 2016 Equity Markets (12/27)
Curmudgeon: Unicorn Year in Review: Party May Be Over For Tech Start-ups! (12/23)
Jas Jain: Date-Dependent Fed Might Have Nailed the End of the Cyclical Bull Market and the Beginning of the Next US Recession (12/21)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Market Volatility Expected to Increase in 2016 (12/20)
David Stockman: A Watershed Moment for Financial Markets (12/16)
Graham Summers: The Fuse on the Global Debt Bomb Has Been Lit (12/15)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Bear Market in Commodities Continues (12/14)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Analysis of U.S. Employment Report/Fed Rate Rise, ECB QE Policy and The End Game! (12/06)

November 2015

Curmudgeon: The Rise of New Tech Companies: Unicorns, FANGs, and the Nifty Nine (11/30)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: China Government Agencies Bought Stock While Regulator Cracks Down on Brokerages (11/28)
Alan Newman: The Third Concurrence (11/24)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Fed’s Market Manipulation and Related Thoughts (11/23)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Glum Economic News Overshadowed by Implications of Paris Terrorist Attack (11/16)
Kaylan Kumar: Ex Reagan Adviser Peter Schiff Hits Out at Fed For Creating Bubble Economy, Predicts Bigger Crisis (11/10)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Drivers for Gold Price Movements and Equity Rallies (11/09)
Curmudgeon: December Rate Hike a Certainty – Or Maybe Not? (11/08)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Risk ON Again as Central Banks Goose Markets in October (11/02)

October 2015

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Market Beat Goes On, What to Expect, and Impact of China Yuan IMF Reserve Status (10/26)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Observations on Another Bailout: a “Super-Bond” For Puerto Rico (10/19)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What Caused the Stock Market Rally While Earnings and GDP are Declining? (10/11)

September 2015

Ron Paul: Congress and the Fed Refuse to Learn From Their Mistakes (09/29)
Michael Lebowitz: The Case For Gold: Shorting the Federal Reserve (09/28)
Curmudgeon: Alternative Strategies Have Failed – Part III. Fund of Mutual Funds (09/25)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: An Ungrateful Fed With a Possible 3rd Mandate? (09/21)
Nicole Goodkind: Stockman: Markets in Store For Huge Correction if Fed Doesn’t Raise Rates (09/18)
Mike Shedlock: Ben Bernanke vs. John Hussman; Beauty of Truth vs. Beast of Dogma; Four Questions (9/16)
Rob Williams: Pento: Sell Stocks as Fed Hikes Trigger Market Decline (09/16)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Trump’s Policies, Impact on US Economy and Other GOP Presidential Candidates (09/14)
Curmudgeon: Alternative Strategies Have Failed – Part II. Liquid Alts (09/13)
Curmudgeon: Risk Averse Investment Strategies Deepened Decline: Risk Parity and ETFs on Trial (09/09)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Alternative Strategies Have Failed – Part I. Hedge Funds (09/06)
Ron Paul: Blame the Fed For Market Crash (09/04)

August 2015

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Victor’s Perspective on Markets, he Economy and the Fed (08/31)
Curmudgeon: Stock Market Sell-off: Has the Business Cycle Been Repealed? Mysterious Market Action with PPT Missing! (08/25)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Global Immigration Policies: Politics of Sacrafice for Power (08/24)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Perspective on the Stock Market and China (08/24)
Curmudgeon: Stock Market Sell-off: Correction in the Cards or Something Worse? (08/21)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Dodd-Frank Title II is Inomplete and Misleading! (08/19)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Are Americans Now Slaves of Their Banks? (08/17)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Who Triggered Wednesday’s Market Reversal? (08/14)
Evan Andrews: 6 Disastrous Economic Bubbles (08/12)
Erik McCurdy: Dow Jones Industrial Average Confirms Long-term Breakdown (08/11)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Dangers and Disruptions Ahead if Iran Deal Passes! (08/10)
Curmudgeon: Start-up Investments Boom While Silicon Valley VCs Turn Cautious (08/07)
Curmudgeon: Downward Revisions to GDP Show Economic Stagnation, Not Recovery (08/01)

July 2015

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Point/Counter-Point on Climate Change (07/30)
Curmudgeon: Is Decline in Economic Freedom Responsible for Dismal U.S. Economc Growth? (07/27)
Curmudgeon: Gold Market Assessment and Expert Commentary (07/24)
Peter Atwater: What if the Market Is Just a Quarry of Pet Rocks? (07/23)
Milad Marvasti: Marc Faber: This Could Lead to a Stock Market Crash in 2015 (07/23)
Curmudgeon: Startup Funding at 15 Year High While Capital Efficiency Drops Sharply (07/19)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The S&P 500 Earnings Anomaly and Great Disconnect? (07/18)
Curmudgeon: Unicorn Valuations Quaduple – Now Worth Almost $500B (07/17)
Alan Newman: The Case For a 25% Decline (07/16)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Bear in a China Shop (07/13)
Curmudgeon: China’s Stock Market Wild Ride Has Global Implications (07/13)
Michael Snyder: What’s Next For the U.S. Stock Market? (07/08)
Curmudgeon: Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis and How U.S. Government Could Help (07/07)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Recent Supreme Court Decisions Impact U.S. Government and Economy (07/06)
Curmudgeon: June Jobs Report Indicates Six-year Economic Expansion is an Illusion (07/03)

June 2015

Curmudgeon: Rebuttal and Counterpoints – Who’s Protecting the American Worker? (06/29)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Trade Agreements NOT About Free Trade; TiSA Exposed (06/29)
Michael Snyder: The Liquidity Crisis Intensifies: ‘Prepare For a Bear Market in Bonds’ (06/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Iran and Greece as Geopolitical Wildcards; Victor Assesses the Markets (06/22)
Michael Snyder: The Economic Depression in Greece Deepens as Tsipras Prepares to Deliver ‘The Great No’ (06/19)
Tony Sagami: Margin Debt Bubble: A Day of Reckoning is Nigh (06/18)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Analysis of Secret Trade “Partnerships” (Pseudo Treaties) Which Bypass the Constitution (06/15)
Curmudgeon: Bubble Bubble on the Wall, Which is the Biggest Bubble of Them All? (06/14)
Curmudgeon: OECD Cuts Global Growth Forecasts for 2015 – Who or What is to Blame? (06/04)  
Octafinance: Margin Debt to GDP at NYSE More Than the Dot-Com Bubble High! (06/03)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Avago-Broadcom Deal Ignores Risks of Debt Propelled Acquisitions (06/01)

May 2015

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Are GDP and Productivity Understated or Overstated? Why it Matters! (05/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Trans Pacific Partnership: A Deal Made in Secret by the Devil? (05/18)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Deflation Trade Over; Commodities, Stocks and the Fed Inextricably Intertwined (05/11)
Curmudgeon: Share Buybacks Fuel Stock Market, Increase Debt and Lower Capital Expenditures and Growth (05/11)
Curmudgeon: Sleepless Nights for Leveraged Buyout Firms and Private Equity Investors/Saudi Arabia Postscript (05/06)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Iran Deal Revisted by Saudi and Gulf States – Possible Oil Shock? (05/04)

April 2015

Curmudgeon: Analysis of Weak GDP Report and Fed Talk the Talk (04/30)
Bill Bonner: Exactly When the Federal Reserve Will Launch QE4 (04/29)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Reflections on Our Short Term, Gambling Culture (04/27)
Pater Tenebrarum: Friday Never Happened – “Because of China”? (04/21)
Curmudgeon: IMF Warns of Market Blow Out With Liquidity Vanishing (04/20)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: What Will Trigger the Next Collapse of Fixed Income and Stocks? (04/20)
Curmudgeon: In Search of Unicorns and One-Trick Ponies: Bubble In Private Tech Start-Ups (04/13)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Historical Bubble and Burst Pattern (04/13)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Analysis of a Disappointing Jobs Report; Where Do Jobs Come From? (04/06)
Michael Snyder: If Anyone Doubts That We Are In a Stock Market Bubble, Show Them This Article (04/03)
The Nation: Inside the ‘Mother Bubble’, Central Banks Are Still Pumping (04/03)

March 2015

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: The Great Fed Robbery of “We the People” (03/30)
Alfonso Esparza: US Stock Market Drop Shows Fed Bubble Bursting (03/27)
Rob Williams: SocGen’s Edwards: Fed Rate Hike Will Be Too Late to Avert Disaster (03/24)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Double-Talk From the Fed and the Israel Elections (03/23)
John Riley: 30 Myths Investors Choose to Believe (03/18)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Trustworthy U.S. Government Needed For Real Economic Growth (03/16)
Alan Newman: Why the Stock Market Should Crash (03/12)
Charles Hugh Smith: Here’s How the Fed Blew It (03/11)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Iran Poses Huge Threat to World Stability and Markets/Revisiting “Gold Has Bottomed” (03/09)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: ISIS/IS and Islamic Fundamentalism Threaten Global Stability and the World Economy (03/02)

February 2015

John Crudele: Here’s What Janet Yellen Should Have Told Congress (02/26)
EconMatters: Janet Yellen Encourages More Levered Risk Taking in Markets (02/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Ukraine/Greece Follow-up and Audit the Fed (02/23)
Bryan Post: HUI Index: Bull Pullback or Bear Rally (Part 1) (02/17)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Eurozone Growth, Greece and Ukraine Hopes Send Stock Markets to New Multi-Year Highs (02/16)
John Riley: Going to Extremes – Cycle Tops and Bottoms (02/11)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Global Debt: Growing, Growing, Gone? (02/09)
Dian Chu: The Bond Market Has Reached Tulip Bubble Proportions (02/03)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Hyperinflation Versus Deflation; Explanation For Low Interest Rates (02/02)

January 2015

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Europe and the New World Order; Gold Has Bottomed! (01/26)
David Theroux: C.S Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism [Video] (01/21)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Financial Markets Roiled as SNB Ends Three-Year-Old Cap Against Euro (01/20)
John Hussman: The Line Between Rational Speculation and Market Collapse (01/16)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: High Valuations for IPOs and Private Tech Firms Imply This Time is Different (01/10)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: 2014 Recap and a Look Ahead to 2015 (01/06)
Adam Hamilton: Has the Fed Abandoned the Stock Market? (01/05)
Comstock Partners: This is Why the Fed Is Between a Rock and a Hard Place (01/02)

December 2014

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Cyber-attacks and Data Breaches Pose Huge Threat to U.S. Economy (12/29)
Stephen Roach: The Fed Sets Another Trap (12/24)

Bill Bonner: How the US Federal Reserve Makes Counterfeit Money (12/23)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Analysis and Economic Impact of U.S. and Cuba Rapprochement (12/22)
Berikan Komentar: Fed Caused Oil Crash, Stocks Next – Top Analyst (12/18)
Michael Snyder: Is This the Start of the Next Major Financial Crisis? (12/16)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: How Long Can Global Equities Continue to Ignore Deteriorating Economic Fundamentals? (12/15)
Bill Holter: Loss of Control: The Current Financial Bubble is Busting? (12/11)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Strong U.S. Jobs Report Masks Deeper Economic Problems (12/09)
Michael Pollaro: Does the Oil Price Collapse Put the High Yield Market at Risk? (12/02)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Oil Price Crash is a Double-Edged Sword (12/01)
Thomas Meyer: The Last Days of Pompeii (12/01)

November 2014

Tyler Durden: Veteran S&P Futures Trader: I am 100% Confident That Central Banks Are Buying S&P Futures (11/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Disappointing Global Growth and Illusion of an Infinite Economy (11/24)
Charles Hugh Smith: The Astonishing Rise of Central Bank Fear (11/24)
Greg Hunter: Peter Schiff: Confusing a Bubble For a Genuine Recovery (11/18)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: The Silence is Deafening: U.S. Stock Market Doesn’t Have a Care in the World? (11/17)
Michael Pollaro: The U.S. Money Supply Decelerates in October, the Risk of an Economic Bust Just Went Up (11/17)
Alan Newman: A Recipe For Disaster (11/13)
Michael Snyder: If Everything Is Just Fine, Why Are So Many Smart People Forecasting Economic Disaster? (11/12)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Politics of the Economy – After the Election (11/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Revisiting Dow Theory and Bank of Japan’s Shock and Awe (11/03)

October 2014

Tyler Durden: Alan Greenspan: QE Failed to Help the Economy, the Unwind Will Be Painful, “Buy Gold” (10/30)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is the Stock Market Correction Over? Ask the Fed! (10/27)
Michael Snyder: How Will the Stock Market React to the End of Quantitative Easing? (10/27)
John Aidan Byrne: Skittish Markets Push Fed to Continue QE (10/27)
Michael Pollaro: The End of QE3, Trouble Ahead For the Bulls? (10/23)
Jerome Roos: The Next Financial Crisis May Be Just Around the Corner (10/21)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Fed’s Janet Yellen on Income Inequality: Chutzpah to the 10th Power (10/20)
Amity Shlaes: The Other Bubble (10/17)
Richard Cameron: The Stock Market, QE and the Psychology of Asset Bubbles (10/17)
Wall Street Sector Selector: Fed Officials Jawbone Market (10/17)
Jesse Colombo: What’s the Panicky Stock Market’s Next Move? (10/16)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Review, Comment and Analysis of a Volatile Week in the Markets (10/13)
Michael Pollaro: Central Bank Credibility, the Equity Markets and Gold (10/13)
Bill Bonner: Dow Jones at 8,000 (10/10)
Nick Fletcher: Strategist Albert Edwards Warns Again Markey May Have Peaked (10/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Has the Gold Bull Market Ended With Friday’s Close Below $1,200? (10/06)
Michael Pollaro: Draghi Firing Up the Inflation Engine, But Will it Work? (10/03)

September 2014

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Low Volatility Risk in the Market and New BIS Warning (09/29)
Ty Andros: When Leverage Fails and Hope Turns to Fear [PDF] (09/26)
Michael Pollaro: The Bigger the Boom the Bigger the Bust (09/26)
Ryan Detrick: Households Most Bullish [On] Stocks Since 2000: Crash Redux? (09/25)
Alan Gula: Stock Market Breadth Signals Correction Ahead (09/24)
Christopher Funston: Desperate Acts to Retain the Paper Monetary System (09/23)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: What Me Worry? Bullish Sentiment and Complacency Reach All-time Highs (09/21)
Michael Snyder: The Dow and S&P 500 Soar to Irrational Heights – Meanwhile he Ultra-wealthy Rush to Buy Gold Bars (09/19)
Bill Bonner: The Party Has Gotten Out of Hand (09/18)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Save Havens No More: Gold and Bonds Drop Despite Rising Geopolitical Tensions (09/15)
Mac Salvo: On the Brink of a Major Crisis (09/10)
Victor Sperandeo/ Curmudgeon: Deflation in Commodities and Managed Futures Plus an Updated Hyperinflation Forecast (09/08)
Michael Snyder: Most People Don’t Believe it, But We Are Right On Schedule For the Next Financial Crash (09/05)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Deflation Threat in Europe, Failed Policies and a Possible Solution (09/01)

August 2014

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: How Long Will Stock Buybacks Fuel the Bull Market? (08/25)
Richard Ebeling: Federal Reserve Policies Cause Booms and Bust (08/20)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Japan’s Sharp Drop in 2nd Quarter Proves Abenomics Has Failed (08/18)
EFT Daily News: Why the U.S. Economy’s Bubble of False Prosperity Is About To Burst (08/15)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: U.S. Regional Income Inequality Hits All-Time High (08/14)
Martin Schoenfeld: Inflation is Worse Than the Fed Recognizes (08/12)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Fed Report Shows Majority of Americans Have Not Recovered From Great Recession (08/11)
Kevin Grace: Jason Hamlin Says Gold Is Unstoppable, With Stocks Leading the Way (08/07)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Behind the Numbers of Last Week’s Big Economic Reports (08/04)
Washington Times: Editorial: Another Economic Bubble About to Burst? (08/04)

July 2014

Toby Conner: Are We Sowing the Seeds of the Next Depression? (07/31)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Financial Engineering Continues Unchecked – Stocks Love It! (07/26)
Michael Lombardi: How Many Warnings Can You Give? (07/22)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Has the U.S. Economy Rebounded From the “Bad Winter” GDP Decline? (07/21)
Alan Newman: Déjà vu (07/17)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Many Threats to U.S. Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency (07/14)
Andrew Moran: Marc Faber: Asset Bubble to Burst, U.S. Economy Not Improving (07/11)
Anthony Mirhaydari: The Fed Nears its Day of Reckoning (07/10)
Michael Snyder: Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere: How Much Time Before They Burst (07/10)
Arthur Bris: Eight Ways a New Global Crisis Will Hit Us by 2015 (07/10)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Global Assets in a Synchronized Bubble (07/09)John Rubino: Money Bubble Will Pop (07/08)
Gil Weinreich: Hussman: Exit Stocks Now! (07/08)
Curmudgeon: Strong Job Gains, Prospects For a Fed Rate Hike, BIS Warning, and Other Opinions (07/06)
Jesse Colombo: These 23 Charts Prove That Stocks Are Heading For a Devastating Crash (07/02)
EFT Daily News: Only a Matter of Time Till the Whole Mess Comes Crashing Down (07/01)

June 2014

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Junk Bonds, Hot IPO Market, and “Unexpected Events” Compared (06/30)
Shayne Hefferman: Janet Yellen, The Fed and a System of Lies (06/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: It’s a One Decision Market (06/23)
Mike Felton: Markets are in Party Mode, but the Music’s About to Stop (06/19)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Why Hasn’t Central Bank Monetary Stimulus Caused Inflation? (06/16)
Anthony Mirhaydari: How Long Will Market Mania Last? (06/11)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Moral Hazard 2.0: Why Work When You Can Earn 30% in the Market? (06/09)
Andreas Kappes: The Right to Forget the Stock Market’s Blemished Past (06/03)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: US Economy Stuck in the Muck and Profits are Declining (06/01)

May 2014

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Assessment of Easy Money and Fed Exit Strategy (05/27)

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Low Global Yields, Weak Economies, the ECB and “Game Changer” Elections in Europe (05/19)

 Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Geopolitical Risk and European Elections May Undermine Fed (05/12)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Was Friday’s Job Report Bullish, Bearish, or Irrelevant for the U.S. Economy? (05/05)

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Shocking US Jobs Data Impugns Recovery, Fed Tapering (05/05)

April 2014

Dave Skarica: This Market Is Looking a Lot Like 1937 (04/30)
Curmudgeon: Managed Earnings, Tech Bubble Talk, and IPOs With No Earnings (04/28)
Paul Ebeling: Schiff: Over 60% of Americans Will Lose Everything In Coming Crisis (04/23)
Dunstan Prial: Yellen Still Mum on Bubbles (04/22)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Politics of the U.S. Economy and Global Trend Towards Socialism (04/21)
Jonathan Laing: Questioning the Bulls’ Faith (04/21)
Michael Lombardi: Chances of a Total Collapse In Stock Prices Are Increasing (04/16)
JT Long: When the Major Equity Market Bubble Crashes, Michael Berry Will Take Refuge in Gold Stocks (04/15)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo:  How Does the Bull Market Look Now? (04/14)
David Calloway: Bond Market Just May Collapse (04/14)
John Ficenec: Ten Warning Signs We Could Be Headed For a Crash (04/11)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Assessment and Perspective of High Frequency Trading (HFT) (04/08)
Doug Short: NYSE Margin Debt Hits Another Record High (04/01)
Chris Plummer: Nifty Fifty: A Forgotten Stock Bubble (04/01)

March 2014

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo:  How Long Can Profits Continue to Outpace Sales, Productivity, and GDP Growth? (03/30)
Michael Ide: Grantham Predicts A Bust ‘Unlike Any Other’ (03/27)
David Nichols: The 64-Month Bubble Pattern (03/26)
Prashanth Perumal: The Coming Bust In US Stocks (03/25)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo:  U.S. Personal Consumption and Income Down While Inequality Widens Sharply (03/23)
Pano Mourdoukoutas: Wall Street Sell-off – A Scary Chart (03/20)
Dan Weil: Bubbles Abound in Stock, Real Estate Markets (03/20)
Wolf Richter: Will the Last Bear Turn Out the Lights? (03/18)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo:  Has Russia Sold US Dollars to Prepare For Sanctions (03/17)
Adam Shell: Record Margin Debt Poses Risk For Bull Market (03/13)
Valentin Schmid: Peter Schiff: US Economy ‘Screwed Up,’ Stock Market a Bubble (03/12)
Lance Roberts: Warning: 10 Signs of Stock Market Exuberance (03/12)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: U.S. Economic Lies, Bad Weather (?), and China’s Yuan as World Reserve Currency (03/10)
Valentin Schmid: The Secret Reason Behind Gold’s 2014 Rise (03/06)
Martin Weiss: Truth and Consequences of Fed Money Printing (03/04)
Alan Newman: The Way History Usually Looks (03/03)
Doug Short: NYSE Margin Debt Hits Another All-Time High (03/03)

February 2014

Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Market Ignores Bad Economic Numbers as Ineffective Government Policies Impede Growth (02/24)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: High Frequency Trading Firms Push Speed Limits in Risky New Arms Race (02/18)
Thomas Meyer: Economic Train Wreck Ahead (02/13)
Jeff Seymour: Relax. This Crash is Not Like 1929 (02/12)
Gold Silver Worlds: Jim Rickards: Target Gold Price Between $7,000 and $9,000 (02/11)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is Bad News Really Good News for the Market...or is Something Else at Work? (02/10)
Ashley Downs: Marc Faber: Better Places to be Than the Stock Market in Short Term (02/06)
Jesse Colombo: Stocks Have Experience a Major Technical Breakdown (02/04)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Is Deflation Really the Problem or Will Hyper-Inflation Begin in 2014? (02/03)
John Tammy: Bernanke Reached the Fed Under False Pretense, and Departs a Failure (02/03)

January 2014

Michael Lombardi: The Great Collapse Back to Reality Begins (01/31)
Peter Schiff: After Bernanke, More Turbulence (01/30)
Ross Gerber: Of Tulips, Twitter and Other Bubble Phenomena (01/29)
Toby Conner: The Most Dangerous Chart in the World (01/28)
Porter Stanberry: 4 Charts & then End of the Bernanke Bubble (01/24) 
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Tech Bubble 2.0 Will End Badly Just Like the First Tech Bubble (01/21)
EconMatters: Federal Reserve Overstepped Bounds with Monetary Policy (01/16)
Mamta Badkar: Marc Faber: We’re in a Gigantic Financial Asset Bubble That Could Burst Any Day (01/15)
Joe Weisenthal: The Only Time Stocks Have Been More Expensive is the Tech Bubble, Warns Goldman Sachs (01/14)
David Hague: Sex, Drugs, and Derivatives (01/14)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Fed in Massive Denial of Bubble Creation with No Plan to Deal with Aftershocks (01/13)
Graham Summers: The Coming Epic Collapse of the Bond Bubble (01/09)
Bert Dohmen: The Most Reliable Indicator of an Approaching Market Top (01/07)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Trend Towards Socialism as THE Economic Problem of our Times! (01/06)

December 2013

Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: 2013 Wrap-Up and Invitation to Vote on Your Favorite Article (12/30)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: China’s Cash Crunch Threatens Shadow Banking Shock (12/30)
Toby Conner: Expect a Market Collapse (12/27)
Michael Snyder: The Stock Market Has Officially Entered Crazytown Territory (12/27)
Curmudgeon: Record Margin Debt and Undocumented Additional Leverage in the Market (12/24)
John Crudele: When Fed Takes Stock, Fed Really Takes Stock (12/24)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Market Manipulation Still Ignored by Mainstream Media (12/23)
Stephen Lendman: Bracing for an Eventual Day of Reckoning (12/20)
Michael Lombardi: Bubbles: What Happens When Absolute Insanity Prevails? (12/19)
Jesse Colombo: Here’s Why the Stock Market Bubble Deniers Are Completely Wrong (12/18)
Michael Lombardi: Burning Money at the Rate of $113 Billon a Month; How Can They Stop Printing? (12/17)
Martin Hutchinson: Mississippi Bitcoin (12/17)
Michael Snyder: How Far Will The S&P 500 Fall When Quantitative Easing Ends? (12/11)
David Hague: NSA Inks Landmark Deal to Share Information With Central Banks [Satire] (12/10)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: How to View Gold and Why It Might Be Bottoming Now! (12/09)
Valentin Schmid: Bill Laggner Sees Trouble For Stocks in 2014 (12/05)
Phillip Baker: Cheap Money Means Risk Is Mispriced, Says Pimco Boss Bill Gross (12/04)
Yves Smith: Many Signs That Values Are Too High (12/03)
Patrick MontesDeOca: Time to Pop the Fed Bubble? (12/03)
Curmudgeon: Economic Growth Forecasts Lowered; SOGEN Says Profit Downturn to Cause U.S. Recession (12/02)

November 2013

Alex Rosenberg: The Fed Has Created a Huge Global Bubble: Stockman (11/27)
Steven Russolillo: Another Bear Falls by the Wayside (11/27)
Michael Lombardi: The Biggest Stock Market Bubble in History? (11/26)
Comstock Partners: Most Signs Point to a Significant Market Decline Ahead (11/22)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Rebuttal to Paul Krugman’s “A Permanent Slump” and “Secular Stagnation” Views (11/21)
Anthony Mirhaydari: Dow 16,000 Won’t Last (11/20)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: The Great Disconnect Revisited; ACA Impact on the Economy and Equities (11/18)
Comstock Partners: The Same Old Speculation in a New Guise (11/15)
MyBudget360: The Froth Before Another Stock Market Crisis (11/15)
Michael Lombardi: Warning: Stock Market Margin (Borrowing) Reaches All-Time High (11/14)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Another U.S. Government Ponzi Scheme Exposed: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (11/11)
Paul Ebeling: The US Fed Is Creating the Mother of All Bubbles (11/11)
Alan Newman: Stubborn Streak (11/09)
Jesse Colombo: Twitter’s IPO Is More Proof That Tech Is In A Massive Bubble (11/08)
Curmudgeon/Victor Sperandeo: Have Calls for a Stock Market Melt-up Already Been Answered? (11/07)
EconMatters: Bubble That Everyone Admits is a Bubble (11/06)
Sam Ro: Here’s a Sign That Stock Market Investors Are Totally Nuts (11/05)
Victor Sperandeo/Curmudgeon: Increasing U.S. Debt, Interest Payments, and Why It Matters Now! (11/04)
Michael Lombardi: What Really Bothers Me About This Stock Market (11/04)

October 2013

Valentin Schmid: Fed Can’t Taper, Now, Or in the Future (10/31)
John Crudele: The Markets Will Crash, the Question is ‘When?’ (10/31)
The Curmudgeon:Bad News Bulls Ignore Falling Confidence While Stock Market Bubble Inflates (10/28)
Lance Roberts: The Stock Market Is Pushing Deviation Extremes (10/28)
Gareth Soloway: A Prediction of Epic Proportions: Stock Market Crash Coming (10/25)
Comstock Partners: Central Banks Are All Increasing Their Balance Sheets (10/25)
Hamilton Nolan: Oh No, Alan Greenspan Says the Stock Market Will Keep Going Up (10/24)
Rich Danker: Yellen Undermines Quest For Financial Stability (10/23)
Panos Mourdoukoutas: What Will End the Wall Street Bubble? (10/23)
Matthew Belvedere: Faber: Fed Could Up QE to $1 Trillion a Month (10/22)
The Curmudgeon: Perspective on a Never Ending Bull Market (10/21)
Gregory Zuckerman: Top Bear’s Bullish Tilt Has Followers Growling (10/21)
Bill Hall: Dow Jones Industrial Average: Are Investors Completely Delusional? (10/17)
Herb Greenwood: Fleckenstein to Restart Short Fund (10/15)
The Curmudgeon: Is the U.S. Becoming a Banana Republic? (10/14)
Jesse Colombo: Why Stocks Are Undoubtedly Experiencing a Massive Bubble (10/09)
The Curmudgeon: Who Wins and Who Loses in Government Shutdown and Debt Ceiling Battles (10/07)
John Hussman: Market Valuations Are ‘Obscene’ (10/01)

September 2013

The Curmudgeon: Small Cap Stocks Bubble Despite Weak GDP and Modest Earnings (09/30)
Profit Confidential: If You’re Worried About Your Gold Stocks, This Will Make You Feel Better (09/27)
John Nyaradi: We’ve Got Bubbles, We’ve Got Troubles (09/26)
Michael Lombardi: If the Economy is Improving, Why is This Happening? (09/24)
The Curmudgeon: Is the Fed a No Risk Hedge Fund or Ponzi Scheme? (09/23)
Kenn Jacobine: QE 3 Can Never End (09/23)
Michael Lombardi: I Don’t Know Whether to Laugh or Cry (09/23)
The Curmudgeon: Despite Pledge, Bernanke’s Fed Has a Total Lack of Transparency (09/20)
Allister Heath: Sorry, Investors, But Ben Bernanke Has Got It Totally Wrong (09/19)
Dr. Chris Martenson: Fed Shocker: No Taper (09/19)
Jeff Seymour: Bernanke Kicks Can (09/19)
Martin Weiss: Why Interest Rates Will Explode Again (09/17)
The Curmudgeon: Who’s to Blame For Growing U.S. Income Inequality? (09/16)
Hunter Lewis: Even By Keynesian Standards, Ben Bernanke Has Been a Dreadful Failure (09/13)
Barbara Rehm: Fed Insiders Bolster New Film Slamming Easy-Money Policies (09/12)
The Curmudgeon: Latest Jobs Reports Shows Economy Has Not Recovered From Great Recession [addendum by Victor Sperandeo] (09/11)
Bill Fleckenstein: Is the End of an Error Coming Soon? (09/09)
Jeff Nielson: The New Gold Myth (09/06)
The Curmudgeon: Gold Market Manipulation, Syria Attack, and a Constitutional Question (09/03)
James Gruber: Is the Cult of Central Bankers Unraveling? (09/03)

August 2013

Liz Peek: How Krugman Got it Wrong on the Markets and Tapering (08/28)
Michael Lombardi: Margin Debt On The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Is At A Record (08/27)
The Curmudgeon: Q&A On Gold—Past, Present, and Future (08/26)
Bill Fleckenstein: Fed Problems: What’s Past is Prologue (08/26)
Bill Bonner: US Market Crash Alert! (08/23)
Nick Santiago: Could the Fed’s Balance Sheet Be the Mother of All Bubbles? (08/23)
Mike Shedlock: Troubled Currencies – And There are Lots of Them (08/22)
Keith Fitz-Gerald: This Could Trigger a Major Sell-Off For the Stock Market (08/20)
Bill Fleckenstein: Valuing the Invaluable (08/19)
Lee Jackson: Does Highest Ever Margin Debt Create Perfect Storm for a Stock Market Crash? (08/13)
The Curmudgeon: Misleading U.S. Economic Data Obscures a Struggling Recovery (08/12)
Bill Fleckenstein: Too-easy Money Makes Market Too Risky (08/12)
Michael Gerson: America’s Bubble of Complacency (08/09)
John Maudlin: The Stock Market is Astoundingly Expensive And We Could Have a Historic Crash (08/05)
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Hiding Economic Depression With Spin (08/02)
John Morgan: Hussman: Look for a Stock Market Plummet of as Much as 55 Percent (08/01)

July 2013

The Curmudgeon: 1987 Stock Market Crash Versus Today’s Market (07/31)
The Curmudgeon: Middle Class and Small Business are Victims of Fed Monetary Policy (07/29)
Michael Snyder: 7 Charts That Prove That the Stock Market Has Become Completely Divorced From Reality (07/29)
EconMatters: The Bernanke Conundrum (07/25)
Matthias Chang: FED’s Propaganda On Deflation, Inflation & Bubbles (07/25)
John Morgan: Bill Fleckenstein: Today’s Fed Stimulus Is a Replay of 1920s Economic Programs (07/24)
Lance Roberts: What is a “Liquidity Trap” and Why is Bernanke Caught in it? (07/22)
Liz Peek: Is Bernanke Blowing Smoke, or Bubbles? (07/22)
Manuel Hinds: The Fed’s Illusory Policies Are Paving the Way For a Market Collapse Worse than 2008 (07/18)
The Curmudgeon: Picking Up Nickels in Front of a Steam Roller (07/16)
Bill Fleckenstein: Bernanke Uses His Words (07/16)
Terrence Burnham: Ben Bernanke as Easter Bunny: Why the Fed Can’t Prevent the Coming Crash (07/15)
David Hague: My Excellent Adventure at the Federal Reserve Headquarters (07/15)
Toby Conner: Is the Inflationary Phase Finally Here? (07/15)
Bill Wilson: Bernanke’s QE Trap (07/11)
Stephen Hume: A Short History of North America’s Financial Panics (07/11)
The Curmudgeon: Lurking Dangers in ETFs During a Stock Market Sell-Off (07/09)
The Curmudgeon: Highlights of the Atlas Summit (07/08)
Alan Newman: Dollar Trading Volume Rising (07/08)
Michael Snyder: The Federal Reserve Is Paying Banks NOT To Lend 1.8 Trillion Dollars To The American People (07/02)
Bill Fleckenstein: Wall St. is Like a Box of Chocolates (07/02)
The Curmudgeon: Has America Become a Socialist Country? (07/01)
Toby Conner: Is the Bubble Phase About to Begin? (07/01)
Nathan Lewis: For Suggesting An End To QE, The Bernanke Fed Is Likely Stuck With QE (07/01)

June 2013

Kenn Jacobine: If You Liked the Great Recession, You’ll Love Ben Bernanke’s New Plans (06/28)
The Curmudgeon: BIS Warns Central Banks to Stop Easy Money While U.S. GDP Disappoints Again (06/27)
David Hague: A Modest Proposal (06/26)
Mac Salvo: Marc Faber aka Dr. Doom: S&P 500 Index Could Fall 20% to 30% Easily (06/26)
John Crudele: Dow’s Brush With Disaster Is Just The Beginning (06/25)
The Curmudgeon: Real Estate Rebound Won’t Last Without Fed’s QE (06/24)
David Nelson/Dan Weil: ‘Big Trouble’ Ahead – Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Consumption (06/24)
My Budget 360: The Fed Has Built a Financial Pyramid Based on Unsustainable Low Rates (06/21)
Paul Toscano: Santelli to Fed: ‘What Are You Afraid Of?’ (06/20)
Michael Snyder: S&P 500: Spike in Margin Debt Could Signal a Stock Market Crash Ahead (06/19)
The Curmudgeon: How the Fed Starves the Economy While Inflating Assets [Addendum] (06/18)
The Curmudgeon: Fed’s QE Fattens Financial Markets, but the Economy Still Starves (06/17)
Adam Shell: Stock Shrink: Market Heading For Severe Correction (06/17)
Bob Adelmann: Central Banks’ Bubble Bursting, Sending Markets Down Worldwide (06/14)
The Curmudgeon: “Goldilocks” Jobs Report Great For Wall Street But Only So-So For Main Street (06/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Fed’s ‘Taper’ and Other Fairy Tales (06/10)
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud: How the Bernanke Asset Bubble Ends (06/06)
Gil Weinreich: PIMCO’s Gross Warns: Get Out of Market, Fed’s QE Chemo Treatment Failing (06/06)
Michael Snyder: 18 Signs That Massive Economic Problems Exist (06/04)
The Curmudgeon: Most of America Is Still in a Bear Market (06/03)
Bill Fleckenstein: It’s All One Trade (06/03)
Toby Conner: Why Stocks and Gold are About to Reverse Course (06/03)

May 2013

Felix Moreno: Jim Rogers: “Nobody Gets Out of This Situation Until There’s a Crisis (05/31)
Ben Eisen: Pimco’s Gross Says ‘Bernanke Has a Lost a Little Control’ (05/30)
Toby Conner: Stock Bubble: Wait For It To Pop (05/29)
The Curmudgeon: Margin Debt is a Double-Edge Sword (05/28)
Brady Willett: Funny Money Turns Serious (05/28)
Jake Zamansky: It Feels Like Yet Another Bubble (5/24)
Michael Snyder: What Happens When the Greatest Economic Bubble In History Pops? (05/23)
Sam Ro: Richard Russell: “I’m Outright Bullish On the Market” (05/22)*
The Curmudgeon: Steep Fall in Money Velocity Continues Despite Fed’s Monetary Stimulus (05/20)
Doug Noland: Financial Euphoria (05/20)
Vern Gowdie: How to Preserve ‘Family Wealth’ in a Secular Bear Market (05/15)
Bill Fleckenstein: Central Bankers Out of Their Depth (05/14)
Doug Noland: Electronic Blindness (05/13)
The Curmudgeon: Long Secular Bull Market In Bonds Could Be Ending (05/11)
Wall Street Window: Ben Bernanke Is Creating a Disaster Once Again With Obama’s Blessing (05/10)
Bloomberg: Alan Abelson, Barron’s Magazine Writer, Editor, Dies at 87 (05/10)
Abby Joseph: Why I Feel It’s 2007 All Over Again (05/09) [fixed]
Shawn Tully: Stocks Are Too Expensive (05/07)
The Curmudgeon: Friday’s Jobs Report NOT Overwhelmingly Bullish! Majority of Reports This Week Were Negative! (05/06)
Gary Gately: David Stockman: Thanks to the Fed, We’re in “Monetary Fantasyland” (05/01)

April 2013

Nouriel Roubini: Fed Will Need Impeccable Timing to Avoid a Crash or a Bubble (04/30)
The Curmudgeon: Year Low in Ten-Year Treasury Signals Trouble Ahead For Economy and Stocks (04/29)
Business Insider: The World’s First Stock Market Crash Happened Nearly 300 Years Ago (04/29)
Sy Harding: Warning Signs For the Stock Market Are Becoming Ominous (04/23)
The Curmudgeon: Euphoric Bullish Sentiment on Wall Street Contrasts With Economic Pessimism on Main Street! (04/22)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Bears Suddenly Appear, More Emboldened Than Ever (04/22)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Panic!?! (04/22)
Kevin Villani: Stockman’s Right – U.S. Is Setting Stage For New Financial Crisis (04/19)
Michael Snyder: History Tells Us That a Gold Crash + An Oil Crash = Guaranteed Recession (04/18)
John Nyaradi: Five Big Bears Growl (04/18)
Nick Barisheff: The Gold Takedown: Another Glimpse into the Central Banking Matrix (04/17)
Toby Conner: Is Gold Setting the Stage For a Bubble Phase? (04/17)
Marc Faber: Major Low In Gold Within the Next Couple Weeks (04/16)
The Curmudgeon: U.S. Economy Continues to Show Cracks While Fed Pushes on a String! (04/15)
Jeff Nielson: The “New Normal”: Sedating the Sheep (04/15)
Toby Conner: We Are Now Getting Deep Into the Euphoria Phase (04/12)
Comstock Partners: Blind Faith in the Fed is Not Enough (04/12)
The Curmudgeon: Fewer Stocks Matching the Dow and S&P 500’s New Record Highs (04/11)
Alan Guebert: Beware the Coming Market Calamity (04/11)
Michael Snyder: Why Are The Banksters Telling Us To Sell Our Gold When They Are Hoarding Gold Like Crazy? (04/11)
Lauren: U.S. Stock Market Is ‘Overvalued, Overbought and Overbullish’: John Hussman (04/10)
Dawn Bennett: U.S. Stock Market’s Irrational Exuberance (04/09)
The Curmudgeon: Employment, Treasuries, and Junk Bonds Indicate Trouble For Economy and Markets (04/08)
Michael Lombardi: Two New Super Bubbles Created Thanks to Easy Money Policies (04/05)
Theodore Andros: Witches Brew: Part 4 – Reality Bites [pdf] (04/05)
Peter Tanous: Blast From the Future on the Crash of 2015 (04/05)
Edward Morissey: A Food Stamp Recovery Is the New Normal (04/04)
Michael Synder: Financial Collapse Inevitable as the Derivatives Bubble Grows (04/03)
The Curmudgeon: Stock Market Bears Frustrated by Record Highs Despite Struggling U.S. Economy (04/02)

March 2013

The Curmudgeon: S&P 500 at All Time High as “Economic Recovery” Stalls: Great Disconnect Part III (03/29) Marc Faber Fears Systemic Crisis, Stock Collapse (03/28)
Brady Willett: The Central Bank Lullaby (03/26)
The Curmudgeon: Market Now Unconcerned About Fiscal Cliff As Fed Pumping Accelerates (03/25)
Mac Slavo: Why a Pan-Global Collapse Is Inevitable (03/22)
Michael Pento: Equity Bubble Based On Unsustainable Earnings (03/20)
Michael Pollaro: US Government Debt Monetization Watch, The Fed Leads the Charge (03/19)
Sheldon Richmond: The Dow Jones Is Lying (03/19)
Bill Fleckenstein: Is Gold Ready to Turn? (03/18)
Evan Simonoff: Ron Paul Calls For ‘Total’ Liberty; Disparages Buy and Hold (03/14)
Paul Farrell: What We Need in a Leader: Fed, CEO, or Pope (03/13)
Bill Fleckenstein: Waiting for the Recognition (03/11)
Robert Smith: America’s Game…Three Card Monte (03/11)
The Curmudgeon: New Highs as Great Disconnect Continues: Part II (03/10)
Ryan Chittum: Dow 36,000, Just Around the Corner (Again) (03/08)
Louis James: Why Bond Market Bulls Are About to Get Crushed (03/07)
Andrew Tangle: Some See Dow Headed For 20,000 (03/07)*
The Curmudgeon: New Highs as Great Disconnect Continues: Part I (03/06)
Daniel Barbeau: The Fed’s Bursting Bubbles (03/05)
Chris Martenson: Warning: Stocks Likely to Crater From Here (03/04)
Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Easy Money Will End in Tears, Allan Meltzer Says (03/04)
Michael Pollaro: Chairman Bernanke, Price Inflation is the Least of Your Problems (03/02)

February 2013

Dan Weil: Bill Fleckenstein: Debt Represents a ‘Cancer’ For US (02/28)
First Trust Advisors: Fed Will Make Excuses About Inflation (02/27)
Steve Miller: Bernanke’s Bubble: Setting Up the Next Bear Market (02/26)
Washington Times: The Fed’s Bubble Fuel (02/25)
The Curmudgeon: Could Deteriorating Economic Fundamentals Overwhelm the Fed’s Printing Press? (02/22)
Comstock Partners: The Real Danger of the Fed’s Easy Monetary Policy is Not the Risk of Hyperinflation (02/22)
Dian Chu: The Stock Market is a Giant Ponzi Scheme (02/21)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Third Stage of Economic Grief (02/20)
Alan Newman: Secular Unwind to Continue (02/18)
Cullen Roche: Warren Buffett’s Favorite Valuation Metric Has Breached the 100% Level (02/14)
Caroline Baum: Real Risk-Takers Are the Folks at the Federal Reserve (02/14)
MyBudget360: How Regular Stock Investors are Horrible at Market Timing (02/13)
Barbara Kollmeyer: Gold at $5,000 and Beyond: Peter Schiff Sticks to his Call (02/13)
The Curmudgeon: Companies are Worried About U.S. Economy, but not Wall Street or Economists! (02/12)
Bill Fleckenstein: Somber Warnings From Proven Prophets (02/11)
Michael Snyder: Why Are Wall Street Insiders Making Huge Bearish Bets? (02/08)
Wes Goodman: Jim Rogers Joins Bill Gross Warning on Treasuries (02/08)
Bloomberg: ‘Be Very Afraid When Fear Disappears From the Markets’ (02/06)
Comstock Partners: New Secular Bull Market or another Fake-Out? (02/05)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Great Fake Rally of 2013 (02/04)

January 2013

Matthew Melchiorre: Value Destroyers Like Bernanke Fancy Themselves Magician Economists (01/30)
Michael Pollaro: The Next Great(er) Recession Now Baked in the Cake? (01/29)
Adam Hamilton: High Stock Complacency (01/29)
The Curmudgeon: Central Bank Largesse Fuels Global Stock Market Rally [corrected chart] (01/29)
Comstock Partners: The Consumer, the Debt, and Competitive Devaluations (01/25)
Scott Thrum: The $500 Billion Curse: Apple is Not Alone (01/25)
Martin Weiss: The Next Great Bubble About to Collapse (01/24)
Pater Tenebrarum: U.S. Stock Market – No Worries? (01/24)
Peter Schiff: Rebuts Larry Swedroe on Gold: You’re the Broken Clock (01/22)
John Rubino: How the Next Collapse Will Play Out; Protect With Gold and Silver (01/17)
Brady Willett: 2013: Build Me a Crisis, One Dollar at a Time (01/15)
Jared Cummings: Why Marc Faber Will Never Stop Buying Gold (01/15)
The Curmudgeon: Overly Optimistic Stock Market Sentiment Flashes Warning Sign! (01/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Central Bank Money-Printing Party (01/14)
Phil Oakley: How to Prepare For the Bond Bubble Bursting (01/10)
Dian Chu: Stocks Set to Fall As 4th Quarter Earnings Will Be An Unmitigated Disaster (01/08)
Bill Fleckenstein: Brand-new Year, Same Old Saga (01/07)
The Curmudgeon: 2012 Stock Market Rise Fueled by Supply/Demand Dynamics & Fed Induced Liquidity (01/04)
Bill Gross: There Are Inflationary Consequences to Endless QE (01/04)

December 2012

The Curmudgeon: China Threatens U.S. Economic Supremacy (12/24)
Lawrence Meyers: How to Survive the QE Asset Bubble (12/21)
Lee Alder: Last Week’s Unemployment Claims Data Was Not Good News (12/20)
Martin Weiss: Era of Monetary EXPLOSION Will Bring the Worst Inflation of Our Lifetimes (12/19)
Robert Samuelson: The Fed Rolls the Dice (12/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: Fed Drops the Pretense, Buys Bonds (12/18)
The Curmudgeon: Another Stock Market Myth Debunked—Earnings Don’t Drive Stock Prices! (12/17)
Alexander Green: Bonds: Investors Are About to Get a Spanking (12/12)
Eric Parnell: Stimulus Kings: Coronation Day For Gold and Silver This Week (12/11)
The Curmudgeon: GDP Growth Likely to Stagnate, Even if Fiscal Cliff is Avoided (12/10)
Ty Andros: TedBits Newsletter: December 2012 – Volume 1 [PDF] (12/06)
David Zeiler: My Long Term Target Is $5,000 for Gold and $250 for Silver Prices (12/06)

November 2012

Kerry Rodgers: John Law’s ‘Mississippi Bubble’ (11/28)
Gold Silver Worlds: Dow Jones to Gold Price Ratio Near Decade Low (11/28)
Bill Fleckenstein: New Face, Old Thinking for the Fed? (11/27)
Steve Stanek: Our Money Managed by Mr. Bubble, Ben Bernanke (11/23)
David Hague: Global Crisis: There is an App for That (11/19)
The Curmudgeon: Market No Longer a Discounting Mechanism-Maybe it Never Was! (11/16)
Adam Hamilton: Big Inflation Coming 3 (11/12)
Jared Cummans: Jim Rogers: Money Printing Will Run Amok (11/12)
Bear Market Tracker: October’s 5-Year High Does Not Bode Well For Bulls (11/09)
Jeb Handwerger: Be Prepared For Gold and Silver Prices to Rally After U.S. Election (11/08)
William Patalon III: The Secret Return to the “Gold Standard” (11/06)

October 2012

Ty Andros: Counterfeit Economies, Waves of Insolvency, Canaries in the Coalmine…(10/29) [PDF]
Bill Fleckenstein: Election Aside, We’re Stuck With Big Ben (10/29)
Ryan Fuhrmann: Jim Rogers, Jeremy Grantham, and John Paulson’s Gold Price Predictions For 2013 (10/24)
The Curmudgeon: No Win Scenario for the U.S. Economy? (10/19) [fixed]
Nick Barisheff: The Destruction of Currency and Rise of Gold (10/19)
MarketWatch: 10 Greatest Market Crashes (10/18)
David Zeiler: Art Cashin: We’re Certainly At a Flashing Yellow Alert On Hyperinflation (10/17)
Drew Sandholm: Pimco’s Bill Gross Makes the Case for Dividends, Gold (10/17)
Nathan Lewis: Let it be Known That no Financial Crisis Was Ever Caused by Stable Money (10/16)
David Hague: An Interview with a Central Banker: ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ (10/16)
Myra Saefong: Gold’s Primed For a Breakout, But Where to? (10/16)
Bill Fleckenstein: Believe the Jobs Report or Apple? (10/15)
Chris Vermeulen: Bill Gross Says Gold Will Thrive In ‘Ring of Fire’ (10/12)
Alan Newman: HFT Wins, Investors Lose (10/11)
Economics Fanatic: Justifying Gold Prices From a Money Creation Perspective (10/09)
Caroline Baum: Federal Reserve Repeats Mistakes of Great Depression (10/08)
Mike Williams: Gold About to Breakout Toward $2,000 (10/05)
Michael Synder: Warnings That a Massive Stock Market Crash Is Imminent (10/04)
Peter Schiff: The Fed Plays All Its Cards (10/03)
Bill Fleckenstein: Fight the Fed by Owning Gold (10/02)

September 2012

Martin Hutchinson: The Real DOW is at 8,800 Right Now (09/28)
Jared Cummans: Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff Rip Ben Bernanke and the Fed (09/27)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: The Coming Gold Bubble: An Intermarket Explanation (09/27)
Oliver Pursche: It’s Not Different This Time: The Dow Theory (09/26)
Bill Fleckenstein: Fed Pulls Out the Bazooka (09/24)
Comstock Partners: The Deleveraging of the Two Most Outrageous Financial Manias in History (09/21)
Eric McWhinnie: The Fed’s Balance Sheet Puts Gold and Silver on the Warpath (09/20)
GuruFocus: US Market Now Traded Above 100% of GDP for the Third Time Since 1970 (09/20)
Ed Dolan: Could QE3 Cause the Fed to go Broke? (09/20)
Martin Hutchinson: Helicopter Ben Bernanke: The Problem With QE1, QE2, QE3, and QE Infinity (09/19)
James Turk: Hyperinflation Watch: Cyclical or Structural? (09/18)
Robert Kulak: Ben Bernanke Leads the Fed in High Risks With Little Payback (09/17)
Richard Finger: Mr. Bernanke Lacks the Courage to do the Right Thing (09/17)
Daryl Montgomery: The New Era of Inflation Investing Has Begun (09/14)
Jeff Macke: QE3 Will Make the Fed “Look Like Fools Again” Says Jim Rogers (09/13)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Jim Rogers and Marc Faber Agree, Bombs Away (09/11)
Doug Noland: Diverging Like It’s 1929 (09/10)
Daniel Bledsoe: ‘Hair of the Dog’ Not Sound Monetary Policy (09/06)
John Melloy: It’s Coming: One Pro Sees Big Stock Selloff in 10 Days (09/05)

August 2012

Craig Stirling/Mark Deen: Roach Says Bernanke Shouldn’t Be Reappointed as Fed Chief (08/31)
Matt Egan: As Fed Ponders QE3, Unintended Side Effects Loom (08/31)
Will Bancroft: Detlev Schlichter: More QE Is On The Way (08/30)
Michael Snyder: Why All Signs Point to a Stock Market Crash This Fall? (08/29)
Charles Kadlec: The Top Ten Reasons That You Should Support the “Gold Commission” (08/28)
Karen Roche: Doug Casey Says Days of Economic Reckoning Near (08/27)
Seth Mason: DOW/Gold Ratio Chart Portends Continuation of Economic Depression (08/24)
Steven Orlowski: Hey, Ho Let’s Gold! (So Says the Fed…and Silver Too) (08/23)
Toby Conner: Bulls Still in Control, But Time Is Running Out (08/15)
Robert Weinstein: Forget QE3, Let’s Take Back QE2 If We Can (08/15)
Jason Haver: The S&P 500 Is Close to a Once-in-a-Lifetime Signal (08/14) [fixed]
Bill Fleckenstein: The Fed’s Inflation Solution (08/14)
John Early: The Stock Market’s Worst 17 Years (08/09)
Bill Fleckenstein: Empty Words From Top European Banker (08/07)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Gold & Silver: Why Investors Should Go “All-In” (08/06)
Skyler Greene: The Insane Market Hypothesis (08/02)
Jared Cummans: Commodity Plays For “The End of Fiat Currency” (08/01)

July 2012

Smith McKenna: Invest in Silver: The Next Few Years Could Make a lot of People Very Wealthy (07/30)
Bill Fleckenstein: Sour Apple Hints At Broader Weakness (07/30)
Live Trading News: America’s Bubble Economy (07/30)
Jeb Handwerger: Precious Metals May Soar As U.S. Treasury Prices Reach Unsustainable Levels (07/26)
Gabriel Mueller: Gold is a Put Option on Politics (07/26)
James Wood: An Economic Historian’s Explanation Why You Should Move to Cash (07/25)
Jonathan Yates: Prepare For Stock Market Crash 2013 (07/24)
David Pett: Another Decade of Low Returns Ahead (07/24)
Egon Von Greyerz: Why Gold Will Erupt (07/20)
Bill Fleckenstein: When Bankers Get Nervous, Watch Out (07/18)
Anthony Randazzo: The Fed’s Harmful Monetary Policy (07/13)
Michelle Smith: Peter Schiff on Gold and Money (07/11)
John Hussman, Ph.D.: What if the Fed Throws a QE3 and Nobody Comes? (07/10)
Investors Mosaic: Watch Your Head, The Sky Is Falling (07/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: It’s Back to the Waiting Game (07/09)
JTurbin: “The Best Endorsement For Gold That I Can Think Of” (07/06)
Erik McCurdy: Stock Market Secular Bottom Still Several Years Away (07/05)
Michael Snyder: The Financial Crisis in Europe Has Only Been Put on Hold Temporarily (07/03)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Why Deflation is the Biggest Catalyst for Precious Metals (07/02)

June 2012

Louis Woodhill: Our Fiat Dollar Has Cost the United States $80 Trillion (06/29)
Martin Hutchinson: Stimulus Fix to the Death (06/27)
Hillary Farrell: The New High Frequency Trading Landscape: Man Versus Machine (06/27)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Fed Fail and a Euro ‘Fix’ (06/27)
Jeff Nielson: My Last Forecast on Silver and Gold Prices (06/26)
Brady Willett: Bernanke Ponders the Plunge (06/25)
Gary Tanashian: Let’s Twist Again (06/22)
Vincent Cignarella: Volcker’s Fed Would Not Ease (06/21)
Steven Strauss: Why Doesn’t the Stock Market Reflect Imminent Global Depression? (06/20)
James Turk: Fiat Currency in a Kondratieff Winter (06/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: Down to the Wire in Europe (06/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Stimulus Ship Sets Sail (06/15)
Michael Lombardi: Why the “Only Way Out” Offered Won’t Work This Time (06/14)
George Smith: Peter Schiff on Avoiding the Brick Wall (06/11)
Jared Cummans: Jim Rogers: Buy Commodities Now, Or You’ll Hate Yourself Later (06/08)
Kris Sayce: How This Bear Market Could Last Another 18 Years…Just like Japan’s (06/06)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Jim Rogers’ Most Dire Warning, “Please Get Worried” (06/05)
Alan Newman: Death Throes (06/04)
Bill Fleckenstein: Europe’s Printing-Press Problem (06/04)

May 2012

Martin Hutchinson: Facebook – Equities’ Death Knell (05/31)
Jeff Macke: Schiff: America is Already Bankrupt (05/31)
Bill Fleckenstein: Has Gold’s Next Bull Run Begun? (05/30)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Gold Alert: “This Has Happened Only 5 Times In The Last 100 Years (05/24)
Jeb Handwerger: Gold, Silver and the Miners Bottoming While Facebook is Busting (05/23)
John Hussman, Ph.D.: Liquidation Syndrome (05/22)
Dan Denning: Vale, Commodity Bull (05/22)
Comstock Partners: The Market Is Starting To Recognize Reality (05/21)
Bill Fleckenstein: Gold’s Fortunes Will Soon Reverse (05/21)
Chris  Get Ready: We’re Ready to Have Another 2008-Style Crisis (05/18)
Jeb Handwerger: Growing Fear of Financial System Could Start Flight Out of U.S. Bonds Into Gold and Silver (05/17)

Michael Kosares: Why Gold Might Be Setting Up For a Big Move Higher (05/16)
Bill Fleckenstein: Investors, It’s Time to Face the Truth (05/15)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Market Meltdown Nears; Fed Soon May Be Forced to Announce QE3 (05/15)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Major Bottom in Precious Metals Could Occur This Week (05/14)
Brady Willett: Does JP Morgan Have Staying Power? (05/11)
John Riley: The Greater Fool Theory [PDF] (05/10)
Jeremy Robson: 20 Events That Would Render QE3 Worthless (05/09)
Doug Eberhardt: Are We at Gold’s Bottom? (05/09)
Karen Roche: The Emperor Is Naked: David Stockman (05/08)
Ron Haruni: Stock Market is in a Fed-Fueled Bubble – Feldstein (05/03)
Jonathan Yates: Jim Rogers Still Bullish on Gold Prices, Bearish on Governments (05/01)
V. Anantha Nageswaran: 2012 is 2007 Redux (05/01)

April 2012

Michael Pollaro: The Bernanke Bust, the Why How and When (04/30)
Theodore Andros: Tsunami Alert: Send in the Bomb Squad [PDF] (04/27)
Michael Snyder: 22 Red Flags Indicating Serious Doom Is Coming For Global Financial Markets (04/26)
Martin Weiss: Central Banks Gone Berserk: The Deadliest Vicious Cycle We’ve Ever Seen (04/24)
Paul Farrell: Dreaded IPO-Crash Signal Flashes Bear Warnings (04/24)
Bill Flax: Who is Paul Krugman Kidding? Inflation is Morally Abhorrent (04/19)
Richard Young: Is the Economic Good News a Warning? (04/17)
James Saft: Bernanke’s Instagram Bubble (04/13) [fixed]

William Beach: Let’s Not Celebrate Low Interest Rates (04/12)
Christopher Barker: Don’t Give Up On Gold (04/12)
Toby Conner: Stocks Have Reached the Euphoria Stage (04/10)
Lance Roberts: Now the Media is Hooked on QE Crack (04/09)
Adam Hamilton: Gold QE3 Scares (04/09)
James Saft: Market Loses Fed Crutch (04/05)
Toby Conner: The Beginning of the End (04/05)
Apple Worth $1K a Share (Brooklyn Bridge Not Included) (04/05)
Bill Fleckenstein: Visible on the Horizon: Inflation (04/02)

March 2012

Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Jim Rogers and Peter Schiff Agree, U.S. Treasury Crisis in 2013 (03/30)
MyBudget360: Expanding the Debt Bubble to a Tipping Point (03/30)
Numerian: Ben Bernanke Runs Out of Options (03/28)
Daryl Montgomery: Stocks Rally on Bernanke’s Admission That Fed Has Been Ineffective (03/28)
Louis Woodhill: Ben Bernanke’s Shock Gold Standard Ignorance (03/27)
Bruno Navarro: Peter Schiff: Stock Market Gains a Fed ‘Delusion’ (03/27)
Nathan Lewis: Bernanke Decries Gold, Defends Fed’s Make-It-Up System (03/26)
Jeff Cox: Despite Gains, This is the ‘Weakest Recovery Ever: Rosenberg (03/26)
Comstock Partners: Secular Bear Market? (03/23)
Victor Sperandeo: It’s Helicopter Ben That Needs to Go Back to School (03/23)
Jeb Handwerger: New Incarnation of QE3 in Europe Should Support Higher Gold and Silver Prices (03/22)
John Riley: Why We Own Rising Rate Bond Funds and Short Treasury EFT’s [PDF] (03/21) [fixed]
Bill Fleckenstein: A Rally Built on Fairy Tales (03/20)
Daily Capitalist: Do They Ring a Tinker Bell When the Stock Market Indices Reach a Top? (03/20)
Michael Pollaro: Money Supply Booming, Seeds of the Next Greater Depression (03/19)
Peter Schiff: Bernanke Caught Between Deception and Depression (03/19)
Amity Shlaes: Watch Bernanke’s ‘Little’ Inflation Capsize U.S. (03/16)
David Brochu, CFP: The Bernanke Bubble (03/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: On Gold and the Risk of Being Right (03/12)
Ticky Fullerton: Printing Money ‘Deleveraging’ Assets (03/08)
Robert Smith: Déjà vu: Why the Economic Recovery is Phony (03/07)
Jayson Derrick: A History on Financial Crashes and Bubble Bursts: Part 2 (03/06)
Eric McWhinnie: Will Doomsday Bill Help Gold and Silver Shine? (03/06)
Karen Roche: Gold Far From Bubble Phase: Marc Faber (03/05)
Bernard Condon: Former Reagan Aide Stockman Fears Another Collapse (03/05)
Carol Perry: Is the Dollar Crisis Sneaking Up On Us? (03/05)
Karen Maley: Fuel For an Inflationary Hellfire (03/02)
Numerian: Just One Last Bubble, Please! (03/02)

February 2012

Jayson Derrick: A History on Financial Crashes and Bubble Bursts: Part I (02/28)
Adam Shell: 3 Doomsaying Experts Who Foresee Economic Devastation Ahead (02/27)
Jason Hamilin: Gold and Silver Way Off Inflation-Adjusted Highs (02/23)
Anthony Mirhaydari: Higher Prices to Pinch Economy (02/21)
Eric McWhinnie: Will Gold Cleanse the World From Dirty Fiat Currencies? (02/17)
Bill Fleckenstein: Ready For a Bear Market in Bonds? (02/16)
Gareth Soloway: 7 Reasons a Stock Market Top is at Hand (02/15)
Jeff Nielson: Precious Metals Are the Only Alternative (02/14)
Jonathan Trugman: Party On, Hangover Coming (02/14)
Alan Newman: A Mockery of the Capital Markets (02/13)
Clive Hale: Moral Hazard and the Law of Bizarre Consequences (02/13)
Frank Holmes: Why Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke is Every Gold Bug’s Best Friend (02/10)
Chris Martenson: Why Our Currency Will Fail (02/09)
Bill Fleckenstein: All Roads Lead to Inflation (02/09)
Ron Colby: Letter to Bernanke: What Happens When the Bond Bubble Bursts? (02/08)
Michael Snyder: The 2008 Financial Crisis Was Nothing Compared to What Lies Ahead (02/07)
Kevin Kerr: Fiat Currency Failure Means: ‘In Gold We Trust’ (02/03)

January 2012

Chris Vermeulen: Why Gold is Shining Bright & What the Fed is Doing (01/31)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Get out of Stocks! (01/31)
Caroline Baum: Fed Errs Like Friedman’s Fool in the Shower (01/30)
Peter Cooper: How Long Can the Fed Pump the US Bond Bubble? (01/27)
Debarati Roy: Gold Proves Safest as Goldman Forecasts Record: Riskless Return (01/26)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Another Chance to Sell Common Stocks and Buy Precious Metals (01/25)
Eric McWhinnie: Currency Wars Are Driving Gold and Silver Higher (01/24)
Ron Coby: The Biggest Financial Bubble Is Starting to Pop (01/24)
Brady Willett: Equities Are Not Dead (Even Though the Markets May Be) (01/23)
Peter Krauth: What to Expect: QE3, $2,200 Gold, and The Trillion Dollar Bazooka (01/23)
Michael Snyder: World Bank; Warning Signs That We Should Prepare For the Worst (01/20)
John Tamny: Ben Bernanke Is Finally Right For Being Wrong (01/18)
Bill Zielinski: Bearish Gold Forecasts Suggest Soaring Gold Prices in 2012 (01/17)
Comstock Partners: Debt Induced Secular Bear Market-Deleveraging Continues (01/13)
John Maudlin: Look For End of Debt Supercycle: Thoughts From the U.S. Global Investors 2012 Forecast (01/11)
Jeff Nielson: Absurd Gold/Silver Ratio; Why $500/oz Silver Is Now a Certainty (01/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: Ahead: Inflation and a Gold Rally (01/09)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Stocks Complete First Major Bottom Since 2008 (01/06)
Darryl Robert Schoon: China, 2012 and von Mises’ Crack-Up Boom (01/05)

December 2011

Carl Hegelman: The Day the Gold Disappeared (12/30)
Simon Maierhofer: The High Probability Outlook for 2012 (12/29)
Scott Rubin: Crumbling Confidence in Government and Banks Will Continue to Propel Precious Metals (12/28)
Matt Nesto: Crappy New Year! Stocks Will Fall 35% in 2012 Says Schoenberger (12/27)
Charlie Fell: Gold Will Glitter Despite Recent Pressure (12/23)
FNN: Jim Rogers 2012 Global Outlook (12/22)
Williams Equity Analysis: U.S. Treasuries to be Avoided at all Costs (12/20)
Charles Hugh Smith: Three Charts That Blow the Doors Off any Hope of a 2012 Rally (12/20)
Doug Eberhardt: Confused About Falling Prices of Gold and Silver? (12/19)
Martin Weiss: Why New Danger of a Systemic Collapse Is Far Greater Today (12/15)
Brady Willett: Did Ron Paul Slay the Gold Bull? (12/15)
James Saft: Europe Ignores Credit Dynamics (12/14)
Profitimes: Gold Model Forecasts $4380 Gold Price (12/13)
Mark Calabria: Fed Apologist Gone Wild (12/13)
Bill Fleckenstein: ECB Throws Market a Curveball (12/12)
Alex Newman: Americans $2.4 Trillion Poorer After Q3 – It May Get Worse (12/12)
Kris Sayce: How to Turn Paper Money Into Silver and Gold (12/09)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Marc Faber Fears Gold Confiscation (12/09)
Charles Hugh Smith: Another Reason For Stocks to Tank in 2012: Jobs (12/09)
GuruFocus: May All Your Days Be Gold (12/07)
John Tamny: A Fool’s Market Rally Authored By a Very Foolish Fed (12/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Final Roll of the Printing Press? (12/05)
Paul La Monica: Fed Can’t Prop Up BofA and Other Banks Forever (12/02)
David Zeiler: Why Europe Is Headed For a ‘Lehman Moment’ (12/01)

November 2011

The Gold Report: Clive Maund: Gold to Profit From Economic Uncertainty (11/29)
Paul Farrell: Very Slow Growth 2012 Then Long Bear to 2020 (11/25)
Inyoung Hwang and Betty Liu: Biggs Cuts Bullish Stock Bets on Higher Odds of Recession (11/22)
Tom McClellan: Why Gold Has 1-3 More Years Left of Beating the Market (11/21)
Addison Wiggins: The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Hellish, and It’s On its Way (11/17)
Cam Hui: Investing In Secular Bear Markets (11/16)
Ian Madsen: The End of a Long Bull Market For Bonds (11/15)
James Kostohryz: Is This a Bear Market Rally? (11/14)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: When Will Gold Stocks Reach the Bubble Phase? (11/09)
Toby Conner: A New Intermediate Cycle Confirmed in Gold (11/08)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleu: Goldmoney’s James Turk, $11,000 Gold Price (11/04)
Alan Newman: Headlong on the Path to Ruin and Destruction (11/01)

October 2011

Bill Fleckenstein: Is Rhode Island the New Greece? (10/31)
Martin Weiss: Days of Reckoning: Mark Your Calendar For 2 Historic Days That Could Shake Wall St. (10/25)
Joseph Meth: The October 19, 1987 Market Crash (10/20)
Martin Hutchinson: The Day the U.S. Treasury Rejected My Advice and Doomed America (10/19)
Global Macro Monitor: U.S. Public Debt: Going Greek (10/19)
Commodity Online: Gold On its Way to $10,000 an Ounce: Nick Barisheff (10/13)
Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Peter Schiff’s Outlook For Gold & More QE (10/12)
Nick Barisheff: Demand For Wealth Preservation Ensures Gold’s Retreat is Temporary (10/06)
Peter Schiff: On the Recent Gold Pullback: Observe the Fundamentals (10/04)

September 2011

Seth Lipsky: Plan to Return America to the Gold Standard Set to be Offered at Washington (09/27)
John Hussman, Ph.D: Not Over by a Longshot (09/27)
Dave Berman: Eight Reasons Why Stocks Don’t Like the Twist (09/23)
Murray Coleman: Gold’s Rise: No Bubble Seen When Compared to Tech’s 2000 Burst (09/22)
Dominic Frisby: The Most Dangerous Bubble of All (09/21)
Jack Kenney: Former Fed Chief Volcker Warns Against “A Little Inflation” (09/21)
The Gold Report: Enough Already, Let’s Return to the Gold Standard! (09/14)
Jim Jubak: Get Ready for the Next Crash (09/13)
Mark Thomas: Gold is the Last Currency Standing! (09/08)
Comstock Partners: Stock Market Volatility Since 1994 (09/07)
Mark Thomas: Being Long Gold Equals Shorting the Financial System (09/07)
Elisheva Wiriaatmadja: The Largest Bubble in U.S. History (09/01)

August 2011

Wolf Ricter: Dear Ben, Please Print Us More Money (08/30)
Brian Milner: Bernanke Didn’t Deliver a Fed Miracle (08/29)
Comstock Partners: Debt is the Problem and Private Debt is Even More of a Problem (08/26)
Dana Barfield: Federal Reserve Printing Money (08/18)
My Budget 360: The Rise of the New Gilded Age (08/17)
David Berman: John Hussman, A Bear Who is Staying Bearish (08/16)
Peter Leeds: America Past the Point of No Return (08/15)
The Curmudgeon: HFT 2.0: Wall Street Gyrations Negatively Impacts Main Street (08/13)
Jan Harvey: 40 Years On From Gold Standard, Bugs Crow (08/12)
Charles Scaliger: Stock Market Decline Just the Beginning (08/11)
Chris Weber: Cusp of a Global Move Into Gold and Silver (08/10)
Felix Salmon: The Credibility and Integrity of S&P’s Ratings Action (08/08)
Brady Willet: U.S. Downgrades S&P (08/08)
Richard Milne/Ralph Atkins: Intervention Fails to Quell Nerves (08/05)
Toby Conner: Is the Fed About to Make the Mistake of the Decade? (08/03)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Accelerates as US Equities Enter Cyclical Bear Market (08/03)
Bob Chapman: Global Economic Depression: The “Solution” to The Debt Crisis: More Debt (08/02)
David Levenstein: Gold – A Barometer For the Global Monetary System (08/02)
Doug Noland: Reality Ignored (08/01)

July 2011

Brazil Is First BRIC to Enter Bear Market as Inflation Drives Down Stocks (07/29)
Jeff Berwick: Fiat Currency Is The Bubble, Not Gold (07/25)
Clif Droke: Leading Indicators and the Greek Debt Crisis (07/20)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Precious Metals Ready For Big-Time Run as Global Breakdown Begins (07/19)
Eric Parnell: Revisiting March 2009: Over Two Years Later and Nothing’s Changed (07/19)
Steve McCann: The Global De Facto Gold Standard (07/18)
Nick Levis: Poor Man’s Gold Is Breaking Out – Sell Your House and Buy Silver? (07/18)
Richard Salsman: How Bernanke’s Fed Triggered the Great Recession (07/18)
Brady Willett: Catch a Bernanke by the Tail (07/14)
James West: Gold and Silver Poised to Surge on Ticking Debt Bombs (07/14)
Chris Martenson: James Turk: Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat  Currency Graveyard (07/14)
Bob Chapman: Europe and America: “Financially Burning” (07/13)
Toby Conner: 18,000 New Nails in the Coffin (07/12)
Mike Larson: Why This Summer, It Is TRULY Different! (07/11)
Howard Rich: Those Who Forget the Past (07/08)
Brett Arends: The Next, Worse Financial Crisis (07/06)
Anthony Wile: Dr. Joseph Salerno Explains Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Money (07/05)
Michael Pollaro:  Inflation Prospects Post QE II (07/01)

June 2011

Chris Martenson: The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold and Silver (06/30)
Pater Tenebrarum: Complacency in the Stock Market, and an Outlook on Gold (06/29)
Toby Conner: Why the Third Leg in This Secular Bear Market Will Start (06/28)
Michael Pento: Inflating Away America’s Future (06/27)
Michael Pollaro: The End of QE II, Impact on the Treasury Market (06/22)
John Emerson: Will the End of QE2 Signal a Large Market Correction? (06/20)
Toby Conner: The Bear Is Back and This Time It Will Be Much Worse (06/17)
Comstock Partners: Why We Believe We Are in a Secular Bear Market (06/17)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold & Silver Stock Bottom Likely Days Away (06/17)
Street Authority: 5 Reason George Soros is WRONG About Gold (06/15)
Michael Lombardi: The Second Recession: What It Will Feel Like (06/14)
FundWeb: Gold Still Gleams in the Murk (06/13)
Martin Hutchinson: Bernanke Is Wrong, There Will Be A Double-Dip Recession (06/09)
Michael Gayed: The Summer Crash of 2011, or the Great Re-Adjustment (06/09)
Mark O’Byrne: Gold Targets $1,600/oz On Deepening Risks (06/08)
Jeff Nielson: Rampant Inflation Diluting Dollar (06/07)
Mark Thornton: Lehman Brothers Plan Would Hurt, But Work (06/07)
John Sullivan: QE2 Failed to Boost U.S. Growth (06/03)
Matt Krantz: Little Bears Lurking Within the Bull Market (06/03)
John Carney: Five Reasons Stocks Could Keep Falling (06/03)

May 2011

Michael Rozeff: Is Greece the Future of America? (05/31)
Bloomberg: Why LinkedIn Bears Like Haverty Say Plunge Is Inevitable (05/27)
Rick Suarez: Stocks For the Long Run? A Bad Idea (05/26)
AP: Author Warns of Stocks, Inflation (05/24)
Brett Arends: QE2 Was a Bust (05/23)
Buttonwood: Rational Man? (05/20)
Michael Kosares: The Coming Great Inflation (05/19)
Kenneth Schortgen Jr.: The of QE2 Will Lead to Massive Depression (05/18)
Michael Pollaro: Monetary Watch May 2011, QE III Courtesy of the Private Banks (05/17)
Paul Dykewicz: Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years (05/12)
Keith Fitz-Gerard: This Commodities Slide is Going to be Short-lived (05/10)
David Stockman: The Case for the Gold Standard (05/09)
Kris Sayce: Why Silver Is Better Than Paper (05/06)
Shawn Carpenter: Can Federal Reserve Print to Prosperity? (05/05)
J. Weisenthal/G. White: Why This Stock Market Looks Like Tech Bubble 2000 All Over Again (05/04)
Brian Kelly: The Silver Correction Is Over, Next Stop $62 (05/03)
Clif Droke: Another Sign QE2 Is Undermining the Economic Recovery (05/03)
Chris Puplava: Parallels to the 1970s Suggest Further Dollar Weakening and Parabolic Move in Gold Ahead (05/02)

April 2011

Pater Tenebrarum: The Ultimate Contrary Indicator – Mainstream Economists (04/29)
Bill Bonner: The Paradox the US Feds Are Dealing With (04/29)
John Kimelman: Is the Gold Rally Still in the Middle Innings? (04/28)
Jeff Cox: Rosenburg Goes Bullish: Is the End Nigh? (04/28)
Charles Kadlec: An “All-In” Bet By Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke (04/27)
Michael Pollaro: Monetary Watch April 2011, the Austrian Take (04/27)
Adam Hamilton: Fed QE and SPX (04/25) Was No Help (04/25)
Andrew Mickey: Stock Market Crash Nearing? One Way to Know the Top is Here (04/25)
Casey Research: Major Policy Shift Ahead (04/21)
Mike Whitney: Bernanke Strikes Again: QE2 Sends Margin Debt Soaring to New Highs (04/21)
Bradley Davis: Soaring Global Assets Prices Have Some Ringing Bubble Alarms (04/21)
GEAB: The Budget Crisis, Treasury Bonds and the US Dollar (04/20)
Toby Conner: Market Update (04/19)
Erik McCurdy: S&P 500 Has Effectively Doubled: It’s Make or Break Time For Stocks (04/18)
Bart Ward: The Corner (04/15)
Mike Shedlock: Bullish Sentiment Stampede (04/14)
Steven Saville: Gold Bull Market: No End In Sight (04/13)
Jason Kaspar: Equity Valuations Forming Second Biggest Bubble In U.S. History (04/12)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Nation’s $75 Trillion Problem (04/12)
David Chapman: Trouble, Trouble, Boil and Bubble! (04/11)
Jeff Cox: Gold is Still Cheap Despite Record Surge: Marc Faber (04/11)
Comstock Partners: Why 2011 Is Like 2000 and 2007 (04/08)
Charlie Fell: Bulls Are In Danger of Succumbing to Groupthink (04/08)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Breakout  and Silver Going Parabolic (04/08)
John Makin: Has the Fed Eased Too Much? (04/07)
Danny Furman: Economists Say Precious Metals Are in a Bubble, History Says They’re Dirt Cheap (04/06) The Message From the Q Ratio (04/04)
Ironstock: Marc Faber: Outlook For April and Beyond (04/04)

March 2011

Claus Vogt :Why the Case For a Big Bear Just Got Stronger! (03/31)
Jas Jain: GDP Data Show That the US Economy Has Been In the Greater Depression (03/30)
Clif Droke: Another Bubble That Breaks the World? (03/30)
Robert Murphy: The Fed: The Chicago School’s Achilles Heel (03/29)
Alan Newman: Time to Punish the Risk Takers (03/29)
Gerard Adams: 12 Warning Signs of U.S. Hyperinflation (03/28)
Paul Lim: A Bounce Isn’t Enough to Recover From a Bubble (03/28)
Richard Suttmeir: Year to Date Statistics Favor the Bear (03/25)
Claus Vogt: The Greatest Complacency of the 21st Century (03/24)
Al King: “This Time it’s Different” (03/23)
Robert Shiller: The Next Bubble: Farmland (03/23)
Money Morning: $2,500 Gold Prices (03/21)
Michael Pollaro: America, Poised For a Hyperinflationary Event? (03/18)
Comstock Partners: Comstock’s Macro Report (03/18)
Eric Sprott: Debunking the Gold Bubble Myth (03/15)
Brett Arends: Contrarian’s Trouble With New Bubble (03/14)
Jim Willie CB: QE: Hyper-Inflation to Oblivion (03/10)
Josh Lipton: What Happens When QE2 Ends? (03/09)
Peter Koven: US $4000 Gold, 1,000 Dow (03/08)
Bill Fleckenstein: Is the Market Rally Breaking Down? (03/07)
Jay Taylor: Gold Bull Market of a Lifetime (03/04)
William Gross: Two-Bits, Four-Bits, Six-Bits, a Dollar (03/03)
James West: More Record Prices In Gold, Silver, and Oil Ahead (03/03)
Doug Short: The Q Ratio Moves Yet Further Into Nosebleed Territory (03/02)
Brett Arends: The Trouble With Dow 36,000 (03/01)

February 2011

Bill Fleckenstein: A Bull Market In Risk Rages On (02/28)
Erik McCurdy: Have Stocks Really Moved Sideways Since 2000? (02/24)
Toby Conner: Stock Market Warning Sign: There Goes the First Sector (02/24)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Time to Dump Stocks for Gold (02/23)
Lee Alder: A Closer Look at Fed Propaganda: Even It Admits That It’s Clueless (02/23)
Paul Farrell: The S&P 500 is Worth Only 910. Get Out or Lose Big (02/22)
Michael Pollaro: Obama’s Budget, the GOP and its Implications For US Inflation (02/22)
Charlie Fell: History Tells us That the Secular Bear is Not Over Yet (02/18)
Toby Conner: Dollar on the Edge of the Abyss (02/18)
Brady Willett: Sell American. Buffett Is (02/17)
John Hussman: Rich Valuations and Poor Market Returns (02/16)
Steve Bulwa: The Market Is In Bubble Mode Again (02/15)
Paul Farrell: Fed Dictator Bernanke Needs to be Toppled (02/15)
Al Lewis: ‘Biflation’ Bernanke (02/15)
Anthony Harrington: The Great Depression Revisited – Some Key Facts (02/14)
Brady Willett: Lockhart Tries To Justify Fed’s Love (Of Printing Money) (02/10)
Financial Armageddon: If Stocks Are Right, The Economy’s In Trouble (02/10)
Michael Pollaro: America, Poised For a Hyperinflationary Event? (02/09)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Will Outperform After Stocks Peak (02/09)
Comstock Partners: The Stock Market Looks Like 2000 and 2007 All Over Again (02/07)
Doug Short: The Q Ratio Moves Further Into Nosebleed Territory (02/02)
Jeff Cox: Fed Gave Market [S&P 500] 250-point Gift, But Won’t Be Able to Give More (02/01)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: When and How Gold Will Begin Its Bubble (02/01)
Lorimer Wilson: S&P 500 to Top Out at 1,400 Then Topple to 400 (02/01)
Toby Conner: Regression to the Mean (02/01)

January 2011

Tom Taulli: Jim Rogers Is Still a Big-Time Commodities Bull (01/28)
Mark Thomas: 15 Reason to Own Silver Going Forward (01/27)
Doug Noland: Unsettling Echoes of ’08 (01/27)
BBC: Dr. Doom’s Gloomy Predictions (01/25)
Global Macro Monitor: Monetarism Redefined: Crude, Fine Wine, & Gold (01/21)
Michael Pollaro: Money Supply Firing On All Cylinders? (01/20)
David Rosenberg: Why This Market Rally Will End In Tears (01/19)
Toby Conner: Warning Signs For the U.S. Stock Market (01/18)
Jared Levy: This Simple Indicator Could Spell Disaster in the Stock Market (01/18)
Brady Willett: 2011 – Another Year of Living Dangerously (01/14)
Simon Maierhofer: It’s Lonely Being a Bear – But Better For Your Portfolio (01/13)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Too Many Are Denying Gold its Fundamentals (01/12)
John Riley: The Bubble is Back, and Everyone’s a Bull (01/11)
Charles Hugh Smith: Bernanke, Goldilocks, and the Red Queen (01/11)
Bill Fleckenstein: Bulls Go Marching Into the New Year (01/10)
Bill L.: Market Sentiment Remains a Red Flag (01/07)
Randall Forsyth: Clouds Among Stocks’ Blue Skies (01/07)
Michael Pollaro: The Bernanke Arbitrage (01/06)
Claus Vogt: 7 Reasons to Expect a Bear Market in 2011 (01/06)
Charles Sizemore: John Law: Rake, Murderer, and Father of Central Banking (01/05)
Guy Lerner: Stock Investor Sentiment: How to Interpret? (01/05)
Doug Noland: The Bill Will Fall Due (01/04)
Philipp Bagus: Will There Be QE3, QE4, QE5…? (01/04)
John Waggoner: Investor Bid Adieu to Ruinous Decade (01/03)
Liam Pleven/Carolyn Cui: Commodities Rally Across Board (01/03)

December 2010

Michael Collins: Delusions of Normalcy 2011 – Dismal Scientists Cheer Up (12/31) 10 Years That Shook America’s Finances (12/30)
Brett Arends: Why I Don’t Believe In This Santa Rally (12/29)
Przemyslaw Radomski: No Signs of a Gold Bubble Despite Record Advances in 2010 (12/28)
Toby Conner: The Bear Will Return In 2011 (12/27)
Geoff Gannon: Why Does John Hussman Think the S&P 500 Will Return 3.6% a Year From 2011-2020? (12/23)
Alan Newman: Disappearing Act (12/23)
Colin Peterson: Warning: Latest AAII Sentiment Reading Is Out of This World (12/23)
The Fundamental Analyst: Too Many Bulls? (12/22)
Simon Maierhofer: Sweet Stock Market Lullaby – Followed by Rude Awakening? (12/21)
Michael Pollaro: The Money Supply, a Triple From Here? (12/21)
John Nyaradi: Rudolph Hits the Hindenburg Omen (12/20)
Daily Reckoning: The Effects of Central Banking on Gold and Paper Currencies (12/20)
Tim Iacono: Bubbles Americanus: Have We Learned Nothing? (12/20)
Toby Conner: Bad Breadth (12/17)
Darryl Robert Schoon: The Temple of Paper Money Is Under Siege (12/16)
David Knee: Ignore Experts, Prophets, and Economists (12/16)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Commodities Have Detached From US Dollar (12/15)
Charles Hugh: 8 Intoxicating Ingredients In The New Fed Punchbowl (12/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Say Goodbye to the Bond Bull Market (12/13)
Doug Short: The Q-Ratio Is Now Moving Into Nosebleed Territory (12/10)
Rolf Norfolk: Is Quantitative Easing the Cause of the Rally? (12/07)
Doug Noland: Kicking the Can (12/06)
Comstock Partners: Is America Following the Same Path as Japan? (12/03)
Peter Krauth: Four Reasons Why Gold Will Hit $1,900 in 2011 (12/03)
Vitaliy Katsenelson: The Fed’s Arsenal Is Lacking Its Most Important Tool (12/02)

November 2010

Rolf Norfolk: Reasons to Be Fearful About the Stock Market (11/29)
Prieur du Plessis: S&P 500: Caveat Empor! (11/29)
Shaun Rein: Why Ben Bernanke Is Wrong (11/24)
Sam Kirtley: A Critical Analysis of Current Federal Reserve Actions and Their Consequences (11/23)
Jack Kelly: Bernanke’s Folly (11/22)
Comstock Partners: Why the Stock Market is Vulnerable (11/19)
Michael Pollaro: Bernanke Not the Only One Printing Money (11/18)
The Gold Report: Ian McAvity: Be Careful What You Wish For (11/17)
Richard Daughty: Gold Investing: A Bet Against the Idiocy of Money Creation (11/17)
Vasko Kohlmayer: Why Isn’t Peter Schiff Head of the Fed? (11/16)
Mish Shedlock: “Midas Crush” – MarketWatch Attempts to Explain “Why Gold is a Bad Investment” (11/15)
Charlie Tell: Fed Playing a Dangerous Game With Monetary Policy (11/12)
Swing Trader: Legendary Investor Grantham: “Stay in Cash” (11/12)
Nick Santiago: What the Fed Does Not Want You to Know (11/11)
Jacob Wolinsky: Why QEII Won’t Work Based On Studies by Robert Shiller (11/11)
Richard Duncan: Latest QE Threatens the World (11/10)
Michael Pollaro: Bernanke Tells Jacksonville University Students QE Is Not Inflationary (11/10)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Standard Manifesto (11/10)
Dr. John Hussman: Bubble, Crash, Bubble, Crash, Bubble… (11/09)
Brady Willett: Bernanke Dares the World (11/08)
Michael Pollaro: QE II is Here, Its Impact on the Money Supply (11/08)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Politicians Cannot Stop the Gold Bull Market (11/08)
James West: Buying $600 Billion in Debt With Debt (11/05)
Steven Lamb: QE2 Likely Won’t Help U.S. Economy (11/05) Peter Schiff on Gold, QE2 and Treasury Auction Failure (11/05)
Kenneth Schortgen Jr.: Insiders Selling Their Shares Are Record Highs (11/03)
Clif Droke: The Best Way to Participate in Long-Term Gold Bull Market (11/02)
Mike Mackenzie: Asset Purchases Like ‘Ponzi Scheme’ (11/01)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Fed’s Clear Goal: Inflation (11/01)

October 2010

David Stevenson: Three Signs That the Stock Market Rally is on Borrowed Time (10/29)
Jeremy Warner: The Fed Is Fueling the Catastrophe of Fast Rising Raw Material Prices (10/28)
Larry Elkin: “Helicopter Ben” Climbs Into the Cockpit (10/27)
Doug Kass: Anticipation Builds for November Elections & Quantitative Easing 2 (10/27)
Michael Pollaro: Monetary Watch October 2010, Banks Printing Money Again, QE II in November? (10/26)
Craig Torres: Bernanke Asset Purchases Risk Unleashing 1970s Inflation Genie (10/26)
James Quinn: Depression Within a Depression (10/25)
Howard Gold: Gold’s In a Mini-Mania, Not a Bubble (10/25)
Brady Willett: Stiglitz’ Dances With Sugar Plums (10/22)
John Crudele: The Fed’s Moving the Markets Into Tough Territory (10/22)
Brian Wesbury/Robert Stein: Fed Ignores Gold, Targets Higher Inflation and Plays With Fire (10/21)
Charles Smith: The Stock Market’s Long Decline Has Begun (10/21)
Claus: Banks and the Unfounded Hope of Easy Money (10/21)
Sy Harding: Is the Fed Still Blowing Bubbles? (10/19)
John Riley: Reality Check [PDF] (10/19)
Claude Sandroff: Soaring Gold and a Sinking Dollar Signal Trouble Ahead (10/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: Not Your Grandfather’s Deflation (10/18)
Joe Weisenthal: QE Didn’t Save Us From the Crisis – Lying About Asset Prices Did (10/18)
Comstock Partners: Get Ready For the Fed’s Great Experiment (10/15)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: The Contrarian Call on Gold (10/14)
Randall Forsyth: Chicken Soup for the Economy’s Soul? (10/13)
Shawn Tully: Stocks Have Nowhere To Go But Down (10/12)
Alejandro Martinez: Bearish Bets Fall on NYSE, Nasdaq (10/12)
Nick Rice: Experts Warn That Further Easing Could Sink Recovery (10/11)
Jeff Cox: Commodities Rally Still Strong, Gold Will Hit $2,000: Rogers (10/08)
Stephen Spurdon: Equity Investors In For Rude Shock (10/08)
Adrian Douglas: The Myth of a Gold Bubble (10/06)
Warren Bevan: Super September – Or Was It? (10/04)
Tony D’Altorio: The U.S. Treasuries Bubble and the Horrors of Deflation (10/01)

September 2010

Bob Chapman: Gold and Currency Markets (09/30)
Christopher Potter: Relax, Everyone, It’s Ok (09/30)
Carolyn Cui: Gold Vaults to New High (09/29)
Jonathan Kosares: Gold a Bubble? Not – Even – Close (09/28)
T. Lachapelle/N. Gammeltoft: Dow ‘Super Boom’ to Send Gauge to 38,820, Hirsch Says (09/28)
Brady Willett: Gold’s Historic Rally Continues (09/27)
Adam Hamilton: Another Look at Gold-Stock Recovery (09/27)
Brady Willett: The Myth of “Deleveraging” (09/22)
Mark Hoffman: Record High Gold Price Signifies Inflation Threat (09/21)
Gary Shilling: The Chances of a Double Dip (09/20)
Gonzalo Lira: Was Stagflation in ’79 Really Hyperinflation? (09/20)
Sy Harding: You Still Have Time to Buy Gold (09/20)
John Riley: Getting From Point A to Point B (09/13)
Peter Schiff: Why It’s Time to Dump Most U.S. Stocks (09/13)
Bill Fleckenstein: Waiting For the Fed’s Next Blunder (09/13)
Toby Conner: We Have a Rapidly Approaching Inflation Problem and US Dollar Crisis (09/09)
Bill Bonner: The Final Leg Down (09/08)
Alan Newman: The Long Term Does Not Exist (09/07)
Alan Caruba: Feels Like a Depression to Me (09/07)
The Curmudgeon: Computer Trading Dominates All Financial Markets (09/06)
Robert Lenzner: The Quants Control the Markets and May Cause Another Crash in Stock Prices (09/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: Inflation, Stagflation and You (09/06)

August 2010

Martin Hutchinson: Combining the Worst (08/31)
Peter Schiff: Flying Blind (08/30)
Adrian Ash: Depression—Era Fun in the Stock Market (08/30)
Comstock Partners: Fed Facing a Liquidity Trap (08/27)
Angela Monaghan: Stock Markets Face a ‘Bloodbath’, Warns SocGen Strategist Albert Edwards (08/27)
Claus Vogt: The U.S. Stock Market Has Become Fatally Expensive (08/26)
Dian Chu: Faber and Schiff: The American Bond Bubble (08/26)
Gerard Adams: NIA Sees Decoupling Now, Currency Crisis Soon (08/26)
Dan Amoss: No Stimulus For Stocks (08/25)
David Wilson: How to Navigate a Secular Bear Market (08/23)
Simon Maierhofer: Dismantling Bullish Arguments (08/20)
Martin Hutchinson: Could Chinese Demand Start a Bull Run For Gold? (08/19)
Martin Hutchinson: A Capital-Scarce World (08/18)
David Rosenberg: Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt (08/17)
Bill Bonner: The Great Correction Continues (08/17)
Greg Robb: Hoenig Calls Fed Policy ‘Dangerous Gamble’ (08/16)
Jim Quinn: Mass Delusion – American Style (08/16)
Chris Payne: How the US Economy is Being ‘Japanised’ (08/13)
Peter Schiff: Monetary Cards on the Table (08/13)
Martin Hutchinson: The Peril of False Bottoms (08/11)
Daryl Montgomery: Will Fed Policy Continue to Hold Up the Stock Market (08/11)
Megan Mcardle: The Great Stock Myth (08/11)
Jeflin: Not Much Good News Left to Propel Rally (08/10)
John Riley: Caught in a Synthetic World (08/10)
Brady Willet/Dr. Todd Alway: Until Debt Does Them Part (08/09)
Dr. Martin Weiss: Interview With Peter Schiff (08/06)
The Gold Report: Gold Price to Cross $4,000/oz (08/04)

July 2010

Spencer Jakab: Equities Rally Not Yet a Secular Bull (07/30)
Todd Harrison: The Last Gasp Bubble of (07/29)
Moses Kim: Paradigm Shifts and Gold Rocket Launches (07/29)
John Hussman: Betting on a Bubble, Bracing For a Fall (07/28)
Robert Samuelson: Bubbles, Bubbles, Toils and Troubles (07/27)
Bill Fleckenstein: Deflation ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Exist (07/26)
Scott Rubin: Peter Schiff: Buy Gold, Treasuries a “Sucker’s Bet” (07/23)
Lear Capital: Deflation Threat and $2000 Gold Lurking (07/23)
Sy Harding: Economic Recovery an Illusion? (07/22)
Bob Adelmann: Great Depression: Here We Go Again? (07/21)
Robert Murphy: Double-Dip Looks Doubly Certain (07/20)
The Inflation Trader: Sense of Unease is Growing (07/19)
Comstock Partners: Why the Market is Overvalued (07/16)
Bret Callentine: The Next Big Bubble (07/15)
Rick Ackerman: To Believe in the Bull is to Buy Into Big Lies (07/15)
Doug Short: When Did the U.S. Market Really Regain Its 1929 Highs? (07/14)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: More Clueless Mainstream Commentary On Gold (07/13)
Claus Vogt: Five Signs Telling Me the Bear Market is Back (07/08)
Jim Willie CB: Crisis Redux: Road to Perdition (07/08)
Richard Judd: Economic Bubbles Impact On Society (07/07)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: A Near Certainty That Gold and Other Precious Metals Will Outperform? (07/07)
Lloyd Blankfein: When the Market Crashes the World Won’t End (07/07)
Daryl Montgomery: Q2 Was Bad For Stocks, Q3 Will Be Worse (07/02)
Adam Lass: Recovery? What Recovery? (07/01)

June 2010 Fed Looks to Hyperinflate (06/30)
Francis Cianfrocca: Has the New Great Depression Started Already? (06/29)
Dan Denning: After the Fall (06/24)
Lorimer Wilson: Why Many Analysts See Gold Going As High As $10,000 (06/24)
Mary Anne/Pamela Aden: Gold’s Bull Market: What the Charts are Telling Us (06/23)
Genevieve Cua: Gold: The Eternal Currency (06/22)
Paul Nathan: Can Gold Be Valued In Currency Or Is Itself Money? (06/22)
Toby Conner: Gold Bubble? What Bubble? (06/21)
Comstock Partners: Why It’s Still a Secular Bear Market (06/18)

Michael Nystrom: Financial Reform Bill – Audit the Fed! (06/15)

Duff McDonald: Why the Worst Isn’t Over Yet (06/14)
Roben Farzad: For Analysts, Things Are Always Looking Up (06/11)
Robin Blumenthal: Gold Will Continue to Shine (06/11)
Charles Hugh Smith: Is the Dot Com Bubble Still Hurting the Market? (06/10)
Toby Conner: Dow: Gold Ratio Poised For Another Leg Down (06/10)
Lloyd Blankfein: Dead Money – The Consequences of Printing Money and Inflation (06/09)
GoldAlert: The Gold Price and Fighting Deflation (06/07)
Steve Saville: Articles Point to a Higher Gold Price (06/07)
Lloyd Blankfein: Gold is Insurance Against Money Printing and Credit Expansion by Governments (06/04)
Bob Chapman: Deflationary Depression and Purging to Come (06/04)
George Smith: The Never-Ending Saga of Economic Crises (06/03)
Malcolm Berko: The Obscure Market is Worrisome (06/02)
Clive Maund: The Looming Financial Holocaust – Is Closer Than We Thought…(06/01)
Contrarian: An Objective Look at Gold (06/01)

May 2010

Brady Willett: Stage Set For Another Bernanke Adventure (05/28)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: The Path to Hyperinflation (05/28)

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: US Money Supply Plunges at 1930s Pace As Obama Eyes Fresh Stimulus (05/27)

Martin Hutchinson: The Second Bernanke Crash (05/26)
Richard Suttmeier: Fibonacci Points to Dow 8,500 (05/25)
Bill Fleckenstein: Europe’s Dilemma: Print Money or Cut Debt? (05/24)
Richard Daughty: Markets, Bottoms and Dow-Gold Intersection (05/21)
Gordon Long: Euro Experiment: German Steel or Schmucks? (05/21)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Deflation and Economic Weakness Are the Best Catalysts for Gold (05/20)
Alan Newman: Bubble Echo Echo Echo (05/20)
Terry Keenan: Economy Facing Volatile Summer (05/18)
Shawn Tully: 2010’s Coming Stock Market Crash: 1987 All Over Again (05/18)
Adam Hamilton: Euro Gold €1000 (05/17)
Gordon Long: EU Bullied Into $1T Banking Bonanza (05/17)
Michael Pollaro: America, PIIGS “R” US Too? (05/14)
Toby Conner: Breakout [Gold] (05/13)
John Judis: The Case for Economic Doom and Gloom (05/13)
Bill Downey: Brother Can You Spare a Trillion? (05/11)
Bill Fleckenstein: Euro Trouble Won’t End With Greece (05/11)
John Riley: Not Just Another Greek Tragedy [PDF] (05/10)
Sean Fieler/Jeffrey Bell: The Gold Standard: The Case for Another Look (05/07)
Meredith Margrave: 5 of History’s Most Spectacular Corporate Meltdowns (05/06)
Paul Tharp: Currency Crisis Will Get Worse: Jim Rogers (05/06)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold Will Emerge as the Only Safe Haven (05/06)
Malcolm Berko: Stock Market Will Come to its Senses (05/05)
Paul Mladjenovic: The Unfolding Danger: Greece Today…America Tomorrow? (05/04)
Toby Conner: On the Verge of an Inflationary Surge (05/03)
Bill Fleckenstein: Greece Debt Woes Test EU Unity (05/03)
John Williams: A Hyper-Inflation Great Depression is Coming (05/03)

April 2010

Mark Hulbert: Extraordinary Bullishness (04/30)
Nouriel Roubini: Greece Debt Crisis Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg (04/30)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: All Aboard the Gold Train as Recognition Move Approaches (04/29)
Simon Maierhofer: Why an Extended Bull Market is Unlikely (04/29)
Steve Hanke: The Bubble Makers (04/28)
Charles Hugh Smith: Is Market Volatility Sending a Warning? (04/26)
Gail Liberman: ‘Aftershock’ Authors Warn of More Economic Troubles (04/26)
Fred Hickey: Printing Money and Gold (04/23)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: When Will Gold Make its Next Big Move? (04/22)
Jeffery Nichols: True Inflation is 6% to 7% (04/22)
Growth Stock Wire: SPX – This “Line in the Sand” Marks Disaster For Stocks (04/20)
Aaron Elstein: Prophet of Doom (04/19)
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud: Be Careful Now: Record Optimism in Stocks (04/19)
Ty Andros: The Policies of Insolvency (04/16)
Housing Time Bomb: The Fed’s Newest Bubble? (04/15)
Paul Farrell: Dow 12,000 Next? Or New Record 14,165? (04/13)
Bill Fleckenstein: Inflation Won’t Be Invisible For Long (04/12)
Leah Schnurr: Shorts Fear Bear Trap as U.S. Stocks Rally (04/09)
Kevin McElroy: Has the Bull Market in Commodities Run its Course? (04/09)
Peter Schiff: Bottom of the Class (04/09)
Caroline Baum: Greenspan’s Delusions Get Much Worse With Age (04/07)
Nicholas Santiago: Will Man Ever Learn From The Past? (04/07)
David Rosenberg: Deflationary Undertow Threatens U.S. Recovery (04/06)
Ned Schmidt: Gold is a Defense Against Keynesianism (04/06)
Adam Brochert: It’s Rational to Expect the Irrational During This Gold Bull (04/05)
Peter Schiff: The Fed’s Last Hurrah (04/02)
Brady Willett: What Isn’t Manipulated? (04/02)
The Aden Forecast: Doubt and Uncertainty Are Commonplace (04/01)

March 2010

Lois Lane: Bears Are Dead Wrong? Hmmm…(03/31)
Eric Fry: Sell Stocks, Buy Gold (03/31)
Matt Krantz: Top 10 S&P 500 Stocks Change From 2007 Peak (03/30)
Toby Conner: The Game Plan (03/29)
Ty Andros: When Hope Turns to Fear, Part V [PDF] (03/26)
Tim Iacono: What if it Was All Just a Big Bubble? (03/25)
Toby Conner: Buyer Beware (03/25)
Neil Chamock: Greece Exposes Future & Opportunity (03/24)
Steven Russolillo: Easy Money Train Can’t Last Forever (03/23)
The Credit Blog: The Bubble – Lessons Learned? (03/23)
Gordon Long: Sultans of Swap: ACT II – The Sting! (03/22)
Brady Willet: Fear the New Krugman (03/19)
Michael Pollaro: U.S. Government Finances Still Deteriorating, Awakens Moody’s (03/18)
Nick Barisheff: Gold Is Money (03/18)
Toby Conner: Run Run Away (03/18)
Kris Sayce: How Cheap Money and ‘Storage’ Caused the Lehman Collapse (03/17)
Eric Fox: Why Laws Won’t Prevent Financial Bubbles and Crashes (03/16)
Gold Scents: Secular Stock Bear Vs. Secular Gold Bull (03/16)
Brady Willett: Gold: ‘Not A Bad Asset’, Indeed (03/15)
Gordon Long: Sultans of Swap: Smoking Guns & the Sting! (03/15)
Bill Fleckenstein: Still Printing Money At Full Speed (03/15)
John Riley: Market Update [PDF] (03/12)
Nouriel Roubini: Beware of Double-Dip Recession (03/12)
CBC News: Nasdaq 5,000: 10 Years Later (03/11)
Andy Kessler: Lessons of a Dow Decade (03/10)
Karen Maley: This Giant Debt Bubble Has to Burst (03/09)
Michael Pollaro: Tracking the U.S. Government’s Journey Towards Bankruptcy (03/08)
Jonathan Burton: Former Internet-fund Stars 10 Years After the Bust (03/08)
Gary Savage: Cyclical Stock Bull vs. Secular Gold Bull (03/05)
John Galt: Great Quotes of the Recession/Depression of 2008-2010 (03/03)
D.R. Schoon: Will the US Devalue the Dollar? (03/03)
John Boyd: Can the Private Economy Rebound Sufficiently to Pay it [debt] all Back? (03/02)
Bill Fleckenstein: Why the Fed Won’t Stop Printing Money (03/01)

February 2010

Don Bauder: Too Much Debt, Too Few Jobs (02/25)
John Carney: America Just Declared The Recovery Over So You’d Better Get Ready For the Double Dip (02/24)
Dan Ferris: New Study Reveals World’s Greatest Investment Strategy (02/23)
Bill Fleckenstein: US Will Suffer Its Own Greek Crisis (02/23)
Laura Dixon: Doom, Gloom, and Crystal Balls (02/23)
Michael Pollaro: Interest on U.S. Government Debt, a Brewing Time Bomb (02/22)
Vin Suprynowicz: The Incredible, Vanishing Greenback (02/22)
Sewell Chan: Is Era of Cheap Money About to End? (02/19)
Martin Hutchinson: How Banks Are “Crowding Out” the U.S. Rebound (02/18)
Roger Nusbaum: Jim Paulsen and the Dangers of Being Perpetually Bullish (02/17)
Adam Hamilton: US Dollar Bear Rallies (02/16)
Fred Sheehan: Alan Greenspan: Party Boy (02/12)
MaryAnn Busso: Midas Fund Turns Gold’s Rise Into Return on Miners (02/12)
Kishori Krishnan: Gold’s Lustre Takes a Toss (02/08)
Michael Pollaro: U.S. Government, On Its Way to Bankruptcy, Part 3 (02/08)
Ron DeLegge: Can the U.S. Government Prevent Another Meltdown? (02/08)
Adrian Ash: Inflation Not a Requirement For Increasing Gold Prices (02/04)
John Riley: Tough Talk – Empty Words (02/03)
Ty Andros: 2010 Outlook: When Hope Turns to Fear, Part II (02/03)

January 2010

Juan Abdel Nasser: 2010 Crash: The March 2009 Lows Will Not Hold (01/28)
Comstock Partners: The Total Debt Relative to GDP Trumps Everything Else (01/27)
Finance My Money: Punishing the Saver For a Nation Fueled by Debt Consumption (01/27)
Jonathan Burton: Investors Face New Stock-Market Bubble (01/26)
Steve Hanke: Rewriting the Fed’s History (01/22)
Tom Iacano: Money Magazine Still Hates Gold, So Buy It! (01/21)
Bill Fleckenstein: Why Contrarian Investors Have an Edge (01/20)
Ned Schmidt: $5000 Gold Imminent as Dollar Devalues (01/19)
Jerome Corsi: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul (01/15)
Chris Puplava: Commodity Secular Bull Market Continues (01/14)
H. Askari/N. Krichene: Ben’s Impotent Interest Rates (01/13)
Bob Alderman: The Fed: Forever Blowing Bubbles (01/12)
B. Willett/Dr. T Always: 2010 Preview: The Wonderful Wizard of USD (01/11)
B. Willett: Some Notes For All the Super-Bears Out There In Internet Land (01/11)
Andrew Mickey: 3 Reasons This Bubble Will Continue to Grow (01/11)
MyFinance: How Going Off the Gold Standard is Now Coming Back to Harm U.S. Dollar (01/08)
Mike Shedlock: Taylor, NY Times, Dean Baker Call Out Bernanke (01/07)
Commodity Online: More Worried Money to Flow Into Gold in 2010 (01/06)
Paul Farrell: 12 Dr. Dooms Shred 2010 Investing Optimism (01/05)
Capital Spectator: Passing and Printing the Buck (01/04)

December 2009

Charles Stein: Decade’s Worst Funds Never Recovered From Technology-Stock Bust (12/30)
Lindsay Whipp: A Gloomy Anniversary For the Nikkei (12/30)
Emma Johnson: Dow 36,000? So Much For Predictions (12/29)
Edward Warner: Gold? It’s Better Used For Body Piercing [07/10/99] (12/28)
Jonathan Fuerbringer: An Icon’s Fading Glory [06/15/99] (12/28)
Andrew Mickey: ‘Real’ Reason It’s Still Too Early to Bet Against Gold (12/24)
Jill Beba: Wall St.’s Record Century [12/31/99] (12/23)
J. Tarquinio: Acampora Sees Dow 14,000 in Y2K [12/21/99] (12/23)
John Riley: Bull, Bear, or New Normal? [PDF] (12/22)
Howard Katz: Happy Days in Gold Are Ahead…(12/22)
Tom Saler: Decade Put the Lie to a Few Illusions (12/21)
Fayyaz Alimohamed: Gold Has Just Begun the Rally… (12/18)
Michael Shedlock: Time Magazine’s Kiss of Death: ‘You!’ (12/17)
GLG: Monetary Policy Still Too Accommodative (12/17)
Kenneth Bell: Gold: Bursting Bubble? (12/16)
Adam: The Gold Bull Market Is Over (12/16)
WSJ: Producer Price Jolt (12/16)
M. Mackenzie/J. Hughes: Dead-end Decade For Shares Likened to 1930s (12/14)
Dominic Picarda: The Boom and Bust Cycle Explained (12/11)
David Hill: Recession a 1970s Repeat (12/11)
Lorimer Wilson: ‘Gold Is Real Money Amongst Paper Currencies’ (12/09)
Brian Wesbury: The New Economic Bubble: Big Government (12/09)
Bill Fleckenstein: Why the Fed Loves Inflation (12/07)
Adam Hamilton: Is Gold Going Parabolic? (12/07)
Gene Koprowski: Schiff: Gold to Soar to $5,000 (12/04)
Thomas Brewton: Bunkum-Babbling Ben Bernanke (12/03)
The Gold Report: There Is No Sign Of Significant Long-term Top In Gold (12/02)
Dave Skarica: Bull Market, Bear Market, and Commodities (12/01)

November 2009

Brett Arends: Gold Run a Reason to be Wary of the Stock Market (11/30)
Brady Willett: Bubble Religion (11/26)
Robert Lenzner: Run With the Gold Bulls (11/26)
GoldAlert: Gold Price Surges Toward $1,200: 5 Reasons For Gold’s Bull Market (11/25)
James Turk: Bullish Gold Gets Ready For Big Jump (11/24)
Michael Rozeff: Gold’s Price Is Not a Bubble Price (11/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: How Much Longer Can Gold Rise? (11/23)
Steve Christ: When Bad News is Good News (11/20)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Is $6,300 Fair Value For Gold? (11/19)
Martin Hutchinson: Waiting For the Train-Wreck (11/18)
Jack Adamo: Gold Bull Market Not Manic Yet (11/17)
Steve Sjuggerud: ‘Gold Is Too Big Now But It Is the End of Bull Run’ (11/17)
Chad Macinnes: Obamanomics Just Won’t Work Part II (11/16)
Tom Raum: US Risks Following Japan’s Example of Stagnancy (11/13)
My Budget 360: The Invisible Recovery Outside Wall Street (11/13)
Michael Nystrom: The Dollar Meltdown – Review (11/11)
E.S. Browning: Dow Leaps in Skeptics’ Rally (11/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: India’s Big Vote For a Gold Rally (11/09)
Charles Hugh Smith: The Crash of 2008: It’s the Panic of 1825 All Over Again (11/09)
Jim Grant:  Why I Am a Small ‘b’ Gold Bug (11/06)
Paul Solman: Reinhart and Rogoff Answer Questions on the History of Financial Crises (11/06)
Kenneth Bell: Dr. Doom vs. The Investment Biker (11/05)
Mark O’Byrne: Silver Set to Soar as it Did in the 1970s (11/05)
Martin Hutchinson: Bernanke Learns From the Wrong Crash (11/04)
GoldSeek: Jay Taylor Envisions Scary Specter of ‘30s-Style Depression (11/04)
Yves Smith: Roubini Predicts “Mother of All Carry Trade Unwinds (11/03)
Gary Dorsch: The Dangerous Side Effects of Ultra-Easy Money (11/02)
Paul Waldie: Currency Collapse Drives McDonald’s Out of Iceland (11/02)

October 2009

Greg Peel: Is ‘Cash On the Sidelines’ A Myth? (10/29)
Brian Milner: Nouriel Roubini Warns of Bubble (10/28)
Conrad de Aenlle: Grantham, After Forecasting Rally, Warns that a Reversal is Approaching (10/28)
Christopher Wood: Is the U.S. Economy Turning Japanese? (10/27)
Mike Mish Shedlock: US Facing Its Second Lost Decade (10/26)
John Riley: Let’s Get Bullish…[PDF] (10/26)
Bryan Goh: Central Banks and Moral Hazard (10/26)
Gary: 9 Years and Counting (10/26)
Adam Brochert: Gold Against the Dow – The Forest (10/23)
Nicholas Santiago: Is This The Real Bull Or Asset Bubble? (10/22)
My Budget 360: U.S. Dollar Sendoff Stock Market Rally (10/21)
John Mason: The Stock Market: A Bubble Or Not? (10/20)
Tim Iacono: Trillion Dollar Deficits and Zero Interest Rates (10/20)
Brady Willett: Greenspan Gone Wild (Again) (10/19)
Alan Newman: Dollar Trading Volume Explodes (10/19)
Wolfgang Munchau: This Bubble Won’t Last Long (10/19)
Miguel Barbosa: James Grant’s ‘Mr. Market Miscalculates’ Is Nothing Short of a Deep Value Investment (10/14)
Nicholas Santiago: What Are The New Highs For Gold Telling Us? (10/13)
Stevenson Jacobs: What Will Spur the Next Economic Collapse? (10/12)
Stephen Pizzo: Worry, Worry, Worry – Global Economy (10/12)
Kishori Krishnan: Gold is Acting Like a Super Global Currency (10/09)
Kelly Evans: Roubini Warns of ‘Significant Amount of Froth’ in Markets (10/09)
James West: Gold Price Prediction (10/08)
My Budget 360: Five Reasons Why a Weak Dollar is Bad For America (10/08)
NIA: NIA Says Gold Could Rise to $5,400 (10/07)
The Pragmatic Capitalist: Will Ignoring Past Mistakes Result in a 20-Year Bear Market? (10/06)
Alexander Green: Harry Dent: Bold Predictions of the Great Depression Ahead (10/06)
John Riley: US Financial Crisis – 1 Year Later (10/05)
Edward Harrison: The Recession is Over But The Depression Has Just Begun (10/02)

September 2009

Dr. Housing Bubble: The Progression of the Housing Bubble in the Press (09/30)
Sy Harding: Federal Reserve’s Toughest Job Lies Ahead (09/29)
Gail MarksJarvis: New Risk Bubble Eventually Will Pop (09/29)
Doug Noland: From Bear to Bear (09/29)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Case For Inflation – and Gold (09/28)
Vivek Kaul: When Tulip Mania Visited Dutch Towns Centuries Ago (09/28)
Martin Hutchinson: More Effort Needed (09/25)
Shah Gilani: Is US Heading For Another Subprime Crunch (09/24)
David Serchuk: Gold’s No Bubble (09/23)
E.S. Browning: A Bear Market Lurks as Dow Nears 10,000 (09/22)
Adam Hamilton/Scott Wright: Gold Bull Still Has a Long Way to Run (09/21)
Charlie Fell: Investors Stumble From One Bull Market to Another (09/18)
John Mangun: The Gold/Dollar Tsunami (09/17)
Nadeem Walayat: Lehman Bankruptcy and Engineering Financial Armageddon Real Story (09/16)
Greg Canavan: Gold Is Money (09/16)
Anthony Hilton: World Awash With More Money Now (09/15)
Catherine Rampell: Same Old Hope: This Bubble Is Different (09/14)
Gerard Adams: NIA Officially Declares Gold and Silver Mania Is Here (09/10)
Mike Swanson: Gold at $1,000: Next Hot Rally to $1,300-$1,700 Level (09/09)
Noah Rosenblatt: Is This the Time Gold Breaks Out? (09/04)
My Budget 360: Can the U.S. Dollar Rally While Stocks Go Down? (09/04)
AJ Sull: For Most Investors – It Has Been the Longest of Decades (09/03)
Carlos Torres: Inflation Will Accelerate Next Decade, Economist Says (09/02)
Lorimer Wilson: Comparing the S&P and the Nikkei: 1400 by 2010; 400 by 2014 (09/02)

August 2009

Roger Wiegand: Gold to Touch $1,250--$1,260 by December (08/31)
Simon Maierhofer: The Great Depression and Today – Sobering Parallels Abound (08/28)
Karen  Blumenthal: How I Got Burned by Beanie Babies (08/27)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: The Troubling Side of Ben Bernanke (08/26)
James Quinn: The Federal Reserve Must Die (08/26)
Claus Vogt: Be Cautious of Cyclical Swings in a Secular Bear Market (08/25)
Jim Mosquera: Debt and Credit Bubbles (08/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: There’s No Will to Fight Inflation (08/24)
Andrew Moran: Peter Schiff: Hyperinflation Risk High, Stocks Will Crater (08/20)
Ed Stein: Cartoon (08/20)
Michael Nystrom: The Morality Hazard of the Fed (08/19)
Contrarian Profits: How to Survive and Prosper in the Twilight Zone Economy (08/18)
Brady Willett: Bull Market Recovery Delusion (08/18)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: RBS Uber-Bear Issues Fresh Alert on Global Stock Markets (08/17)
My Budget 360: Stock Market Dollar Store (08/17)
John Riley: Events Don’t Make a Trend (08/17)
Bob Chapman: Collapse in the Wake of the Fed’s Wall Street Bubble? (08/14)
Michael Kahn: Are We in a Bull Market Yet? (08/13)
Al Coryell: Who Should We Believe About Our ‘Economic Crisis’? (08/12)
Steve Christ: The “Irrational Exuberance” of the Stock Market (08/11)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Pessimist’s Prediction: Hyperinflation (08/10)
Q1 Publishing: A Different Perspective On the Great Depression (08/10)
Comstock Partners: Deleveraging the U.S. Economy (08/07)
Andrew Mickey: The Next Panic is Here (08/06)
Elizabeth MacDonald: The Second Wave of the Credit Crisis (08/06)
George Melloan: Bernanke’s Exit Dilemma (08/04)
Scott Wright: Global Gold Production (08/03)

July 2009

Johnny Kramer: Tom Woods vs. the Fed (07/31)
Chris Puplava: Gold & Gold Stocks Setting Up For a Strong Second Half? (07/30)
Britt Combs: Bernanke Baffles ‘em With Balderdash (07/29)
Peter Krauth: The Three Triggers of the Global Gold Bubble (07/29)
Adam Hamilton: Gold $1000 Quest (07/27)
Charles Fell: Navigator Blew Bubbles Instead of Looking at the Compass (07/24)
Nouriel Roubini’s Outlook on the Economy (07/23)
Vito Racanelli: Expect a Rally as Waders Dive In (07/20)
Graham Summers: Either Stocks Will Fall 37% Or Gold Will Rally 60% (07/17)
William Anderson: The Fallacies of Another New Deal (07/16)
Tim Iacono: Top Five Reasons You Should Be Concerned About Inflation (07/16)
Vladimir Gonzales: A History of World Financial Crises (07/15)
The Pragmatic Capitalist: Why This Bubble Bust is no Different Than Past Bubble Bursts (07/15)
Elizabeth Stanton: S&P 500 Rally Poised to End (07/15)
Nouriel Roubini: Mounting Job Losses Will Hurt Consumption (07/15)
Jim Quinn: Boomers – Winter Is Coming (07/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Why Creating Jobs is So Hard (07/14)
Andrew Mickey: Defensively Building Wealth in the “New Normal” Era (07/13)
Nick Barisheff: Pompous Prognosticators Revisted (07/10)
Rodrigue Tremblay:  The Great Baby-Boomers Economic Stagnation of 2007-2017 (07/09)
Nouriel Roubini: Financial Gain, Economic Pain (07/07)
David Rosenberg: Bullish on Commodities, Bearish on Stocks (07/07)
Scott Smith: James Turk On How Elites Always Destroy the Paper Money They Value (07/06)
Nick Barisheff: Preserve Your Wealth With Precious Metals [PDF] (07/03)
Moses Kim: The Case for Depression, Part 2: Credit Destruction (07/02)

June 2009

Edward Lotterman: To Prevent Future Crises, the Fed Must Admit its Role in Causing the Current One (06/29)
Alan Newman: Endangered Species (06/29)
Phil Williams: No Green Shoots – Just Debt at 700% GDP (06/26)
C. Edmond Wright: Recovery When? How about If? (06/25)
Charles Koch: Loss of Liberties in the New Economy (06/24)
Robert Schiller: The Real Estate Bubble Born of an Enduring Misunderstanding (06/23)
Thomas Woods: Response to the “Market Failure” Drones (06/22)
Nouriel Roubini: Roubini Sees Yellow Weeds, Not Green Shoots (06/19)
Peter Schiff: Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprise No One (06/18)
Bill Anderson: The “Bubblicious” Krugman (06/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: Printing Money Isn’t the Cure (06/15)
Jim Quinn: Abby Normal (06/12)
William Pesek: Post-Lehman World Will Mean W-Shaped Recoveries (06/11)
William Greider: Wall Street’s False Armistice (06/11)
James West: Inflation-powered Gold Price Rise Imminent (06/10)
John Stark: Housing Bubble Caused Great Depression, Too (06/09)
Adam Hamilton: Big Inflation Coming 2 (06/08)
Alan Abelson: No Bottom in Housing (06/08)
Doug Hornig: The Unstoppable Second Mortgage Crisis (06/04)
BusinessWeek: Now Comes the Great Corporate Deleveraging (06/03)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Next Crisis Has Already Begun (06/01)

May 2009

Doug Hornig: The Second Crash – On the Way and Unstoppable (05/29)
Michael Laprarie: Bond Round-Up (05/29)
My Budget 360: The Currency Race to the Bottom (05/28)
James West: Gold Battle Lines Drawn at $1,000 Again (05/26)
Adam Hamilton: Dollar’s Commodity Impact (05/26)
Tyler Durden: Why the Current US Dollar Chart Tells a Drastically Different Story (05/21)
David Berman: VIX: From 80 to 30 (05/20)
John Carney: Will the Dollar Standard Collapse? (05/19)
Simon Maierhofer: Buy-and-Hold Investing – For Better or Worse? (05/19)
Clive Maund: Inflation or Deflation – Gold Will Be King (05/18)
John Riley: Washington’s Weight Loss Program [PDF] (05/18)
Marc Faber: Money Printing Pushed Stocks Up (05/15)
Bob Chapman: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (05/14)
Thom Calandra: Inflation vs. Deflation: Which One Will Win? (05/12)
Gerard Adams: No Economic Recovery in Sight, Only Inflation (05/12)
Kenn Jacobine: Rothbard Prophet Part 1 (05/11)
Claus Vogt: Why Gold Looks Ready to Move Higher (05/07)
My Budget 360: Why Are We Still Down 42 Percent From the 2007 Peak? (05/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: Swine Fluke or Real Market Change? (05/04)
James West: Gold and Swine Flu Economics (05/04)
My Budget 360: FDIC Insures $4.7 Trillion in Deposits With a $13.6 Billion Fund (05/04)

April 2009

Michael Panzner: Changing Sides (04/30)
B. Willett/Dr. T. Always: When Will the Budgetary Debate Turn Into the Budgetary Diktat? (04/30)
Business Day: China Builds Up Its Bullion Reserves (04/29)
Tim Morrison: Investment  Guru Jim Rogers (04/29)
Doug Noland: Reflation Watch (04/28)
Lally Weymouth: Nouriel Roubini: ‘I am Dr. Realist’ (04/28)
Vitaliy Katsenelson: The Next Great Bubble? (04/24)
John Carney/Charles Hugh Smith: Why Housing Is Not Coming Back (04/24)
Bud Conrad: Assessing How Serious the Financial Crisis Can Get (04/24)
Nick Barisheff: Gold Bullion vs. Gold Mining Stocks (04/23)
Frank Barbera: The Invisible Crash for Real Estate (04/22)
The Gold Report: Gold, Silver an Easy Way to Play Coming Commodities Boom (04/22)
Gary Dorsch: China & the Fed: Blowing Bubbles (04/21)
Steve Forbes Interviews Nouriel Roubini: (04/21)
James West: Engineering Confidence: Obama, Geithner, Bernanke Tout Hard (04/20)
Adam Hamilton: Ostrich Investors (04/20)
My Budget 360: Why There Will Be No Other Bubble to Save Us (04/17)
Lorimer Wilson: Who is the ‘Greater Fool’ Now? (04/16)
Edward Younkins: Government Stimulus Packages Are Attempts to Deny Reality (04/16)
Bill Verrall: Unlearned History (04/15)
FCX: Some Laws Can’t Be Broken: Supply and Demand (04/13)
Steven Gjerstad/Vernon Smith: From Bubble to Depression? (04/08)
Brady Willett/Dr. Todd Always: Poor Greed (04/08)
Jim Quinn: Wasting a Good Crisis: Result - $200 Oil (04/08)
Jay Fitzgerald: Dow’s Harsh Reminder of Old Days; On 10th Anniversary, 10,000 Feels Far Away (04/07)
Thorsten Polleit: There Will Be (Hyper) Inflation (04/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Bear Rally in Bull’s Clothing? (04/06)
Brian Milner: A Bear’s Bear (04/03)
Patrick Buchanan: Should We Kill the Fed? (04/03)
Charles Scaliger: Creating “Wealth”: The Fed Shows No Reserve (04/02)
James West: Global Meltdown Part 3 (04/02)

March 2009

Bill Fleckenstein: Bank Plan a Cure-All? Don’t Bet On It (03/30)
Michael Nystrom: Flashback: Popular Culture and the Stock Market (03/27)
Michael Rozeff: The Bubble That Must Burst (03/26)
My Budget 360: Is 2009 a Redux of 1938 and 1939? (03/26)
Jim Quinn: When America Ruled the World (03/25)
James West: Geithner and Obama Destroying Confidence (03/24)
Frank Shostak: The Fed Did It, and Greenspan Should Admit It (03/23)
Bill Fleckenstein: Got Gold? You’re Right on the Money (03/23)
Adam Hamilton: New Gold Up Leg (03/23)
The Nation: The Real US Financial Crisis Has Yet to Begin (03/23)
Oliver Garret: The Coming Flight From the Dollar (03/20)
James Quinn: The Pothole – Holy Cow!!! (03/20)
FreedomWorks: A History of the Panic of 2008 (03/19)
My Budget 360: The Long Depression of 1873 (03/19)
John Riley: Fast Forward (03/18)
John Kay: Lessons From a Short-Lived Recovery (03/18)
James Quinn: The Federal Reserve is a Grand Illusion (03/17)
Michael Gannon: Who’s to Blame? The Fed (03/17)
Bill Fleckenstein: Bear’s End? Wishing Won’t Make it So (03/16)
Alan Newman: Greed Won: You Lose (03/16)
Jim Gaines: Economic Crisis a Pattern of Runaway Hope (03/16)
Steve Wartenberg: Bursting of Bubble Begets Buzzwords (03/16)
Comstock Partners: What to Look For at a Bear Market Bottom (03/13)
Brady Willett: Greenspan A Glutton For (His Own) Punishment (03/12)
Jim Quinn: Grand Illusion – The Federal Reserve (03/11)
BusinessWeek: The Death of Equities (03/10)*
Jane Wells: US Recession Could Last Up to 36 Months: Roubini (03/10)
Dr. Sam Vaknin: The Current Global Crisis in Historical Context (03/10)
Michael Rozeff: Systemic Risk Reduction via Failure (03/09)
William Hanley: Pundits Humbled by Bear Market (03/09)
Adam Hamilton: SPX Bottoms (03/09)
Kenn Jacobine: The Dollar is Living on Borrowed Time, No Pun Intended (03/09)
Fabrice Taylor: Why the U.S. Stimulus Effort Is Doomed (03/06)
Nouriel Roubini: The U.S. Financial System is Effectively Insolvent (03/05)
James Quinn: A Stairway to Retail Heaven (Part 1) (03/05)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Convoluted Problem of Creating a Debt Based Consumption System (03/04)
Bill Bonner: Federal Firefighters to the Rescue! (03/03)
Michael Rozeff: The FED’s Unsound Theories (03/02)

February 2009

Floyd Norris: Angry? Save Some Scorn For the Fed (02/27)
Adam Summers: Libertarian Perspective: The Fallacy of “Fiscal Stimulus” (02/27)
Nadeem Walayat: Dow Jones Stock Market Index Forecast 2009 – Update 1 (02/26)
John Girouard: Let’s Bury the Myth of Averages (02/25)
Dennis Jacobe: U.S. Investor Optimism Hits New Low (02/24)
Ockham Research: ‘It’s Different This Time’ (02/24)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Stock Surge (02/23)
John Riley: Gold or the Dollar, Which Will Win? (02/23)
MyBudget360: The S&P 500 Can Fall Another 42% (02/23)
Tim Hayland: Examining the Crisis (02/20)
Steve Ellis: Gold Primed to be ‘Mania Asset’ (02/19)
Brent Hunsberger: Investment Clubs Dwindle as Members Ask to Cash Out (02/19)
Ian King: Eastern European Crisis May Put Us All in the Goulash (02/19)
Michael Rozeff: On the Price of Gold (02/18)
Mike Hewitt: Monetary Policy and the U.S. Dollar (02/17)
Bill Fleckenstein: Treasury’s Strategy: ‘What Elephant?’ (02/17) Geithner’s Crash (02/13)
Floy Lilley: Monetary Policy and Climate Policy Collapse Together (02/13)
Cyrus Sanati: Greenspan Says He Was Mystified by Subprime Market (02/13)
Adrian Ash: The Long-Run Value of Gold, Part II (02/12)
J. Healy/M. Grynbaum: Why Analysts Keep Telling Investors to Buy (02/10)
Floyd Norris: Looking Through the 10-Year Lens (02/09)
Dean Baker: How the ‘Financial Experts’ Keep Screwing You (02/09)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Is Our Economy Going to Face a Japan Lost Decade or Great Depression 2? (02/09)
Lance Lewis: Bull Run For Gold (02/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: There’s No Shortcut to Recovery (02/05)
James West: The $4 Trillion Hallucination Driving Gold (02/05)
James Quinn: Economic Collapse: The Japanese Solution (02/04)

Daniel Brackins: We Can’t Dig Ourselves Out of Recession (02/04)
Jon Markman: Why the Bank Bailouts Are Doomed (02/03)
James West: U.S. Debt Default, Dollar Collapse (02/03)
Bloomberg: Roubini Predicts More Global Gloom (02/02)

January 2009

John Riley: Rational and Irrational Fears [PDF] (01/30)
Nick Turse: Meltdown Madness (01/30)
Mark Anderson: Peter Schiff is Absolutely Right (01/29)
J. Finch/A. Clark/D. Teather: Twenty-Five People at the Heart of the Meltdown (01/27)
James West: U.S.-China Currency Spat Threatens Treasury Auction, Powers Gold (01/27)
Ken Schoolland: The Myth of Demon Deflation (01/26)

Adam Hamilton: Big Inflation Coming (01/26)
James West: America is too Delusional to Fix Economy (01/23)
David Rose/Lawrence White: We Can’t Spend Our Way Out of This Quagmire (01/22)
Tony D’Altorio: Dumb and Dumber (01/20)
Andrew Tanzer: Why I’m So Bearish (01/20)
Brady Willett: Bond Bubble Trouble? (01/16)
Nick Barisheff: 2009 Investment Outlook – Making Money In Troubled Times (01/15)
John Riley: Investing 201 [PDF] (01/15)
Robert Higgs: The Great Credit-Crunch Hoax of 2008 (01/13)
Matthew Crowley: Author’s Sharp Insight Helps Unmask Market Madness (01/13)
George Melloan: We’re All Keynesians Again (01/13)
CNN: Zimbabwe Introduces $50 Billion Note (01/12)
Katy Marquardt: 15 Hall-of-Shame Predictions (01/08)
John Lauritz Larson: Yes, We’ve Been Here Before (01/08)
Brady Willett/Dr. Todd Alway: 2009 Outlook: Angling For a Recovery (01/07)
Nouriel Roubini: Warning: More Doom Ahead (01/07)
John Riley: Inflation/Deflation Debate [PDF] (01/07)
Barbara Kiviat: Lessons From the Great Depression (01/06)

Dennis Adams: If We’d Learned From Dutch Tulip Mania, We Wouldn’t Need Bailouts (01/05)
Joe Average: Rotten to the Core [PDF] (01/05)
Amity Shlaes: FDR’s ‘Experimentation’ Returns (01/05)

December 2008

AFP: Japan Shares Fell 42.12% in ’08 (12/30)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Fundamentals 2 (12/29)
Michael Markowski: A Super Bear Is Upon Us (12/24)
My Budget 360: Dow Jones Industrial Average On Pace For Top 3 Worst Performing Year (12/23)
Fred Thompson: The Economy [Video] (12/22)

Sharon Kayser: Beyond the Age of Usury (12/22)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Recession the Fed Can’t Easily Fix (12/22)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Stock Panic Ends (12/22)
John Riley: Out of Touch With Reality [PDF] (12/19)
My Budget 360: Investing in a Government Hoping For a U.S. Dollar Collapse (12/19)
John Kemp: Fed Unleashes Greatest Bubble of All (12/18)
Brady Willett: Bailout Madoff! (12/17)
AP: Doomsayer Still Grim On Future (12/16)
My Budget 360: This Will Be the Worst Recession Since World War II (12/15)
Adam Hamilton: Stock Panic Volatility (12/15)
Dr. Housing Bubble: How to Create Your Own Ponzi Scheme (12/15)
Patrick Real: Q Ratio Signals ‘Horrific’ Market Bottom, CLSA Says (12/15)
Jeff Poor: GOP Senator Warns of ‘Riots’ If Automakers Are Bailed Out (12/12)
Nouriel Roubini: 8 Really, Scary Predictions (12/11)
Alan Newman: The Inevitable Denouement (12/10)
My Budget 360: 10 Reasons Why This Recession Will Feel Like a Minor Depression (12/10)
Richard Daughty: The $85 Billion Non-Event (12/10)
Harvey Golub: Getting Out of This Credit Mess (12/09)
Adam Hamilton: Real Rates and Gold 10 (12/08)
Jerry Mazza: Bag the Fed! (12/08)
Dave Carpenter: Financial Doomsayer Schiff Still Grim On Future (12/04)
John Barrette: Nevada Economist Says Feds Fed Housing Bubble Beast (12/04)
Joe Average: Nowhere to Hide [PDF] (12/03)
Holman Jenkins, Jr.: The Bailout So Far (12/03)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression: Part XXII (12/02)
Bill Jamieson: Why ‘Cures’ Could Kill the Global Economy (12/01)
John Browne: Queen Elizabeth’s Question Answered (12/01)

November 2008

Brady Willett: After General Bernanke Destroys The Deflationary Threat (11/28)
Stephen Roach: Dying of Consumption Post-Bubble Economy (11/28)
Jennifer Goodwin: Over-Indebted to Credit (11/28)
Jim Quinn: The Voice of the Irate, Tireless Minority (11/25)
Michael Kahn: Gold Stocks Regaining Their Shine (11/25)
Christopher Wood: The Fed Is Out of Ammunition (11/24)
Nick Barisheff: The Six Biggest Myths About Gold (11/20)
My Budget 360: The Menace That is Deflation (11/20)
Tim Iacono: Seven Key Points On Deflation (11/19)
Martin Hutchinson: Inflation or Deflation? (11/19)
Dr. Housing Bubble: 10 Significant Signs Why This Will Be the Worst Recession Since WWII (11/18)
Paul Farrell: 30 Reasons For Great Depression 2 by 2011 (11/18)
Monty Guild/Tony Danaher: Meltdown: The Toxic Effects of Derivatives (11/17)
Mike Larson: My “Outrage List” Keeps Getting Longer and Longer (11/17)
Alan Abelson: Another Bum Signal (11/17)
Mike Whitney: Paulson the Bungler (11/14)
John Riley: Cornerstone Xtreme [PDF] (11/13)
BI-ME Staff: Jim Rogers Says Get Rid of Dollars, Buy Silver (11/12)
Money and Markets: Why Washington Cannot Prevent Depression (11/12)
Vanessa Drucker: Fragile State (11/12)
Doug Casey: The Glass-Steagall Act (11/11)
My Budget 360: Beware the Siren Call of Volatile Economic Markets (11/10)
John Krol: The $600 Trillion Derivatives (11/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: Can Democrats Handle the Hot Seat? (11/10)
Kambiz Foroohar: Short-Sellers: We’re Not Jackals, Just Bears (11/10)
Adam Hamilton: Stock Bull Being Born? (11/10)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression Part XXI (11/07)
SwissInfo: Swiss Finance Guru Sees Bankruptcy for the U.S. (11/06)
Joe Average: Time to Bunker Down [PDF] (11/05)
My Budget 360: Top Ten Best and Worst Years for the Dow [by President] (11/05)
John Pugsley: Gold and the Lessons of History (11/04)
The Curmudgeon: Deflationary Forces Dominate Despite Fed's Loose Monetary Policy (11/03)
Scott Wright: Commodities Bull Market? (11/03)
My Budget 360: Markets Face Worst October Since 1987 (11/03)

October 2008

Jerry Mazza: The Halloween Economy: Trick or Treat! (10/31)
Alexei Bayer: The Looming Depression (10/31)
John Riley: The 4 Horseman Have Arrived [PDF] (10/30)
My Budget 360: Biggest Percent Gains and Losses Occur in Economic Crisis (10/30)
Kevin Phillips: Don’t Look Now, There’s a Huge Wave of Inflation Coming Towards Us (10/30)
The Curmudgeon: What Makes This Major Bear Different From Others (10/29)
Jacqueline Thorpe: Market’s Rollercoaster Ride to Continue (10/29)
Susie Gharib: One on One With Nouriel Roubini (10/29)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Four Horsemen of the Economic Apocalypse (10/29)
The Curmudgeon: Fear Factor at All Time High (10/28)
Sharon-Brigitte Kayser: The Last Debt Orgy (10/27)
Adam Hamilton: Dollar-Driven Gold Plunge (10/27)
Andrew Barry: That Was Way Too Close For Comfort (10/27)
Mike Mish Shedlock: Will US Have Its Own “Lost Decade”? (10/24)
Aubie Baltin: How Low Can We Go? (10/24)
The Curmudgeon: Curmudgeon’s Corner (10/23)
Karen De Coster: Warren Buffett, Government Propagandist (10/23)
John Riley: If You Liked Act 1, Just Wait Until Act 2! (10/22)
Brady Willett: The Grass Isn’t Always Greener (10/22)
W. Hamilton/R. White: Market Downturn Shatters Faith in Stocks (10/22)
Bill Fleckenstein: Is Credit Crisis Over? Not So Fast (10/21)
Alan Abelson: It Isn’t Over (10/21)
Brian Carney: Bernanke Is Fighting the Last War (10/21)
John Riley: Where Do We Go From Here? [PDF] (10/20)
MyBudget360: The Real Reason Why the Credit Crisis is Bigger Than You Think (10/20)
Adam Hamilton: Stock Bear Extremes (10/20)
Creator: The Fed is Destroying Your Money Right Now (10/17)
Eric Martin/Rhonda Schaffler: Roubini Sees Worst Recession in 40 Years, Stock Drop (10/15)
Michael Kosares: The Big Bailout of 2008 (10/15)
Paul Jacob: Economics and the Plague (10/13)
Art. Carden/Robert. Murphy: The SEC Short Sells Us Down the River (10/10)
Vernon Smith: There’s No Easy Way Out of the Bubble (10/09)
John Stossel: Economists Question Logic of Bailout (10/09)
Ben Macintyre: Have Faith: Two and Two Still Makes Four (10/09)
Nouriel Roubini: Where Do We Go From Here? (10/08)
Jesús Huerta de Soto: Financial Crisis and Recession (10/07)
Linda Chavez: Only Ourselves to Blame (10/07)
Michael Kosares: The Chickens Come Home to Roost (10/07)
Bob Barr: No More Government Guarantees (10/03)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Emergency Economic Stabilization Cliff Notes (10/02)
Rich Toscano: Bailouts Don’t Address the Real Problem (10/02)
Andrew: Senator Maria Cantwell Says Bailout Bill Before Congress is Flawed to its Core (10/02)
Javier Blas: Wealthy Investors Hoard Bullion (10/02)
Anne Saker: September A Month of Crisis (10/01)
Brady Willett: We All Scream For Ice Cream! (10/01)

September 2008

Matthew Davidson: This Isn’t a Bailout — It’s a Stickup (09/30)
J. Kerr: Beyond Outrageous! (09/30)
Jerry Mazza: Wall Street Welfare (09/29)
Bill Bonner: Who Will Bail Out the Feds? (09/29)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Silent Economic Depression (09/29)
Bill Fleckenstein: What’s Next, a Ban on Stock Sales? (09/29)
MBL & Associates: Investor Salvation (09/29)*
Simon Osborne: “Looks Like We’re In a Financial Crisis,” Says Marc Faber (09/26)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Washington Mutual Failure and Collapse (09/26)
FiendBear: Paulson Quotes (09/26)
Brady Willett: Let Paulson and Bernanke Buy Some of This Crap (09/25)
Reuters: Short Sellers the Villain For 400 Years (09/24)
James Quinn: Economic Crisis and Greenspan’s Legacy: Part I (09/23)
Bill Fleckenstein: Whatever We Do, It Will Be Wrong (09/22)
Nouriel Roubini: The Shadow Banking System is Unraveling (09/22)
Anthony Mueller: What’s Behind the Financial Market Crisis? (09/19)

Dan Dorfman: Echoes of the 1987 Crash (09/19)

Dr. Housing Bubble: The Myth of Decoupling, Moral Hazard, and American Dream Disappearing (09/18)
Aubie Baltin: Bailouts, Regulation, and Re-Regulation (09/18)
Allan Sloan: How Keeping Short Rates Low Created a Fiasco (09/17)
Aubie Baltin: What Has Happened to Common Sense (09/15)
David Lawder: US Financial Rescues of the Last Century (09/15)
Jitendra Kumar Gupta: ‘The US Dollar Is In Trouble’ [Jim Rogers] (09/15)
Nicole Gelinas: Going For Broke (09/12)
David Weidner: The Bailout Culture Turns 10 (09/12)
Mark Thornton: How to Avoid Another Depression (09/11)
Alex Panameno: This is the Greatest Silver and Gold Buying Opportunity of All Time (09/11)
Michael Kosares: Six Situations to Monitor for the Rest of 2008 (09/09)
Keith Fitz-Gerald: Jim Rogers: How the Federal Reserve Will Fail (09/08)

Paul Lim: Why the Bear is Alive and Well (09/08)
Jerome a Paris: Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae Bailout: Guess Who Wins? (09/08)
Brady Willett: The Big Question (09/04)
Joe Average: Once in 100 Year Crisis? (09/03)
Newsmax: Huge Stock Decline Ahead (09/03)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Why the United States Will Face a Decade of Economic Stagnation (09/02)

August 2008

E. Roseman: How to Duck for Cover During the Worst Worldwide Recession in 20 Years (08/29)
Itay Slonim: U.S. Should Get Out of Mortgage Market (08/28)
The Gold Report: Why Precious Metals May Power to New All-Time Highs in 2009 (08/27)
Peter Schiff: Don’t Let the Market’s Juke Move Fake You Out of the Looming Profits in Gold (08/26)

MyBudget360: World Stock Markets Feeling the Pain of the Credit and Housing Crisis (08/26)
Tom Petruno: This Bubble is Like Dot-Com Burst, Just Worse In Every Way (08/25)
Adam Hamilton: SPX Bear Technicals (08/25)
Dr. Housing Bubble: 10 Reasons Why There Will Be No Second Half Recovery (08/25)
Adrian Ash: Gold: Caught in the Inflation-Deflation War (08/22)
Dan Denning: Deflation in the US Money Supply (08/21)
Keith Fitz-Gerald: Jim Rogers Predicts Bigger Financial Shocks Loom (08/20)
Brian Wesbury: Inflation Is a Clear and Present Danger (08/19)
Stephen Mihm: An Economic Cassandra Whose Predictions Are Coming True (08/18)
Aubie Baltin: 21st Century Gold Rush Re-Examined (08/18)
Peter Schiff: Set to Soar or Swoon? (08/15)
Financial Armageddon: The Bullish Market Is ‘All Wet’ (08/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Crybaby Capitalists Whine For More (08/13)
Michael Panzner: All Wet (08/13)
Bob Murphy: Live It Up, the Dollar Is Dead? (08/12)
Gabrielgray: Gold Price and Dollar Manipulation: It Can’t Go On Forever (08/12)
Sharon-Brigitte Kayser: Systemic Paralysis (08/11)
Jeffrey Cane: The Great Panic (08/08)
Frank Barbera: A Word Here, A Word There (08/06)
David Hirst: Talk of Financial System Breakdown Moves From the Fringe to the Mainstream (08/06)
William Grieder: Economic Free Fall? (08/05)
Robert MacMillan: Hundreds of Banks Will Fail, Roubini Tells Barron’s (08/04)
Greenfloyd: The Real State of the US Economy (08/04)
Brady Willett: Of Misnomers, Fallacies, and Lies (08/01)
Michael Robinson: America’s House Price Time Bomb (08/01)

July 2008

Joseph Calhoun III: The Credit Problem (07/31)
Money and Markets: The Worst, Best Investments For the Next 5 Years (07/31)
Daniel Alpert: 10 Things to Understand About the Housing Bubble and the Debt Crisis (07/31)
John Heinzl: When Dr. Doom Speaks, We Should Listen (07/30)
Peter Goodman: Worried Banks Sharply Reduce Business Loans (07/29)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (07/29)
MyBudget360: WaMu and the $239 Billion in Outstanding Loans. $52.9 Billion in Option ARMs (07/29)
Commodity Online: Speculators Don’t Create Commodity Bubbles (07/28) Interview With Nick Barisheff: Gold is Money (07/28)
Jacob Steelman: Crisis and Conflicts – The Legacy of Central Banking (07/25)
Reuters: US Faces Longer Bear Market (07/25)
MyBudget360: WaMu Bank Offering Great CD Rates and Encouraging People to Come in Person? (07/25)
Mike Shedlock: You Know the Banking System is Unsound When…(07/24)
Martin Hutchinson: The Death-Knell of Bernankeism (07/23)
Timothy Homan: US Companies to Raise Prices (07/23)
Bob Chapman: US Financial Break Point Soon (07/22)
Julian Bene: Moral Hazard Taken to New Height (07/22)
Mike Hewitt: China’s First Experience With Paper Money (07/22)
Chris Mazzolini: Lessons From the Great Depression (07/22)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression Part XV (07/21)
Adam Hamilton: Dow Hits Fair Value (07/21)
Harry Koza: IndyMac Bank Run: A Sign of Things to Come? (07/18)
NewsMax: Tice: S&P 500 to Dive Below 800 (07/17)
John Riley: Worst Case Scenario (07/17)
Aubie Baltin: Special Market Update (07/17)
Nouriel Roubini: Economist Predicts Worst is Just Ahead (07/16)
William Rees-Mogg: Recession Could Easily Tip Into a Depression (07/16)
Adam Hamilton: Trading Stock Bears (07/15)
MyBudget360: How the United States Encourages Irresponsible Financial Management (07/15)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression Part XIV (07/15)
Kate Berry: IndyMac Grew By Issuing Mortgages Online, Now It’s Opening Branches (07/14)
Dr. Housing Bubble: IndyMac History and Collapse (07/14)
Harry Koza: Want Rate Action From Bernanke? Forget It. (07/11)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Psychology of Ben Bernanke (07/10)
MyBudget360: Stimulus Check Gone With Price of Oil (07/10)
Brett Arends: Ten Busted Investing Myths (07/10)
R. Forsyth/V. Racanelli: The Bear’s Back (07/08)
John Riley: They Still Don’t Get It (07/08)
Gary: The Warning Shot Has Been Fired (07/07)
Joe Average: Crunch Time For Debt [PDF] (07/02)
John Riley: Confused Seas (07/02)

June 2008

Bill Fleckenstein: The End of the SuperBubble (06/30)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Barclays Warns of a Financial Storm as Federal Reserve’s Credibility Crumbles (06/30)
Michael Patterson: Stock, Bond Slumps Signal Worse Than ’94 as Inflation Says ’74 (06/30)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression: Part XII (06/27)
Jill Kerr: Deer in the Headlights (06/27)
Jeremy Warner: Are Equities Entering Great Crash Territory? (06/26)
Michael Swanson: We May be Facing a Fall Stock Market Disaster (06/24)
Michael Nystrom: Market Catastrophe and Apple Short Update (06/23)
Tom Cahill: Hedge Fund Managers in Monaco Say Credit Crisis to Worsen (06/23)
Dan Denning: Central Bank Has Lost Control of Credit Crisis (06/20)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: RBS Issues Global Stock and Credit Crash Alert (06/19)
John Mauldin: The Road to Revulsion (06/18)
Chris Lester: Beware of the Inflation Dragon (06/17)
Thomas Donlan: Inflation Creation No Solution (06/16)
Fred Foldvary: Inflation Rising (06/16)
Adam Hamilton: SPX Bear Downleg (06/16)
Kristin Graham: Can Bernanke Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk? (06/13)
Dr. Housing Bubble: How a Nation Went From Prudence to Financial Decadence (06/13)
Michael Kosares: A Historic Year For Gold (06/12)
Robert Shiller: Infectious Exuberance (06/11)
John Hoefle: The Banking Crisis Is Back (06/11)
Randall Forsyth: Back to the Future – In 1987? (06/11)
John Riley: Out of Control, Part 2 (06/10)
Michael Panzner: They’re Dead Wrong (06/10)
Dan Dorfman: Additional Panic Selling Is Feared (06/09)
Mike Whitney: The Remorseless Algebra of a Deflationary Death Spiral (06/06)
Mike Shedlock: Fed Governors Openly Question Bernanke’s Competence (06/06)
MoneyWeek: Why it Pays to Hang on to Gold (06/05)
Steven Saville: The Stock Market’s Secular Trend (06/05)
James West: Global Financial Meltdown Ahead (06/05)
Mike Whitney: Economic Depression in America: Evidence of a Withering Economy Is Everywhere (06/03)
TraderMark: US News & World Report: Worst Case Scenario (06/03)
Lloyd Stover: America’s Recession Could Slip Into Depression (06/03)
Joe Average: In Search of Clarity [PDF] (06/03)
Dan Denning: It’s a Bear Market in Credit (06/03)
Bill Bonner: Fed’s Inflation Would Go Into New Bubbles (06/02)
Brady Willett: Greenspan’s Incessant Contradictions (06/02)

May 2008

Sharon-Brigitte Kayser: The Final Monetization (05/30)
Martin Hutchinson: Surging Inflation Ensures US Interest Rates Headed Higher (05/29)
Jay Loomis: Market Slide Could Last Until 2010, Investment Pro Says (05/28)
Sharon-Brigitte Kayser: The Final $olution (05/27)
Stephen Lendman: Financial Instability: Jeremy Grantham’s “Immoral Hazard” (05/23)
Randall Forsyth: Bear Market Rally Fizzles Without Further Fed Boosts (05/23)
Martin Hutchinson: A Government’s Failure, Not the Market’s (05/21)
Henry C K Liu: Rubin’s Poisoned Chalice (05/21)
Bill Bonner: Petards in Central Banking (05/20)
Adam Hamilton: Money Inflation (05/19)
John Riley: Change the Facts (05/19)
Gary Dorsch: Government Inflation Data Does Not Match Reality (05/16)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Lessons From the Great Depression Part IX. When Credit is Debit (05/16)
Bill Bonner: Why Inflation is Going to Hurt This Time (05/14)
Dean Baker: Wrong, Then Wrong Again (05/13)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Is the Fed Done Cutting Rates? (05/13)
Adam Hamilton: Gasoline, Diesel, and Oil (05/12)
Craig Torres: Experts: Fed Wrong to Prop up Industries (05/12)
Brady Willett: A Rally to Nowhere (05/09)
MyBudget360: Owners’ Equivalent of Rent: The Fed and BLS Gaming the System (05/09)
Jim Willie: US Economy No Recovery Whilst Housing Bust Continues – Gold $1,200 (05/08)
Rich Shields: We’re Now Paying For Greenspan’s Lunch (05/07)
Joe Average: Vultures & Delusional Investors [PDF] (05/06)
Jeremy Grantham: Paging Paul Volcker (05/06)
Michael Kosares: Has Europe Declared War on the Weak Dollar? (05/06)
Peter Schiff: Ben Bernanke is no Paul Volcker (05/06)
Alan Newman: Where Are The Investors? (05/05)
Addison Wiggin: Gold, Bonds, and Inflation Wildfire (05/02)
Ruth Solomon: Recession’s Here, Economist Kasriel Says (05/01)
Adrian Ash: Crisis Over, Next Crisis Please (05/01)

April 2008

Martin Hutchinson: The Fed’s Dilemma: Rescue the Housing Market, or Feed the Poor? (04/30)
Michael Nystrom: Bernanke’s Character Test: Pre Fed Meeting Jitters, Indeflation, and a Prediction (04/30)
Barbara Minton: The Fed’s Financial Bailouts Will Rob Americans of Their Future (04/29)
Sam Zuckerman: Dollar’s Fall Forces New Standard of Frugality (04/29)
MyBudget360: Rebate Checks Go Out Tonight: Too Little Too Late (04/29)
Steven Pearlstein: Ignore Nonsense That Credit Crisis is Over (04/28)
William Anderson: Must Government Inflate Home Prices? (04/28)
Daniel Carroll: Comments on Inflation; Or is it Deflation? (04/25)
J. Gokhale/T. Firey: The Fed Walks a Tightrope (04/24)
Australasian Investment Review: US Recession is Coming, But Wall Street Laughs (04/24)
Mike Whitney: Memo to Bernanke: Enough With the Rate Cuts, Already! (04/24)
David Kern: The Day After Tomorrow? (04/23)
William Anderson: Can Ben Bernanke Stop the Credit Crunch (04/22)
Michael Rozeff: The Subprime Crisis and Government Failure (04/21)
William Pesek: Crisis Contained, Even With Oil  Headed For $200 (04/18)
Eric Roseman: Don’t Count on the Fed to Save Stocks in 2008 (04/18)
Steve Hanke: Panic Time at the Fed (04/17)
Adrian Ash: Dow/Gold Ratio: Where Next? (04/17)
Malcolm Berko: TV’s Talking Heads Probably Got It Wrong (04/17)
Paul La Monica: It’s Inflation Stupid! (04/16)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo Warn ‘Delusional’ Investors on Stocks (04/15)
Reuters: Bear-Market Rally Not Fooling Anyone (04/15)
TGR: ‘I am Bullish on All the Metals’ (04/15)
Rachel Beck: Battle of the Former Fed Chairmen (04/15)
B. Willett/T. Always: He Did It His Way (Unfortunately) (04/14)
Matthew McClearn: Financial Crisis: Different This Time? (04/11)
Ethan Penner: Our Financial Bailout Culture (04/11)
M. Hutchinson: Six Ways to Play Money Morning’s Prediction That Gold Is Headed for $1,500 an Ounce (04/10)
Jacqueline Thorpe: Wall St. Bear May be Gloomy But He’s Often Right (04/10)
Chris Puplava: Show Me the Bubble! (04/10)
Michael Kosares: Golden Gut Check (04/09)
Michael Panzer: An Utterly Predictable Bust (04/09)
Keith Fitz-Gerald: Jim Rogers Interview (04/08)
Peter Schiff: Bernanke and His Merry Men Rob Wall Street to Pay off Main Street (04/08)
Greg Ip: His Legacy Tarnished, Greenspan Goes on Defensive (04/08)
Doug Noland: Liquidation Only Solution to Crisis (04/07)
Joe Average: Insolvency Vets Un-mothballed [PDF] (04/07)
My Budget 360: $231 Billion in Writedowns and Credit Losses (04/04)
Ty Andros: Reflections/Return to Marking to Myths (04/04)
H. Askari/N. Krichene: The Fed and the Stagflation Specter (04/03)
Michael Nystrom: April Fool’s Day Rally (04/02)
Minyanville: Nationalizing Corporate America (04/02)

March 2008

AFP: Free-Market Thinking Takes a Hit From US Economic Crisis (03/31)
Roger Altman: Piercing This Bubble For Good (03/31)
John Makin: Denial, Hope, and Panic (03/31)
Comstock Partners: How We Got Into This Mess (03/31)
Peter Schiff: Will Ben “The Mad Hatter” Bernanke Send the U.S. Economy Down the Rabbit Hole? (03/28)
Michael Nystrom: The Fed’s New Term Securities Auction Facility (TSAF) Explained (03/28)
Ty Andros: Overview of Tedbits (03/28)
Reshma Kapadia: Prudent Bear’s Approach Delivers Payoff (03/27)
The American: Grading Bernanke: A Symposium (03/27)
George Reisman: Our Financial House of Cards and How to Start Replacing it With Solid Gold (03/26)
Joe Ross: ‘Fools’ For Saving (03/26)
Daniel Amerman: The Subprime Crisis is Just Starting (03/25)
Mike Whitney: Winding Up Bear: Paulson’s Gift to His Bankster Buddies (03/25)
Michael Panzner: Continuation Point (03/24)
Andrew Burger: Van Eck Gold Fund Manager Talks Market Conditions (03/24)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Two 400+ Point Days in Two Weeks: Why This is Horrible News (03/20)
Peter Hadekel: Monetary Easing Not Enough to Pull U.S. Out of Economic Tailspin (03/19)
Michael Nystrom: Welcome to the Future (03/18)
My Budget 360: Bear Stearns: The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Bear (03/18)
Ty Andros: Beware the Ides of March, aka Firestorm! Part II (03/18)
Reuters: Cohen [Abby] Replaced as Goldman Sachs Forecaster (03/18)
Mike Whitney: A Systemic Financial Meltdown (03/17)
Brady Willett: Lenders of the Last Resort Unite! (03/17)
James Pressley: Bernanke, Read This Book on Greenspan’s Bubbles (03/14)
Global Research: A Vicious Circle ending in a Systemic Financial Meltdown (03/14)
Mark Gilbert: Bernanke Playbook Gives Hints on Fed’s Next Moves (03/13)
Patrick Barron: Weak Dollar Is Evidence Of Incompetence (03/13)Hinh
Garry White: US Rate Cuts Will Push Oil Up To $120 (03/13)
Robert Preston: The Fed Buys the Market (03/12)
Michael Nystrom: The Fed Invents a New Trick (03/12)
Mike Whitney: Picking Through the Rubble of Post-Bubble America (03/11)
Ty Andros: Beware: The Ides of March, aka Firestorm (03/11)
Nadeem Walayat: Impact of Economic Stagflation With Asset Price Deflation (03/11)
Chris Lester: Inflation Genie Wants Out of the Bottle (03/11)
Robert Gavin: Surging Costs of Groceries Hit Home (03/11)
Thomas Brewton: For What Purpose Was the Fed Created? (03/10)
David Kinchen: ‘The Trillion Dollar Meltdown’ Paints Grim Picture of U.S. Economy (03/10)
Dr. Marc Faber: Gold, Inflation and the Fed (03/07)
Brady Willett: Bernanke’s Gold Show Must Go On? (03/06)
Stephen Roach: US Is Facing Double Bubble Trouble (03/06)
Ty Andros: True Values! (03/06)
The Gold Report: ‘Cockroaches Are Coming Out of the Closet (03/05)
Michael Rozeff: Uncle Sam – Master Mortgage Pusher (03/04)
Joe Average: Resources…a Safe Haven? [PDF] (03/03)
Robert Shiller: How a Bubble Stayed Under the Radar (03/03)

February 2008

Paul Farrell: Bernanke’s Recession Is Here: 11 Reasons It Will Last Until 2011 (02/26)
My Budget 360: The Scariest Graph Ever: Home Mortgage Debt and Consumer Credit (02/26)
Ty Andros: Crossroads! (02/26)
Nouriel Roubini: Anatomy of a Financial Meltdown (02/25)
Chris Isidore: Watch Inflation Now! (02/22)
Mike Whitney: Bernanke's State of the Economy Speech: "You are all Dead Ducks" (02/21)
John Riley: A Logical Approach to Portfolio Construction (02/21)
Comstock Partners: What is the Real P/E Ratio? (02/21)
Martin Wolf: America’s Economy Risks the Mother of All Meltdowns (02/20)
Dean Baker: Does Bernanke Have to Go? (02/20)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Interview with Mish (02/19)
Adam Geller: Economic Woes Reveal a Long-Felt Unease (02/19)
Ty Andros: Bombfire of the Vanities (02/15)
Mogambu Guru: Prehistoric Problems With Fiat Currency (02/15)
Elizabeth MacDonald: Reality Check on the Buffett Bounce (02/13)
Jacob Caporaletti: Government Policy Has Negative Impact on U.S. Economy (02/13)
Mike Whitney: The Great Bust of ’08 (02/12)
JStoltz: Next Bubble Is Forming: U.S. Government Bonds (02/12)
Aubie Baltin: Uncommon Common Sense (02/11)
Gerard Jackson: The Greatest Danger to the US Economy is the Fed (02/11)
Jesse: Free Reserves Go Negative, Blogsphere Goes Bonkers (02/08)
Michael Panzner: Still at the Forefront (02/07)
Peter Schiff: Until the Fed Feeds Us More Salad and Few Twinkies…(02/06)
Alex Newman:  Federal Reserve Under Increased Scrutiny After Huge Interest Rate Cuts (02/06)
NYT: Americans Prepare to Live Within Their Means (02/06)
Jerome Corsi: Expect Fed to Lower Dow to 8,000 (02/05)
Joe Average: Scared? You Should Be [PDF] (02/05)
Ty Andros: 2008 Forecast: Thrill Ride, Part IV (02/05)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy, Interest Rates and Recession (02/05)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Where Do We Go After the Housing Crash? (02/05)
Bill Fleckenstein: Did Greenspan Push Risky Home Loans? (02/04)
Bill Bonner: Gold Market Will Go Much Higher (02/01)

January 2008

Frank Shostak:  Why Is Bernanke Trying to Fight the Bear? (01/31)
Jerome Corsi: Dow Down Despite Dramatic Rate Cut (01/31)
Bloomberg: US Fed Decision May Risk New Asset Bubbles (01/30)
Martin Weiss, Ph. D: What Investors Can Expect During a Recession (01/30)
Ty Andros: 2008 Forecast: Thrill Ride, Part III (01/30)
John Mauldin: US Stock Market Not Pricing in Recession! (01/29)
Robert Samuelson: A War of Words on Wall Street (01/29)
John Riley: The Trillion Dollar Secret (01/28)
Aubie Baltin: 21st Century Gold Rush Revisited 2008 (01/28)
Bob Sommer: What Free Market? (01/25)
Peter Gosselin: U.S. May Have Tough Medicine to Swallow (01/24)
The OC Register: Washington Tinkering Could Make Economy Even Worse (01/24)
Sree Vidya Bhaktavatsalam: Grantham Says Shun Stocks, Shift to Cash Amid Crisis (01/24)
John Riley: A $145 billion Dollar Cup of Irish Coffee (01/23)
Ty Andros: 2008 Forecast: Thrill Ride, Part II (01/23)
Allan Sloan: Why the Fed Can't Save Us (01/23)
Brady Willett: Cue Bernanke (01/22)
Bill Fleckenstein: No Logic In Market Madness (01/22)
Alan Newman: The Great Unwinding (01/18)
Aubie Baltin: You Heard It Here First - Recession 2007 (01/18)
Ty Andros: 2008 Forecast, Part I (01/18)
Sharon-Brigitte Kayser: Hey Buddy, Can You Spare $1,000 Trillion? (01/17)
Darryl Schoon: The Increasing Cycle of Decreasing Demand Hits Financial Markets and Real Estate (01/17)
Lin Ennis: Mortgage Borrowers Voted Off Fantasy Island (01/16)
Jeff Saut: How To Survive In An Artificially Maintained Market (01/15)
Tim Wood: Stocks Bear Market - Dow Theory Proves Correct! (01/14)
Drew Hasselback:  Grandich Sees 'Vicious' Bear Market For Dow, Nasdaq (01/14)
Nick Barisheff: 2008 Investment Outlook for Precious Metals (01/11)
Ty Andros:  Fingers of Instability Part XV - 3 Fingers (01/11)
Gavin Rabinowitz:  India's Tata Motors Unveils $2,500 Car (01/10)
Patrik Jonsson: As Housing Slumps, Realtors Quit (01/10)
Aubie Baltin: Through a Looking Glass Darkly (01/09) [fixed]
Joe Average: Spin Doctors in Overdrive [PDF] (01/08)
Dominick Armentano: Three Reasons Why US Face Recession in 2008 (01/07)
Adrian Ash:  Shrinking Dollar and Surging Gold (01/04)

December 2007

Aubie Baltin: Gold and a Kondratieff Winter (12/31)
Mark Weisbrot: Housing Bubble Guarantees Recession (12/31)
Mortimer Zuckerman: The Credit Crisis Grows (12/28)
Time: Home $Sweet Home [Cover from June 2005] (12/28)
Michael Kosares: Gold Forecast for 2008 (12/27)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Crisis May Make 1929 Look a 'Walk in the Park' (12/24)
Ian Gordon: THIS IS IT! [Full article in PDF] (12/24)
Dominic Frisby: Why Gold Could Hit $1,100 an Ounce This [2008] Year (12/20)
Frank Barbera: Monetary Policy -- Gravely Compromised (12/19)
AP: Greenspan On Home Prices, Loans (12/19)
Mike Whitney: The Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System (12/18)
Wheat Prices Surge to Record High (12/18)
Mary Ratcliff: Major Wanker in Denial: Alan Greenspan (12/17)
Paul Krugman: After the Money's Gone (12/17)
Hal O'Boyle: Hal O'Boyle (12/13)
Brady Willett: Greenspan Sharpens His Comedy Routine (12/13)
Peter Eavis: Why the Fed Bailout Might Not Work (12/13)
Frank Barbera: The End of Denial (12/12)
Mike Shedlock: Losing Control Of Monetary Policy. Be Prepared For A Wave of US Bank Failures (12/12)
Mark Siara: Investors and Market Bubbles - A Dangerous Combination (12/12)
Captain Hook: Credit Crunch Contagion Spreads - Stock Markets Could Crash 50% During 2008 (12/11) [fixed]
Steven Pearlstein: We're Heading Toward Financial Chaos (12/10)
Lew Uhler: Don’t Impose Price Controls on the Housing Market (12/07)
Aubie Baltin: Grasping at Straws (12/05)
Sharon Secor: Does Another Burst Mean Yet Another Bailout? (12/05)
John Riley: Icebergs (12/04)
Brady Willett/Todd Alway: Popeye-Paulson Needs More Than Plain Spinach (12/04)
Joe Average: 2008..."Deeper, Darker, Scarier." [PDF] (12/03)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part XIII (12/03)

November 2007

Nouriel Roubini: The Bernanke Put and the Last Legs of the Stock Market Sucker's Rally (11/30)
David Henry: This Disaster Was Guaranteed (11/30)
Dan Denning: Abu Dhabi Sovereign Wealth Fund Gives Citibank Lifeline Loan (11/28)
Mike Larson: The New Savings and Loan Crisis (11/28)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Greatest Heist of the Century: Stealing and Mortgaging the United States’ Future (11/28)
Nouriel Roubini: Liquidity and Credit Crunch in Financial Markets is Back to Summer Peaks, Only Much Worse and More Dangerous (11/26)
Mike Whitney: Raging Bear: A Generalized Financial Meltdown (11/26)
Anthony Cherniawski: US Heading For Recession, Dow Theory Stocks Sell Signal and Flight to T-Bonds Continues (11/23)
Aubie Baltin: Recession 2008 --> Depression 2009 (11/21)
Lisa Kassenaar: The Worst is Yet to Come, Say Subprime Experts (11/21)
Marty Chenard: NY Stock Exchange Contracting Margin Debt Levels Sending Bearish Message (11/19)
Christopher Laird: Credit Crisis Meltdown Is a Prelude to Global Economic Depression (11/15)
Alan Kohler: Return of the Living Debt (11/14)
Anthony Cherniawski: Credit Crunch Grows From a $2bn to a Trillion Dollar Problem! (11/13)
Mike Whitney: The Last Dead Bull on Wall Street (11/12)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part XI (11/12)
Brady Willett: Bernanke Squirms as USD Burns (11/12)
James Saft: Credit Crunch Has Only Just Begun (11/09)
Bill Bonner: Wall Street Firms Hit by the Subprime Mortgage Crash They Created (11/08) [fixed]
Aubie Baltin: Bubbles Bubbles Toil and Troubles (11/08)
Joe Average: The Credit Cycle Peaks (11/06)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part XI (11/05)
Patrick Barron: The Federal Reserve Causes Our Current Economic Troubles (11/01)
Bill Bonner: A Falling Buck: US Dollar Five Year Slump (11/01)

October 2007

Keith Fitz-Gerald: Why This “Bernanke Put” Could Make for the Scariest Halloween Ever (10/31)
Brady Willett: The Hunt For Inflections (10/31)
Manuel Hinds/Benn Steil: History's Warning About the Price of Money (10/30)
Tom Saler: Weak Dollar, Not Housing Collapse is Biggest Worry (10/29)
Primm Fox/Eric Martin: Fed Criticized For Acting 'Like a Bartender' (10/26)
Aubie Baltin: A Black Swan (10/24)
Mike Whitney: Housing Flameout; California Falls Into the Sea (10/24)
Bettina Bien Greaves: ...on the Fed (10/23)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part X (10/22)
Jack Willoughby: Margin Debt -- And Risk -- Is Growing (10/22)
Michael Kosares: Gold Price Relativity (10/18)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part IX (10/18)
Brady Willett: You Call That a Bailout? (10/17)
Mike Whitney: US Scheme to Rescue Banks from Bad Subprime Mortgage Debt (10/17)
Gold Investments: Commodities Surge as Crack-Up Boom Gathers Pace (10/15)
Adrian Ash: 'Death of Gold' Claims Proven Wrong as Gold Price Surges Again (10/12)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part VIII (10/11)
Jay Bryan: The U.S. Economy is on a Slippery Slope (10/11)
Jay Hancock: Credit Card Debt is Ready to Blow (10/11)
Doug Wakefield with Ben Hill: ...Pressure Builds to Revert to the Mean (10/10)
Joe Average: Collateral Damage [PDF] (10/08)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Credit Conundrum: The New Loan Shark is the Fed (10/08)
Bill Bonner: Renowned Harvard Economist Irving Fisher Was an Idiot (10/05)
Martin Weiss: The Dollar Crash Gaining Momentum (10/04)
Richard Cook: Inflation and the Federal Reserve (10/03)
Jay Bryan: StMartin D. Weissock Market Ignores Recession Risk (10/03)
Nils Pratley: Bacchanalian Excess is so Over - Time For More Of It (10/02)
Alan Newman: The Death of Investment (10/01)
Chris Mayer: U.S. Fed Interest Rate Cut Will Do Little to Stoke Economy (10/01)
Michael Panzner: Bipolar Disorder? (10/01)

September 2007

Dan Denning: Further Interest Rate Cuts Could Lead to US$1000 Gold (09/28)
Bill Bonner: Credit Fuelled US Economy Becoming Like Soviet Union (09/28)
Cornerstone: Age Based Asset Allocation (09/27)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part VII (09/25)
Mike Swanson: The Fed is Obviously Terrified (09/25)
Aubie Baltin: The Genie (Fear) is Out of the Bottle (09/24)
Vitaliy Katsenelson: The Fed's Irresponsible Move (09/24)
Marc Faber: Credit Crisis Worse Than Long-Term Capital Management Collapse in ’98 (09/21)
Mike Whitney: Fed Panics! - Era of Global Financial Market Instability (09/21)
Gary Dorsch: Beware - The Bernanke Fed Could Ignite Hyper-Inflation! Money Supply Surging, Dollar Plunging (09/20)
Frank Barbera: Fed's Reckless Bubble Blowing - Part II (09/19)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part VI (09/18)
Brady Willett: Mr. Bubbles Writes a Book (09/17)
Ed Bugos: Gold Price to Soar When Crack-Up Boom Hits US Market (09/17)
The Curmudgeon: The Meltdown - Economic Depression Dead Ahead (09/14)
Ray Turchansky: Big 'Asset Bubble' May Burst (09/13)
Mike Whitney: Are the Banks in Trouble? (09/11)
Dean Baker: “The Human Race Has Never Found a Way to Confront Bubbles” (09/10)
Adam Hamilton: Real Rates and Gold 9 (09/10)
Ty Andros:  Fingers of Instability Part V (09/10)
Aubie Baltin: Reading Between the Lines [FIXED] (09/07)
Jeremy Grantham: Danger: Steep Drop Ahead (09/06)
Ty Andros:  Fingers of Instability Part IV (09/06)
Brady Willett: The School of Hard Work Or Habituated Hand-Outs? (09/05)
Joe Average: Gonna Buy a Hat...a Big One [PDF] (09/04)

August 2007

William Anderson: The Party is Over - Again  (08/31)
Aubie Baltin: The Fall of the House of Cards (08/30)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Part III - September: Blitzkrieg of Bad News (08/29)
Richard Cook: Predicting the Financial Markets in the Current Chaotic Environment (08/29)
Paul Tustain: The Gathering Financial Storm (08/29)
Michael Kosares: USAGOLD's Top 25 Quotes on the Credit Crisis of '07 (08/28)
Bill Gross: Where’s Waldo? Where’s W? (08/28)
The Curmudgeon: What is the Strike Price For the Fed Put?  (08/27)
Bloomberg News: Bernanke Must Try to Steer Away From Greenspan's Asia Bubble Mess (08/27)
Gary Dorsch: Stock Market Gyrations and the “Yen Carry” Trade (08/24)
Dr. Housing Bubble: 3 Reasons Why This Credit Bubble is worse than 1929 (08/24)
Michael Nystrom: Our Debt Money System Explained (08/24)
John Riley: Panic, Re-liquification, Market Manipulation and Moral Hazards (08/23)
Dean Baker: Wall Street Welfare Wimps Keep Whining (08/23)
Brady Willett & Todd Alway: Forget Peak Oil, Peak Net Worth is the Real Danger (08/22)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Continues - Part II (08/22)
Dan Dorfman: Questions After Fed's Move (08/21)
Michael Panzner: Fed Panics: Se t-Up for the Next Leg Down? (08/20)
Allan Sloan: Why Does Wall Street Always Get Bailed Out? (08/20)
Michael Janofsky: Cramer Takes Credit For Fed Rate Cut; Then He Doesn't (08/20)
Brady Willett: Relief is spelt B-E-N (08/20)
The Curmudgeon: No Chairs Left When the Music Stopped (08/17)
Aubie Baltin: The Writing is On the Wall (08/17)
Larry Elliott: Those Who Say This is Just a Market Wobble Are in Denial (08/17)
Eric Fry: Knock-On Effects of Housing Crisis to Strike Entire US Economy (08/17)
Stephen Foley: Fed Forced to Act Again as Stock Markets Tumble Around the World (08/17)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability Returns - Series Introduction (08/16)
The Business: Hedge Fund Headache (08/16)
Todd Harrison: As Funds' Redemption Day Looms, How To Redeem Ourselves (08/15)
Adrian Ash: Knaves Turned Fools (08/15)
Brady Willett: Short Selling the Road to Redemptions (08/15)
Andy Mukherjee: Blame Money, Not Pigs (08/15)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Greater Expectations: Quotes and Psychology of a Modern Day Housing Bull (08/15)
Mike Whitney: Stock Market Brushfire; Will There be a Run on the Banks? (08/14)
CNBC-TV18: A Lot of EMs Are Over Extended: Marc Faber (08/14)
Bill Bonner: SuperBanks to the Rescue (08/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Credit Problems Are Too Big For the Fed to Fix (08/13)
Gerard Jackson: Blame Central Banks For Sinking Share Market (08/13) US a Paper Tiger, Says Doomsayer [Peter Schiff] (08/13)
Adam Hamilton: HUI and Stock Bears (08/13)
Gerald O'Driscoll, Jr.: Our Subprime Fed (08/10)
Bill Bonner: Credit Where Credit is Due (08/10)
Brady Willett: Bailout Backfires (08/10)
Ty Andros: Dominos (08/10)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Global Housing Bubble: International House of Subprime Lending (08/10)
Todd Harrison: The Master of the Fed Domain (08/09)
Michael Kosares: The Dollar Under Siege (08/08)
YouTube: Jim Cramer Begs For a Fed Bailout in a Screaming Rant (08/07)
Brady Willet: Cramer’s Sage Rage? (08/07)
The Curmudgeon: Reversing of Inverted Yield Curve not Bullish for Stocks- Recession Still Possible (08/07)
Jeffrey Cooper: Money Change Everything (08/07)
Clem Chambers: The Crash Of 2007 (08/07)
The Curmudgeon: Bearishness Tempered Due to Artificially Low Yields on Treasuries (08/06)
Aubie Baltin: Goldilocks! The Bears Are Coming Home (08/06)
Mike Whitney: Stock Market Meltdown...It's a Bloodbath (08/06)
Alex Pollock: Subprime Bust Expands (08/06)
Barry Grey: Bursting Of credit Bubble Underlies Stock Market Turbulence (08/03)
Joe Average: Holding the (Toxic Debt) Bag [PDF] (08/02)
Gwen Robinson: Dr. Doom on Stock Markets, the Hindenberg  Omen and What Next (08/01)
Paul Gallagher: Big Bank Failure Could Turn Credit Crunch Into Global Crash (08/01)
Ty Andros: CRACK UP BOOM series - Part VIII, Final Installment (08/01)
Mike Hewitt:  Global Money Supply (08/01)

July 2007

Martin Hutchinson: The U.S. Credit Crunch Reaches from Main Street to Wall Street (07/31)
Adam Hamilton: Gold and USDX (07/30)
The Curmudgeon: Could Japan Produce a Black Swan Financial Market Shock? (07/27)
Brady Willett: What To Do As Stocks Go Bust (07/27)
Doug Kass: Don't Underestimate How Bad Things Are (07/26)
The Curmudgeon: Liquidity and Leverage Fed Bubbles That May Now Burst (07/26)
Eric Janszen: Before the Stroke of Midnight (07/26)
Frank Barbera: Bearish Divergences Abound (07/25)
The Curmudgeon: Where is the U.S. in the Economic Cycle? (07/25)
Ty Andros: Crack Up Boom Series Part VII (07/25)
Mike Hewitt:  Composition of the U.S. Money Supply (07/25)
Michael Nystrom: on Ron Paul and the Gold Standard (07/25)
Adrian Ash: Central Banks Can't Control Money Supply, Gold Standard Can (07/24)
The Curmudgeon: Have the Junk Bond Buyers and Leveraged Loan Lenders Had Enough? (07/24)
Mike Whitney: Trouble in Hedgefundistan: "Its Gonna Get a lot Worse" (07/23)
John Riley: Money, Money Everywhere and Not a Penny to Invest…. (07/23)
Michael Nystrom: Money is Also Destroyed (07/20)
Mike Hewitt:  Who Do We Owe and How Much? (07/20)
Aubie Baltin: 1st Crack In The Goldilocks' Dam Of Optimism (07/19)
Ty Andros: The Crack-Up Boom Series Part VI [PDF] (07/19)
Richard Daughty: Impacts of the Housing Bubble: Death by Plastic (07/17)
Bill Bonner: Find Good Investments in an Inflation Driven Crack-Up Boom (07/17)
Richard Daughty: Pressure Cooker of Inflationary Food Prices (07/13)
Bill Bonner: Fed Flounders as U.S. Dollar Drowns (07/12) [FIXED]
Jeffrey Cooper: The Financial Panic of ’07 May Have Started Today (07/12)
Ty Andros: The Crack-Up Boom Series Part V [PDF] (07/11)
Michael Panzner: The Same Old Shortcomings (07/11)
Bill Bonner: Us Dollar Trouble, Chinese Stocks and Other Causes of a Market Crash (07/09)
John Waggoner: Unsustainable Returns Are a Sign of a Stock Bubble (07/09)
Eric Janszen: How Our Financial World Has Changed Since 1999 (07/09)
Barton Biggs: The Spooky Echoes of '87 (07/09)
Dr. Housing Bubble: $5 Trillion in Housing Wealth Gone: The Impact of the Housing Bubble Bursting (07/06)
Joe Average: Lonely in the Bear Camp [PDF] (07/04)
Mike Hewitt:  Propaganda With a Capital ‘P’ (07/03) [FIXED]
Michael Panzner: The Smell of Contagion in the Air (07/03)
Mike Whitney: The Fed's Role in the Bear Stearns Meltdown (07/02)
Tom Stevenson: Picture the Domino Effect (07/02)

June 2007

Ty Andros: The Crack-Up Boom Series - Part IV [PDF] (06/29)
Rob Cox: The Ghost of Fisher Returns to Wall St. (06/29)
William R. Thomson: Stock and Bond Bull Markets - The Beginning of the End? (06/28)
Frank Barbera: Signs of a Gathering Storm (06/27)
Michael Nystrom: Towards a New Gold Standard (06/27)
Aubie Baltin: Plus Ca Change,  Plus C’est La Meme Chose (06/26)
Bill Bonner: The Bull Market Will End When the Last Bear Throws in the Towel (06/25)
Adam Hamilton: China 2007 vs. NASDAQ 2000 (06/25)
iTulip: Goldman's "Ready." Are You? (06/22)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Housing Cross Contamination: Subprime Infecting Prime Lenders (06/22)
Michael Nystrom: On Returning to the Gold Standard  (06/21)
Ty Andros:  Crack-Up Boom Series, Part III [PDF] (06/21)
Bill Bonner: Credit Meltdown: It Cannot Be That Far Off? (06/21)
Randal Strauss/Jonathan Kosares: Use Seasonal Price Trends to Your Advantage (06/21)
Christopher Laird: Effect of Rising Interest Rates (06/20)
James Howard Kunstler: Sniffing Out the Meltdown (06/20)
Richard Cook: It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy Has Begun (06/15)
Ty Andros: Crack-Up Boom, Part II [PDF] (06/15)
Brady Willett: Remain Calm! It's Only a Bunch of Bear Markets (06/14)
Alan Newman: A Record Setting Stock Market (06/12)
Bill Bonner: Expanding Credit Bubble Leaves Gold Price, US Treasury Notes Behind (06/12)
Michael Panzner: Goodbye to the Good Old Days (06/11)
Joe Average: The China Syndrome (06/07)
Mike Whitney: The Global Liquidity Crisis (06/06)
Ty Andros: Children Playing With Matches [PDF] (06/04)
Eric Janszen:  Groundhog Day, Every Day, In the Housing Market (06/04)

May 2007

Addison Wiggin: Alas, The Demise of the Dollar (05/30)
Ty Andros: Misery Spread Widely, The Destruction of the Middle Class! [PDF] (05/25)
Thomas Brewton: Liberal Pyromaniacs (05/23)
Keith Hazelton: Economic Tsunami Warning (05/23)
Michael Panzner: Eau de Liquidity (05/21)
Rick Ackerman: Tulip-O-Mania On a Global Scale (05/21)
Eric Janszen: Cat Rescued From Tree, Dow Surges 100 Points (05/21)
Ty Andros: Casino Royale, China and the Ghosts of 1929  [PDF] (05/18)
PRWEB: New Book Examining U.S. Economy Predicts Inflation, Collapse of Markets (05/16)
Ty Andros: The Coming Explosion in Energy Prices! [PDF] (05/14)
Adam Hamilton: US Dollar Bear 5 (05/14)
Dr. Housing Bubble: The Housing Tipping Point. 3 Factors That Will Burst the Bubble (05/14)
Paul Lamont: Credit Collapse (05/11)
Lisa Scherzer: Prudent Bear's Tice Sees Credit-Tied Asset Inflation (05/11)
Henry C.K. Liu: Liquidity Boom and Looming Crisis (05/10)
Richard Martin: The Mother of All Bubbles – Credit (05/09)
Jerry Kronenberg: Historically Bull May Be in China Shop: Dow Surge Parallels ’27 (05/08)
Caroline Baum: Moneybox's Gross Goes Counterintuitive, Claims Bubbles Are Good (05/08)
Joe Average: Welcome to Ponzi World [PDF] (05/07)
Mike Whitney: Real Estate Crash a Post Mortem for the Stock Market (05/04)
Ty Andros: The "Something For Nothing Army", On the March! [PDF] (05/04)
Brady Willett: Whistling Dixie To The Chicken Littles (05/03)
Bill Bonner: Money Lending Standards Have Created Debt Bubble (05/03)
Fred Foldvary: The Panic of 1907 (05/02)
Michael Panzner: Dead Market Walking (05/01)
Paul Nolte: If the US Economy is Slowing Why is the Stock Market Rising? (05/01)

April 2007

Brett Arends: Jeremy Grantham: All the World's a Bubble (04/30)
Ty Andros: Blast Off, Tsunami of Cash Hitting the Street aka Repatriation! [PDF] (04/30)
Nick Barisheff: Time to Rebalance Portfolios (04/27)
 Michael Nystrom:  Inflation, Dow 13K and the Second Great Depression (04/27)
Jim Willie: Death of Bretton Woods II (04/27)
Captain Hook: First Comes Denial – And Then Acceptance (04/25)
Dr. Housing Bubble: America’s Codependence on Housing (04/25)
Peter Cooper: Why Does HS Dent Not Just Admit He Is Plain Wrong? (04/24)
Jerome Corsi: U.S. Economy Poised For Nose Dive (04/23)
Ty Andros: US Dollars, On the Edge of a Knife: Capital Flight Emerging! [PDF] (04/23)
Aubie Baltin: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (04/23)
Paul Lamont: End of the Financial Markets Boom – Dow Jones Headed for 3000 (04/20)
Mike Whitney: Consequences of Housing Bubble Crash Ignored by the Media for 2 Years (04/19)
John Mauldin: What Does a Dollar of Debt Buy You? (04/16)
Eric Janszen:  Are We Idiots? (04/16)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Money Supply, Consumer Inflation, and Celebrities? (04/16)
Ty Andros: Stagflation Emerging [PDF] (04/13)
Mike Whitney: Doomsday for the Greenback (04/13)
Eric Janszen: Interview with James Scurlock, Creator of "Maxed Out" (04/13)
Adrian Ash: Falling US Dollar to Push Fresh Investment Into Gold  (04/12)
Peter Schiff: No More Legs to Stand on (04/12)
Jason Zweig: Shiller: Mr. Worst-case scenario (04/12)
Mogambo Guru: Earthquakes In The Gold Market (04/11)
Jonathan Stempel: NASD Warns As Margin Debt Soars (04/11)
HardAssetsInvestor: Interview With Jim Rogers: 'The Best Place To Be Is In Commodities' (04/11)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability, Part V [PDF] (04/10)
Eric Morgan Stafford: Prepare to Reap Whirlwind of Greed (04/09)
Peter Cooper: Why Are Global Stocks Not Discounting an Attack on Iran? (04/09)
Adam Hamilton: Gold, Silver, and Stock Bears (04/09)
Teruhiko Mano: Excess Liquidity Stirring Global Volatility in Stock Markets (04/09)
Aubie Baltin: Interest Rates, Recession or Depression (04/05)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (04/05)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Five Characteristics of a Housing Bubble (04/04)
Nick Barisheff: Platinum - Dark Horse, Bright Future (04/04)
Chris Martenson: Time to Pay Attention (04/04)
Joe Average: Itchy Trigger Fingers [PDF] (04/03)
Steve Moyer: A Random Walk Down The Path of Asset Price Deflation (04/02)
Bill Bonner: Big Ben Bernanke Says Credit Still Expanding (04/02)

March 2007

Steve Moyer: The Death of Real Estate (03/30)
Eric Janszen: Is Ben's Stagflation Quagmire Gross's Real Grim Reality? (03/30)
Brady Willett: Learning Curves (03/29)
Adrienne Selko: Economist Says Current Slowdown Is Just The Beginning (03/29)
Gerard Jackson: The Coming Recession and What to Look For (03/28)
Graham Makohoniuk: Follow the Money (03/27)
Dr. Housing Bubble: Why we Will Feel and Be Poorer Because of the Housing Bust (03/27)
James Grant: Traps of Easy Credit (03/26)
Mike Larson: The Rise of the Bernanke Put Option? (03/26)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability, Part III [PDF] (03/23)
Aubie Baltin: History's Lessons (03/22)
Mike Shedlock: U.S. Housing Market: Patterns Show an Impending Tsunami (3/22)
Mike Whitney: The United States of Foreclosure - Subprime fiasco to trigger Stock Market Crash (03/21)
Sam Lewis: Margin Debt Hits Second Straight High (03/21)
James Cumes: Is the Big Bust Yet to Come? (03/20)
Adam Hamilton: Eve of a Bear? (03/19)
Jay Loomis: Pace Professor Has Been Right  Before, Now Advises Selling Stocks (03/19)
Ty Andros: Fingers of Instability, Part II [PDF] (03/16)
Harriet Johnson Brackey: Deflated Bubble Fueling Crisis, Greenspan Says (03/16)
Elif Kaban: Top Investor Sees U.S. Property Crash (03/15)
Brady Willett: A Bailout Before The Bust? (03/15)
Jim Willie: Mortgage Foreclosures and Housing Bust to Result in US Interest Rate Cuts (03/15)
USA Today: Mortgage Lenders Can't Claim That No One Told Them So (03/15)
Sugata Ghosh: Mortgage Bubble Could Trigger a Pandemic Fear (03/15)
Bill Bonner: Subprime Lender New Century Could Collapse Entire U.S. Mortgage Industry (03/14)
Nick Baker/Connell McShane: A  Diehard Bear Predicts Market May Drop 50% (03/13)
Dan Denning: Hyperinflation and the Case for Gold (03/13)
Bob Ivry: Foreclosures May Hit 1.5 Million in U.S. Housing Bust (03/13)
Gretchen Morgenson: Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages (03/12)
Adam Hamilton: Gold-Stock Fears (03/12)
Eric Janszen: Why are we Nervous? Because We Can't Do Without (03/09)
Michael Nystrom: Three Bears, No Goldilocks Part II Crash Proof (03/09)
William Pesek: TruthsBehind the Market Rout (03/08) [fixed]
Martin Hutchinson: After the Liquidity Bubble (03/08)
Ty Andros: TedBits [PDF] (03/07)
Mike Whitney: US Economy Heading For a Bust (03/07)
Michael Nystrom: Three Bears, No Goldilocks - Part I Financial Armageddon (03/06)
Aubie Baltin: Denial (03/06)
Mike Whitney: Stock Market Bloodbath and Greenspan's Retreat (03/06)
Mike Whitney: Juicing the Stock Market; the Secret Maneuverings of the PPT (03/05)
Bill Bonner: Recession in 2007: Nothing to Laugh At (03/05)
Alan Newman: Investment Loses, Trading Wins (03/05)
Joe Average: Beware the Ides of March (03/02)
Brady Willett & Todd Alway: Nero Fiddle Me This…(03/02)
Jim Willie: Stock Market Shocks, Money Supply Liquidity and the US Dollar (03/02)
Mark Heschmeyer: Investors Fear 'Shock' from Subprime Meltdown (03/01)

February 2007

Michael Nystrom: Tuesday's Market Plunge (02/28)
Joe Average: Beware the Ides of March (02/28)
Brady Willett: Bernanke May Have To Break From The Greenspan Script (02/28)
Jim Cramer: How the System Failed Us Today (02/28)
David Chapman: A Gathering Perfect Storm? (02/27)
Mike Larson: A Dangerous Central Bank Party - The World is Awash with Easy Money (02/26)
Adam Hamilton: Dollar-Adjusted S&P 500 (02/26)
Mike Whitney: US Housing Market Crash to result in the Second Great Depression (02/23)
Bill Bonner: Stock Market Crash Alert: How to Protect Your Money (02/22)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (02/22)
Nick Baker: NYSE Margin Debt Reaches $285.6 Billion, Topping 2000 Record (02/21)
Stephen Halpern: Advisor Warns of a Global Bear (02/20)
Jonathan Burton: Are You Ready For a Bear Market? (02/20)
Aubie Baltin: 21st Century Gold Rush Revisited (02/20)
Al Goldman: Too Many Gurus Are Crying Wolf (02/16)
Ty Andros: Deflation, Be Damned, Boom Times in the Pipeline! (02/14)
Eric Janszen: Economic Cognitive Dissonance (02/13)
Vivek Kaul: Stock Market History Teaches Us Nothing (02/12)
John Mauldin: Stock Market is Overbought, Overvalued and Overbullish (02/12)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambu Guru (02/08)
Joe Average: Party On But Near an Exit [PDF] (02/07)
Michael Nystrom: Conversations with Dr. Gold (02/06)
Paul Lamont: US Recession in 2007 - Third Leg of the Bear Market Likely (02/05)
Scott Wright: Gold Production and Reserves (02/05)
Mike Whitney: US Housing Bubble Bloodbath - The Property Crash Continues (02/02)
Michael Nystrom: McNosis, Retiring Boomers and the Silent Crash (02/02)
Douglas Gnazzo: The Dismal Science of Phony Money: A Rejoinder (02/01)
M. Tsang/D. Hauck: Rising Wages Weigh on Profit Margins and May Curb U.S. Stock Rally (02/01)

January 2007

Nick Barisheff:  What A Fool Believes (01/31)
Aubie Baltin: The Golden Bull is Stomping (01/31)
Ty Andros: Deflation, Be Damned, Boom Times in the Pipeline! (01/30)
Brady Willett: Bears Waiting for the Dam to Break (01/29)
Dr, Sam Vaknin: Wall Street, October 1929 (01/29)
Adam Hamilton: CRB Dominated by Oil (01/29)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (01/26)
Michael Nystrom: Can the Fed Prevent Deflation? Does it Want to? (01/24)
Paul Lamont: Seven Reasons Why It's Time To Sell (01/23)
Bill Bonner: No Hint of a Coming Crisis (01/23)
Ty Andros: 2007 Forecast [PDF] (01/22)
Marc Faber: Cruising to Disaster (01/19) [fixed]
Tim Iacono: The Fed on Asset Bubbles: We Have No Preventative Measures (01/19)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (01/18)
Peter Grandich: 2007: Buckle Up, Boys and Girls (01/17)
Gary Shilling: What's Ahead for the Global Economy in 2007? (01/17)
John Hussman: Overbought, Overbullish Climate Leaves No Room to Get Out (01/17)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (01/12)
Gary Shilling: A Dozen Reasons to Worry (01/11)
Jerome Corsi: Stock Market Set For a Slump (01/11)
Ty Andros: No Fear!!! [PDF] (01/11)
Jane Burns: Can Anything Bring Down the Monthly Payment Consumer? (01/10)
Alex Gabor: The Real Estate Depression of 2007 (01/10)
Ian Sayson/Pimm Fox: Sell Ahead of Global Crunch, Warns Market Prophet Faber (01/09)
Dan Denning: Dollar Versus the Internet Stock Circa 1999 (01/09)
Paul Orfalea/Lance Helfert: Thoughts on Resolutions, Delusions and Confusions (01/08)
Joe Average: Low-Doc Lenders Beware! [PDF] (01/08)
Aubie Baltin: The Obvious is Obviously Wrong 2007 (01/04)
Adam Shell: Up, Up, Up: Beware, Because No One Sees a Bear In 2007 (01/03)
Mark Weisbrot: No: Beware of Shock Waves (01/02)

December 2006

Eric Janszen:  Recession 2007 Part IV: The Year Ahead (12/29)
Michael Nystrom: The Specter of Deflation (12/29)
Adrian Ash: Quantum Finance: The Science of Making Money Appear Out of Nowhere (12/27)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Fundamentals (12/26)
Michael Nystrom: What Everybody Already Knows About 2007 (12/22)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (12/21)
Brady Willett: With Liquidity The Overriding Story Thematic Mariners Beware (12/21)
Aubie Baltin: Steady as She Goes (12/20)
Mark Hulbert: In a Merger Wave, a Dangerous Undertow for Stocks (12/20)
Dr. Jas Jain: Peak Debt - US Debt & GDP Growth (12/19)
Bill Bonner: Want To Feel Rich? (12/18)
Daniel Hauck: Stock Strategists Raise Alarms With Unanimous Call for Rally (12/18)
Bill Bonner: Crash Alert (12/15)
Ty Andros: Bombs, Bursting in Mid-Air, "ARM"ageddon Unfolding (12/14)
Adrian Ash: The Commodity Cycle (12/14)
Dr. Hans Sennholz: American Debt and the Future of the U.S. Dollar (12/13)
Peter Schiff: What's Really Going on With Bonds (12/12)
Eric Janszen: Is it 1999 again? Yes and no. (12/11)
Adam Hamilton: Gold and Dollar Decoupling (12/11)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (12/07)
Michael Nystrom: Memories of 1929 - Part III - "Confidence!" (12/06)
Ron Paul:  Monetary Inflation Is the Problem (12/05)
Washington Times: The Declining Dollar (12/05)
Alan Newman: Regression to the Mean (12/04)

November 2006

Spero News: Economists: U.S. Recession Looms In 2007 (11/30)
Martin Hennecke: Germany Goes Bankrupt Too! (11/29)
Aubie Batlin: Why Hasn’t “IT” Happened Yet? (11/28)
Eric Janszen: Dollar Drops to 19-Month Low Against Euro; AntiSpin (11/27)
Adam Hamilton: Gold ETF Impact 2 (11/27)
Marc Faber: The Dow Jones All Time High and the Coming Correction (11/24)
Chris Mayer: Will the US Housing Bubble Mean a Recession? (11/24)
John Mauldin: The Coming Collapse in Housing (11/24)
Michael Nystrom: Memories of 1929 - Part II - "They were like God" (11/22)
Mark Kasen: Beware the Bear (11/21)
Aubie Baltin: Keeping Ones Head in the Sand (11/21)
Byron King: History of Financial Disasters (11/20)
Caroline Baum: Greenspan Legacy Submits to Its First Review (11/20)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Bull Seasonals (11/20)
Patricia Sullivan/Carlos Lozada: Milton Friedman, Tireless Promoter of Free Markets, Dies (11/17)
Bill Bonner: The Wall of Worry (11/16)
Caroline Baum: US Property Slump Starts to Bite Into Economy (11/16)
Michael Nystrom: New Dow High and Memories of 1929, Part I (11/15)
Mogambo Guru: Decreasing Value of US Debt and Equities (11/15)
Terry Keenan: Fed Chair Heating Up As Bernanke Faces Inflation (11/14)
Nick Barisheff:  Precious Metals - Critical Diversifier (11/14)
John Serrapere: Escape from Normalville (11/13)
Adam Hamilton: Trading the Gold Bull 2 (11/13)
Eric Janszen: The Impact of the Collapse of the Private Equity Bubble (11/10)
Bush’s Chernobyl Economy; Hard Times Are On the Way (11/09)
Kevin Duffy:  Sell Dow 12,000 (11/06)
David Litterick: Inflation Rears Its Ugly Head in US (11/03)
Michael Nystrom: The Shorting Opportunity of a Lifetime (11/02)
Brian Doherty: Can We Bank on the Federal Reserve? (11/02)

Ocotober 2006

Eric Janszen: Recession 2007: Part I (10/30)
Adam Hamilton: US Dollar Bear 4 (10/30)
Bill Fleckenstein: Behind Dow 12,000, an Economy at Risk (10/30)
Matthew Rand: Pessimism at Dow 12,000 (10/26)
Michael Nystrom: Jesse Livermore on Dow 12,000 (10/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: Waiting Game: A Plunge Is Inevitable (10/23)
Gerard Jackson: Economic Growth and the Credit Myth (10/23)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Valuations 3 (10/23)
Eric Janzsen: Dow 12,000: Not a Bubble, But Not Healthy Growth, Either (10/20)
Nick Baker and Michael Patterson: After 12,000, Dow Average May Have to Wait for More Milestones (10/19)
Liz Peek: Housing Correction Just Getting Started (10/16)
George Monbiot: America Is Living Beyond Its Means (10/12)
John Michael Greer:  Economics: Hallucinated Wealth (10/11)
The Mogambo Guru: Why Are the US Stock and Bond Markets Rising? (10/11)
Cris Sholto Heaton: Why the World Economy is Heading For Harder Times (10/10)
Peter Schiff: Don't But the Dow's New High (10/10)
Pinank Mehta: An "Interesting" Picture of the US Bond Markets (10/09)
Peter Brimelow: Schultz Warns About October Surprise (10/09)
Will Deener: Prepare For Bear, Some Analysts Say (10/09)
Brady Willett: Aggressively Throwing Caution To The Wind (10/09)
Jason Furman: Dow Jones Down 17 Percent from Peak Once Inflation is Taken Into Account (10/06)
Michael Nystrom: The Dow’s Phony New High, Part II (10/05)
Peter Brimelow: Gold Bulls Darkly Determined To Ride Out Storm (10/05)
Michael Nystrom: The Dow's Phony New High (10/04)
Joe Average: America...Please Keep Spending (10/04) [PDF]
Bill Bonner: Lenders Gone Wild (10/04)
Susan Albright: US Stock Market Showing Huge Divergence (10/03)
Geoff Gannon: On a New High and an Old Price (10/02)

September 2006

Eric Janszen: The Hard Way or the Harder Way (09/29)
Bill Bonner: A Drunk Driving a Hummer a Mile Wide (09/28)
Peter Cooper: Gold and Silver Set To Deliver Remarkable Gains (09/28)
Michael Nystrom: Capitulation Open Thread (09/28)
Ted Griffith: Economist Sees More Market Gains Ahead (09/28)
William Trent: Not Yet Enough Focus on Commodities For a True Bubble To Have Formed (09/27)
Michael Nystrom: Stock Market Top Watch: Recap (09/27)
Brett Arends: Pessimistic Stock Guru Goes With the Short Answer (09/26)
Greg Silberman: Relax! We?re Still in a Gold Bull Market (09/25)
Axel Merk: The Economy In Denial: Fallout From the Bursting Housing Bubble (09/25)
Sam Vaknin: Wall Street October 1929 (09/22)
Brady Willett: Domino Day Is Less than Two Months Away (09/21)
Michael Nystrom: Crash Watch Update 3: Standoff (09/21)
Aubie Baltin: Why Hasn't IT Happened Yet? (09/20)
Michael Nystrom: Crash Watch Update (09/20)
Gary Tanashian: Dow/Gold Ratio, etc. (09/19)
Eric Janszen: Ka-Poom is a Rhyme not a Repeat of History (09/19)
Scott Lanman: Fed Confusion on Policy Impact May Increase Dangers for Economy (09/19)
Michael Nystrom: Imminent Decline Dead Ahead (09/18)
Mark Trahant: Today's Bust Is All About Credit (09/18)
Michael Nystrom: Real Estate: Good News for People Who Love Bad News (09/15)
Richard Daughty: Hear Me, Doomed Ones! (09/14) [fixed]
Brian Blackstone: Inflation To Dog Bernanke For Years -Productivity Expert (09/13)
Brady Willett/Todd Alway: And the Award Goes To…(09/12)
Eric Janszen:No Deflation! Disinflation then Lots of Inflation (09/12)
WSJ: Housing Slump Harsher Than Predicted (09/11)
Michael Nystrom: A Cautionary Housing Tale from Japan (09/08)
Bill Fleckenstein: Is It Time to Face Up to the Fact That the House Price Crash is Here? (09/07)
Caroline Baum: Yield-Curve Recession Indicator Flashes Yellow (09/07)
Anatole Kaletsky: Horrors May Hit Before Halloween (09/06)
Bill Gross: No Cuts, No Butts, No Coconuts (09/06)
Dan Dorfman: Beware the Ides of September (09/05)
BW: Nightmare Mortgages (09/05) [fixed]
Eric Janszen: Jocks and Geeks Theory of Financial System Dysfunction (09/01)

August 2006

John Stepek: What Happens Next Now the US Bubble Has Popped? (08/31)
Gary Shilling: End Of The Bubble Bailouts (08/30)
Garry Norris: VIX and the Psychology of Markets (08/30)
Alan Newman: Signs of Stress (08/29)
Jas Jain: The Pause That Depresses (08/28)
Dan Dorfman: Housing Bubble Horror: Market Has Makings for a Gory Story (08/25)
Jonas Ferris:  The Fed - Dr. Feelgood (08/24)
Jim Jubak: The Fed Has Voted – For Stagflation (08/23)
Gerard Baker: U.S. Economy May Be Headed For a Big Crash (08/23)
Amanda Balzastones: The OTHER Bubble Boy, Gone For Good! (08/22)
Peter Brimlow: Bears Still Growling About 1987 (08/22) [fixed]
Brady Willett/Todd Alway: The Long-Term Consequences of The Long-Term Bailout (08/17)
Todd Harrison: Worse Than a Recession? (08/16)
Bill Bonner: Life and Economics (08/15)
Nick Baker: Losses in U.S. Airline, Shipping Stocks May Signal Market Drop (08/14)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Bearish Wall Street Analysts Predict a Fall of up to 20% (08/14)
Edmund Andrews: Economy Often Defies Soft Landgin (08/11)
Kevin Hall: All Signs Point to an Economic Slowdown, and Recession Dangers Are Growing (08/11)
Alexandra Twin: The Pause That Doesn't Refresh (08/10)
Steven Pearlstein: The Fed Pause That Refreshes? Hardly (08/09)
Joe Average: The Devil's Advocate [PDF] (08/08)
Aaron Krowne: What (Really) Happened in 1995? (08/07)
Richard Daughty: The Mogambo Guru (08/03)
Amy Merrick/Mark Whitehouse: With Costs Rising, Companies Increase Prices (08/02)
Dean Baker: The Coming Housing Crash (08/01)
Bill Bonner: No Margin (08/01)

July 2006

Alan Tonelson: Growing Imbalances in the "Global Economy" Threaten to Sink All Boats (07/27)
Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr.: The Case for the Barbarous Relic (07/27)
Eric Janszen: The Coming End of the US Foreign Investment Bubble (07/26)
David Berman: Bear Market May Wake From Hibernation (07/25)
Adam Hamilton: Real Oil Highs (07/24)
John Robson/Andrew Selsby: Is a Global Recession On the Way (07/20)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: CNBC to Become Pro-Gold? (07/20)
Terry Savage: Think Rising Rates Won't Affect You? Think Again (07/19)
Caroline Baum: Greenspan Declassifies Secret Codes For Bernanke (07/18)
Carlos Torres: Core Prices Rose Enough To Suggest Another Rate Hike (07/17)
Comstock Partners: It's All About Greed and Fear (07/17)
Brady Willett: Why Cash Is Attractive (07/14)
 Caren Gellman: Stocks Keep Falling: ?No Surprise!? Says Expert (07/14)
FN Arena: Why Gold Will Break All Records (07/14)
Dr. Marc Faber: Why an Inflationary Bust is Inevitable (07/13)
Richard Daughty: The Latest On Deflation (07/12)
Michael Nystrom: Japan and the Case for a Rising Dollar, Part II (07/12)
Bill Fleckenstein: Why the Fed is Really Done (07/11)
Michael Nystrom: Japan and the Case for a Rising Dollar, Part I (07/11)
Anatole Kaletsky: Is the Fed in the Middle of a Risky Shift? (07/10)
Joe Average: Living on the Edge [PDF] (07/10)
Gary Dorsch: The “Zig-Zag” Fed Zaps the US Dollar, Ignites Gold Rally (07/07)
Jim Hopkins: Pinched Small Businesses Resort to Higher Prices (07/06)
Paul Farrell: The Official Language of Wall Street Bulls? B.S. (07/05)
Peter Schiff: The Reality of Stagflation (07/03)
Scott Lanman/Craig Torres: Fed, Bernanke May Find Figures Fail to Justify Pause (07/03)
John Stepek: Why an Interest Rate Freeze Could Be Deadly For the Dollar (07/03)

June 2006

Eric Janszen: The Fog of Economic Folly (06/29)
Craig Torres: Bernanke's Credibility Stumbles May Fuel Inflation-Target Drive (06/28)
Bill Bonner: The Daily Reckoning (06/28)
Bill Fleckenstein: Bad Data + Weak Fed = Buy Gold (06/28)
David Chapman: Look Down the Road (06/27)
Bill Bonner: Markets Are From Venus (06/26)
Dean Calbreath: Stagflation Is Possible, Anderson Forecast Says (06/23)
Dan Dorfman: Too Soon To Bury Commodities (06/22)
Stephen Todd: The Fed's Big Fallacy (06/21)
Robert J. Samuelson: Facing Up to Inflation (06/21)
John P. Hussman, Ph.D: S&P 500 Fair Value Below 800? (06/20)
Mark Gilbert: A Contary View of Greenspan's Work at the Fed (06/19)
Adam Hamilton: Expected Metals Corrections (06/16)
Mark Calvey: Schwab Strategist Sees Cash as King Ahead of Sucker's Rally (06/16) [Fixed]
Lisa Girion: Fed Rate Hike May Prompt Stagflation (06/16)
Greg Peel: It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, If The Yen Carry Trade Is Unwound (06/15)
Peter Morici: Stagflation Becomes a Danger (06/15)
Bill Bonner: Collapsing Bubble (06/14)
Eric Janszen: Stagflation Godzilla Returns (06/12)
James Grant: Yes, But Glitter (06/09)
Brady Willett: Bernanke’s Bag of Hammers (06/08)
James Stack: Recession Dead Ahead (06/07)
Washington Times: What Did Bernanke Say? (06/07)
Doug Casey: The Greater Depression - An Update (06/06)
Joe Average: Did They Really Say That? [PDF] (06/06)
Tom Saler: Monetary Excesses Drying Up (06/05)
Mark Gilbert: Alan Greenspan Demoted to Equity 'Bubble Man' From Fed Maestro (06/02)
Woody Dorsey: Minyanville: Da Market Code (06/02)
Brady Willett: No Relief For Bargain Hunters Yet (06/01)

May 2006

Douglas Hamilton: New US Federal Reserve Chief Faces Baptism of Fire (05/30)
Alan Newman: Dollar Trading Volume at All Time High! (05/30)
Adam Hamilton: Curse of the Trading Range 3 (05/30)
John Serrapere: Peak Risk (05/30)
Jephraim P. Gundzik: ''Soaring Commodity Prices Point Toward Dollar Devaluation'' (05/26)
Richard Daughty: E-Economic Newsletter (05/25)
Matthew Allen: "Dr. Doom" Gives Gloomy Economic Forecast (05/25)
Ben Tanosborn: America's Love Affair With Irrational Exuberance (05/24)
Bill Bonner: What Next For the Markets? (05/24)
John Dobosz: Sell the Next Bounce (05/24)
Dan Amoss: What You Need to Know About the Great Depression (05/23)
Reuters:  India On Alert For Suicides After Stocks Slide (05/23)
Terry Keenan: Alan Finally Comes Clean (05/22)
Adam Hamilton: Relative Gold Bulls 2 (05/22)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Ballon Goes Up Over Inflation (05/22)
Devangshu Datta: 'Go Long On Precious Metals' (05/22)
Brady Willett: If Stock Market Slump Continues The Fed Will Start Juggling Asset Classes (05/19)
Caroline Baum: The New Fed Chairman Faces the Same Old Dilemma (05/18)
The Onion: Gold at 26-Year High [Satire] (05/18)
Eric Janszen: Annual Retrospective 2006 (05/17)
Tom Stevenson: With Inflation at the Door, It's Time to Grab Your Coat (05/16)
Dan Amoss: The Great Depression and Today's Economy: Then and Now (05/16)
Alf Young: Quietly Acquiescing in Sowing of Uncertainty (05/16)
Brett Arends: Market's Going to Get Coyote Ugly (05/16)
Brady Willett: As Bernanke Presses Pause Stocks Threaten To Rewind (05/15)
Mark Anderson: Be Afraid of the Dollar, not Gold (05/15)
Adam Hamilton: Trading the CRB Index (05/15)
Nick Barisheff: August 15, 1971: Inflation Unleashed (05/12)
Kathleen Pender: Investors Catching the Gold Bug (05/12) Longer Bull Run = Bigger Bubble: Marc Faber (05/11)
Derek DeCloet: Shiller Sees U.S. Rally Cutting Out (05/11) Interview With James Rogers (05/10)
Craig Torres: Fed Forecasts, Wrong Before, Will Determine Rate-Pause Scenario (05/09)
Mike Wilson: Bernanke's Blunder (05/09)
Landon Thomas Jr.: Finding Comfort (and New Friends) in Gold (05/08)
Rich Miller: Bernanke Attempts a Fed First: Perfect Landing for the Economy (05/08)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Bull Stage Two 3 (05/08)
Joe Average: A Pact With the Devil (05/05) Energy and Money Part I: Too Little Oil or Too Much Money? (05/05)
Danielle DiMartino: Another Surprise Bull Joins the Herd (05/05)
Brady Willett: Ben, Maria, and the Makings of a Precious Metals Panic (05/04)
Rich Toscano: More Realtor Blather (05/04)
Bill Bonner: What a Wicked, Monetary World (05/03)
Thomas Au: Will We Have Fantasia At The Fed? (05/03)
Paul Mampilly: Oil Prices Are High Because the Market is the Decider (05/02)
Michael Kahn: It's Hard Out Here, Being a Bear (05/01) The Modern Depression (05/01)

April 2006

Cecil Johnson: A Market Bubble Is Still a Bubble No Matter How Mean Its Pop (04/28)
Peter Schiff: Top Ten Signs of a Precious Metals Bubble (04/27)
Richard Daughty: Doubly Mogambo Especially So (04/27)
Adrian Ash: The 1980s Gold Re-Run (04/26)
James Poole/Mike Firm: Marc Faber Says Gold May Rise 10-Fold If Dow Triples (04/25)
Bill Adlard: The Contrarian (04/25)
Mark Kasen: Things Aren't Always as They Might Appear (04/24)
Patrick Smith: Bubble, Schmubble - Foil or Trouble? (04/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Housing Bubble Has Popped (04/24)
iTulip: Economic Equivalent of M.A.D. May End With a Bang (04/20)
Bloomberg: [Jim] Rogers Says Gold to Reach $1,000 as Commodities Soar (04/19)
Bill Fleckenstein: Does the Fed Really 'Know' What's Going On? (04/18)
Stephen King: Fed's Faltering Connection With Economic Realities (04/18)
Brady Willett: Why Not Squeeze The Charmin? (04/18)
John Wasik: What U.S. Government Won't Reveal About Inflation (04/17)
Bill Bonner/C. Butler/C. Mayer: Shadow Statistics (04/13) Prediction That Gold's Bull Run Will Continue to $1000 (04/13)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Gold Rush? You Bet Your Bottom Dollar - and Euro (04/13) Can the U.S.A. Have a "Peso Problem"? (04/11)
Michael Sesit: The Bears Are Growling Louder (04/10)
Paul Mampilly:  Housing Bubble Arrives at its Dow 36,000 Moment (04/10)
Joe Average: Cassandra's Curse (04/10) [PDF]
Adam Hamilton: Gold Stock Valuations 2 (04/10)
Zach Howard: Gold at $600: Many See a Buy But Some See a Bubble (04/10) Financial Markets Polluted with Risk (04/10)
Brady Willett: Run Away From US Stocks? (04/07)
Dean Baker: The Menace of an Unchecked Housing Bubble (04/07)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Hype Machine Ignores Gold & Silver (04/06) Is the US Housing Bubble Close to Collapse? (04/06) Seven Trends Spell A U.S. Financial Crisis (04/05)
Mogambo Guru: The Savings Glut (04/04)

March 2006

Jon Nones: No End in Sight to Commodities Bull Cycle (03/31) Housing Bubble Correction Update (03/30)
Bill Bonner: Poor Ben Bernanke (03/30)
Thomas Brewton: Ben Bernanke And The "Barbarous Relic" (03/29)
Martin Bashir: Robert Shiller, the Prophet of House Prices (03/28)
Danielle DiMartino: Systemic Risk is on the Bubble (03/27)
Gerard Jackson: Keynesian Nostrums Still Plague the US Economy (03/27)
Bill Bonner: The Hyperinflationary Depression (03/24) Frankenstein Economy (03/23)
Bill Bonner: The War Against Nobody (03/22)
Bill Fleckenstein: Fed Is Ready To Stop -- Too Soon (03/20)
Thomas Palley: The Weak Recovery and the Coming Deep Recession (03/17)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Just How High Can Gold & Silver Go? (03/17)
James Turk: Economic Suicide (03/15)
Richard Freeman: De-Leveraging of U.S. Housing Bubble Will Cause `Terrible Shock.' (03/15)
Brady Willett/Todd Alway: What’s New with the Accounting Shell Game? More Shells. (03/14)
Doug Henwood: Leaking Bubble (03/13)
Dana Perrigan: A Bull, a Bear and the Bubble (03/13)
Eric Janszen: Hedge Funds Still in the Dark (03/10)
John Crudele: Hey Bernanke, Be Careful What You Wish For (03/09)
Dr Kurt Richebächer: Is the US Facing Another Great Depression? (03/08)
Adrian Ash: Death of the Reflation Rally (03/08)
Brady Willett: Once Upon a Time COT Ruled (03/07)
Joe Average: Avoiding a Bubble Bath (03/06)
Kevin Duffy:  Is the Inflation Camp on the Bubble? (03/06)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Numbers Behind the Lies (03/06)
D. Baker/L. Wilson: Ominous Warnings and Dire Predictions of World's Financial Experts, Part 1 (03/03)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Silver Zoom Ignored (03/03)
Axel Merk: Bernanke's Yield Curve Fallacy (03/02)
Bill Bonner: Lies, Lies, Lies (03/02)

February 2006

Jas Jain: Why Yield Inversion Foretells Recession (02/28)
Seth Sandronsky: Bubblicious: Looking at the U.S. Real Estate Market (02/28)
Bill Fleckenstein: If There's No Inflation, Why Do We Fight It? (02/27)
Peter Schiff: Too Big To Burst (02/25)
Jack Kemp: Golden Opportunity (02/22)
Irwin Stelzer: Up, Up, and Away (02/21)
Axel Merk: Bernanke Fallacy (02/20)
Bill Fleckenstein: Bernanke Is No Inflation Fighter (02/20)
Alan Newman: Frenzy and Churn! (02/20)
Jas Jain: Who to Believe, Adam Smith or Bernanke & Greenspan? (02/17)
Peter Brimelow: Bernanke Boost? Newsletters Cautious (02/16)
Dave Beal: Analysts Put Dents In Hyper-Bullish Forecasts (02/15)*
AFX: Three Questions  Bernanke Should Answer (02/15)
Jacqueline Doherty: In the Drink (02/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Notes From a Housing Bubble's Bust (02/13)
Richard Daughty: Mogambo Guru Newsletter (02/09)
David Gilmore:  Monetary and Fiscal Fallacies Feed Unsustainable Outcomes (02/09)
Donald Luskin: Good as Gold (02/07)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:  Ben Bernanke: An Unworldly Professor (02/07)
Ron Paul: A Real Washington Scandal (02/07)
Scott Wright: 21st Century Commodities Bull (02/06)
William Hauge: Goodbye, Mr. Bubbles (02/03)
Joe Average: High Noon. High-Stakes Showdown Part II [PDF] (02/03)
The Spoof: Alan Greenspan Interred With Full Honors by Ben Bernanke [satire] (02/03)
Jim Willie: Negative Q4 Real GDP, Really (02/02)
 Brady Willett/Todd Alway: One Good(k)night Does Not a Sweet Prince Make (02/02)
Jas Jain: True Pictures of Housing's Contribution to the US Economy (02/02)
Lorimer Wilson: The Puncture of the Current U.S. Housing Bubble (02/01)
Gerard Jackson: The Inverted Yield Curve and Recession (02/01)

January 2006

Martin Crutsinger: Savings Rate Lowest Level Since 1933 (01/31)
Bill Bonner:  ‘One-Point-One Percent!’ (01/31)
Adam Hamilton: The Greenspan Legacy (01/30)
Nell Henderson: Greenspan Leaves Nation Steeped in Debt (01/30)
Brett Arends: Greenspan's Record's Not Stuff of Legend (01/30)
Philip Coggan: Even the Bears Are Divided Between Two Camps (01/27)
Bill Bonner: A Decadent Empire (01/26)
Joseph Schmid: Oil, US Consumers Top List of Economic Risks For 2006 (01/26)
Michael Nystrom: That Old Malaise: Inflation, the Middle East, and High Crimes in the White House (01/25)
Froma Harrop: The Inflated Greenspan (01/25)
Doug Casey: What Will Happen to Gold Shares in a Crashing U.S. Stock Market? (01/24)
Bill Bonner: The E-Z Money (01/20)
PRNewswire: Will 'Helicopter Ben' Spike Gold Prices Further? (01/19)
Bill Bonner: Gold Chuckles (01/17)
George Ross Fisher, IV: Why Is The Yield Curve Inverted? (01/17)
Ari Levy: Around the Markets: Warning - Bumpy Road For Stocks (01/13)
The Economist: Monetary Myopia (01/13) [fixed]
Brady Willett/Todd Alway: 2006 Preview: Something Happened on The Way to Hell (01/12)
Richard Benson: Beyond Keynes to Inflation (01/11)
Joe Average: High Noon. High-Stakes Showdown Part I [PDF] (01/11)
Peter Goodman: China Set To Reduce Exposure To Dollar (01/10)*
Michael Nystrom: Is This Rally for Real? And Other Thoughts (01/10)
Bill Fleckenstein: Worried About the Market? Be Ready to Act Fast (01/10)
Stella Dawson: Greenspan: A Legend With an Unproven Legacy, Says Tietmeyer (01/09)
Brian O'Connor: I'll Take Santa's Gifts, But Not His Wall Street Rally (01/09)
Jason Kelly: Analyst: Google to Rise to $2,000 (01/09)*
Floyd Norris: If History Repeats Itself, Is It Time To Panic? (01/06)
Jesse Eisinger: Debt-Laden Consumers Present Problems For Economy (01/06)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Gold Smashes Dollar in 2006 (01/04)
Mark Arbeter: Breakdown Dead Ahead (01/04)
Steven Pearlstein: With Rosy Predictions, Pundits Missing 2006's Warning Signs (01/04)
Danielle DiMartino: In 2005, Complacency Ruled Market (01/03)
Mark Weisbrot: No: There's Hidden Turbulence (01/02)

December 2005

Ned Schmidt: Thoughts on Journalists & Gold (12/30)
Stefan Karlsson: The Mess Greenspan Leaves (12/28)
Eric Janszen: The Bubble Cycle is Replacing the Business Cycle (12/23)
John Makin: The Fed: Pulling on a Rubber Band (12/21)
Bill Fleckenstein: Despite What You Hear, Inflation Is Growing (12/19)
Axel Merk: Will Bernanke Create Hyperinflation? (12/16)
Peter Brimelow: Gloomsters Refuse to Budge (12/16)
Eric Janszen: The Big Bet (12/15)
Geoffrey Colvin: We're Still Too Exuberant (12/14)
Bill Fleckenstein: Ben Bernanke Scares Me -- Already (12/12)
Conrad de Aenlle: Murphy's Law Forecasts For Next Year (12/12)
Peter Schiff: Bernanke Confuses Depression Cure With Disease (12/09)
Jessica Holzer: Hedge Fund Worry Grows (12/09)
Paul Tustain: Why Gold Can Go Higher and Higher (12/06)
Scott Wright: Global Oil Fundamentals (12/05)
Lisa Scherzer: Empire Falls (12/02)
Todd Stein & Steven McIntyre: Gold to Correct Soon? (12/02)
Nick Barisheff: The Greenspan Warnings (12/01)
Joe Average: A “Cauldron of Anxiety” (12/01)
John Ing: Gold: The Sky Is Falling (12/01)

November 2005

Lew Rockwell: Our Money Madness - War, Gold, and the Future of the Dollar (11/30)
Ron Paul: Continuing Fed propaganda, the Antidote & Rothbard vs. Bernanke (11/30)
Rachel Beck: Investors May Be Jumping Gun (11/30)
Finfacts Team: Gold Forecast to Rise Above $1,000 Per Ounce (11/28)
Brady Willett: A $500 Party or Funeral? (11/24)
John Crudele: What's the Fed Up To (11/22)
Axel Merk: Fed May Not Stop Inflation (11/21)
Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr: Our Money Madness (11/21)
Bill Bonner: Let’s Copy Napoleon (11/21)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Bull Stage 2 (11/21)
Mary Anne & Pamela Arden: Inflation is Brewing and Gold Is Shining (11/18)
Alan Newman: Still On Overdrive (11/16)
Amey Stone: Stock Ownership Is Up? (11/15)*
Bill Fleckenstein: A Year-End Rally For No Good Reason (11/14)
Ellen Simon: Housing Bubble's Burst Could Cost 1 Million Jobs and Cause a Recession, Experts Say (11/14)
Andrew Ross Sorkin:  Trillion-Dollar Query: Will Buyout Bubble Burst? (11/14)
Axel Merk: Globalization and the Dollar (11/11)
Howard Karlitz: Greenspan’s Legacy of Debt (11/10)
KRT: Investors Warned of Stock Bubble (11/10)
Caroline Baum: In Greenspan's Math, Inflation Is Always Zero (11/10)
Angela Barnes: Analysts See Shift In Gold, Greenback Correlation (11/09)
Vikas Bajaj/David Leonhardt: New Signs of Decline In U.S. Housing (11/09)
Jim Walker: Inflation Is Alive and Well, Though Unseen (11/08)
Paul Petillo: What, Me Worry? (11/07)
Joe Average: The Six Horsemen of the Apocalypse (11/07)
 Todd Stein & Steven McIntyre: Powerful Silver ETF (11/07)
Mark Weisbrot: Bernanke Should Take a Few New Steps of His Own (11/07)
Christopher Lingle: Worldwide Economic Crunch Seems Inevitable (11/04)
Kevin Hall: Congress Is Ignoring Looming Problems, Experts Say (11/04)
Richard Rahn: How to Outdo Greenspan (11/04)
AP: Ex-Fed Chief [Volcker] Warns On Inflation (11/03)
Peter Ryan: Economy In Bad Shape, Expert Says (11/03)
Thomas Palley: The Questionable Legacy of Alan Greenspan (11/02)
John Crudele: Here's a More Likely Reason For the Market's Big Rally (11/01)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Trap Bernanke Can't Escape (11/01)
Doug French: Goodbye to Greenspan (11/01)

October 2005

Brady Willett: From Greenspan Put To Bernanke Straddle (10/31)
Bill Bonner: Poor Bernanke (10/31)
Frank Shostak: What Should We Expect From Bernanke Now That He Is The Fed’s Chairman? (10/31)
Allan Sloan: Reality Check on the Fed (10/31)
Mark Trahant: Is the Fed Really All That Powerful? (10/31)
James Grant: Future Shock at the Fed (10/28)
Peter Schiff: “Helicopter Ben” Is No Paul Volcker (10/28)
Dr. Sam Vakhin: The Bursting Asset Bubbles - Wall Street, October 1929 (10/27)
Jim Jubak: 3 Big Trends Will Haunt Bernanke (10/27)
Stephen Roach: The Ambush Waiting For Bernanke (10/27)
Mike Shedlock: Ben Bernanke Inflation Fighter (10/25)
John Crudele: He's the Perfect Political Dupe For the Job (10/25)
FT: The Bears May Yet Dance (10/25)
Alex Merk: Is Dollar Crisis Looming? (10/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: Market's Confusing, But The Big Trend is Down (10/24)
Daniel Gross: If You Don't Eat or Drive, Inflation's No Problem (10/24)
Stephen King: World Economy's Eggs All in US Consumers' Basket (10/24)
Motoko Rich/David Leonhardt: Tiptoeing Around the Question of a Bubble in Real Estate (10/24)
Ernie Mardaga: The Case for Quo Vadis (10/23) [fixed[
The Economist: The Scourge Returns (10/21)
John Waggoner: We're Not In a Recession, But Future Looks Dim (10/20)
John Crudele: Fed Snoop Preceded Refco Loss By Weeks (10/20)
Steven Pearlstein: Hedge Funds Get Tangled In Bad-Business Cycle (10/20)
Marc Faber: Why the Fed Has No Alternative But To Print Money! (10/19)
PR Web: US Equity Market Approaching Highest Risk in 9 years (10/18)
David Chapman: Danger Ahead! (10/18)
Mark Arbeter: Time to Stay on the Sidelines (10/18)
Peter Schiff: Gold Versus the Stock Market (10/17)
Adam Hamilton: Global Gold Highs (10/17)
Adam Shell: Market bears: Lack of Karma Spells Crash (10/17)
BW: A Bull Slows Down His Charge (10/14)
Dr. William Swagell: Back To The Future? (10/13)
John Crudele: The Sub-10,000 Dow: Like Watching a Train Wreck (10/13)
Richard Daughty: E-Economic Newsletter (10/13) [very long]
Bernie Schaeffer: So That's What Complacency Means ... (10/13)
Gerard Jackson: U.S. Economy, Market Bubbles And Adventures In Paradise (10/12)
Robert McHugh: The Economy, the Money Supply, and the Dow Industrials (10/12)
William Neikirk: Inflation Worries Dominate At Fed (10/12)
Bill Fleckenstein: Greenspan: The Worst Fed Chief Ever (10/12)
Axel Merk: Is a Dollar Crisis Looming? (10/11)
James McInerney: Pulling on a Piece of String (10/11)
Robert McHugh: Hindenburg Omen Stock Market Crash Signals (10/10)
Nicholas Von Hoffman: Pop Goes the Real Estate Bubble (10/07)
John Crudele: A Flood of Bad News (10/06)
Rachel Beck: Low Interest Not Always Best (10/05)
Tom Petruno: Gold Is Glittering Again as an Investment (10/05)
CNN/Money: Steep Rise In Home Builder Stock Sales (10/05)
Danielle DiMartino: 7 Habits of an Economy in Peril (10/04)
Dana Blankenhorn: This Week's Clue: George Lindsay (10/04)
ABN Amro: This Is a Year of Fiscal Folly (10/03)

September 2005

Sam Gustin: Plastic Plight: Debt Rises to Breaking Point For Millions (09/29)
Kevin Hall: Forecasters Thinking Recession Could Be Coming (09/29)
AFP: Greenspan Says Prevent 'Bubbles' (09/28)
John Riley: Tipping Point, Part II (09/28)
Paul Tharp: Greenspan Fears Borrowing Exuberance (09/27)
Mark Arbeter: Ripe for a Reversal (09/27)
Bill Fleckenstein: All Risk and No Reward (09/27)
Ellen Simon:  Reasons Abound For Rise of Gold (09/26)
Adam Hamilton: Gold Bull Stage Two (09/26)
The Economist: A Nasty Whiff of Inflation (09/23)
William Hague:  Greenspan and 'Bubble Mania' (09/22)
Mark Arbeter: Caution Flags for Stocks (09/21)
Les Christie: When Booms Go Bust...(09/21)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy, Stock Market Mania and Economic Ghosts (09/20)
Terry Savage: Rising Cost of Debt Much More Dangerous (09/19)
Peter Brimelow: Bond Bear Speaks (09/16)
Scott Malone: Shorts Find Ways to Bet Against US Housing Bubble (09/16)
Tom Raum: Katrina Ushers in Return of Big Government (09/16)
Jeremy Gaunt: Market Threats Abound, But Where Are All the Bears? (09/15)
Barry Sergeant: Bubble, Bubble, Froth & Trouble (09/14)
Henry C K Liu : Greenspan, the Wizard of Bubbleland (09/14)
Buttonwood: Pump Panic, Gold Glee (09/14)
Dr. Marc Faber: Is This a Lifetime Selling Opportunity? (09/13)
Merck Insights: Is the US Economy Shock-Resistant? (09/13)
Sy Harding: Stagflation Is Economy's Worst Threat (09/12)
Murray Rothbard: How the Business Cycle Happens (09/09)
Mark Hulbert: An Inveterate Bear Turns Bullish (09/08)
Brady Willett: Katrina and the Waves (09/07)
 Bruce Bartlett: Housing Foundations On Air? (09/07)
PRNewswire: First Crack in the Housing Bubble ... And Everyone Missed It (09/06)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy and the Stock Market Boom (09/04)
Adam Hamilton: Tech Stocks vs. Gold Stocks (09/04)
Danielle DiMartino: Ignoring Ominous Symptoms (09/01)
John Crudele: Market Falls Into Malaise (09/01)
Jeremy Warner: No One Knows Where the Oil Price Is Heading (09/01)
GG2.Net: World Economy Confronts a New Era of Consistent High Oil Prices (09/01)

August 2005

American Red Cross Donations for Hurricane Katrina Victims (08/31)
Aubie Baltin: Irrational Exuberance, Five Years Later (08/31)
Donald Coxe: Plenty to Worry About (08/31)
Heather Stewart: Does the Maestro Sign Off In Credit? (08/30)
Robert Tanner: Experts Warn Debt May Threaten Economy (08/30)
Eileen Alt Powell: Debt Load Makes Americans Vulnerable (08/29)
Scott Burns: 'Bubble' Fears Are Well-Founded; Just Ask Texans (08/29)
Adam Hamilton: Stocks and Inflation (08/27)
David DesLauriers: The Kondratieff Winter Is Upon Us (08/26)
Floyd Norris: The Real Key to a Housing Bubble (08/26)
Mark Gilbert:Thirty Years of Reasons to Fear Housing Market (08/25)
Tom Walker: Market Forecasts Off, So Far (08/25)
Caroline Baum: Ready for the Greenspan Hosannas? (08/24)
 William Hauge: Inflation and the Economy (08/24)
 Kathy Lien: Dollar’s Fate Tied to Housing and Oil (08/24)
Axel Merk: Fed May Not Stop Inflation (08/23)
Gerard Jackson: The US Economy in the ‘90s Was Never What it Seemed Under Greenspan (08/23)
Bruce Bartlett: Bubble Fever (08/23)
David Leonhardt: Be Warned: Mr. Bubble's Worried Again (08/22)
Bill Bonner: The Degenerate Empire (08/22)
William Neikirt: Critics Fret the Fed Isn't Aggressive Enough in Fighting Inflation (08/22)
The Observer: Does the Maestro Sign Off in Credit? (08/22)
Tom Petruno: Too-Easy Home Loans Raise Default, Stock Fears (08/22)
Adam Hamilton: Gold/Oil Ratio Extremes 3 (08/20)
Conrad De Aenlle: Fund Bullish On Bear Market (08/20)
Barry Sergeant: Goldilocks With Frog's Breath (08/19)
 Stephen Schurr: America Faces a Big Chill (08/19)
Mike Whitney: Greenspan’s Role in the Housing Bubble (08/18)
Sue Kirchhoff: Home Prices 'Extremely Overvalued' In 53 Cities (08/18)
Chuck Jaffe: How To Tell Cheap Gas Is Gone For Good (08/17)
The Economist: Fed Adrift At Sea With Faulty Rudder (08/16)
LA Times: A Punch Bowl Made In China (08/16)
Bill Bonner: America Is an Empire (08/16)
John Crudele: Candidates to Fill Greenspan's Shoes (None Too Soon) (08/16)
Dr. Aubie Baltin: Autumn Melt-Down (08/15)
Michael Liedtke: Boom Ignores Rate Hikes (08/15)
Washington Post: Greenspan Paintings Make an Impression (08/15)
Adam Hamilton: US Dollar Bear 3 (08/14)
Robert Roy Britt: Irrational Momentum Behind Stocks, Real Estate and Fads
Alan Newman: A Peak In Optimism (08/11)
RISMedia: Economist Dean Baker Paints a Skeptical View of the Housing Market (08/11)
David Berman: Looking for Mr. Right [Top forecasters] (08/11)
Carl Limbacher: Greenspan Delivers Housing Bust (08/10)
Robert Prechter: Stocks & Currencies: Bearish & Bullish Opposites? (08/10)
David Berman: Looking for Mr. Right (08/09)
Bloomberg: Fed May Be More Wary of Inflation After July Job, Wage Gains (08/09)
John Spence:  REIT Shares Fall On Rising Bond Yields, Bubble Fears (08/09)
Jas Jain: Long-Term, 1995-2007 Pictures of the US Housing Supply-Demand (08/09)
Tony Paradiso:  Economic Derailment Looming (08/08)
Adam Hamilton: Long Valuation Waves 2 (08/08)
T. Stein/S. McIntyre: Greenspan's $500/Oz. Legacy (08/05)
Rejuters: NYSE Seat Sells For Record $3 Million (08/05)
John Crudele: Layoffs Will Slam Marts (08/02)
Peter Brimlow: A Cautionary Tale and a 'Classic Script' (08/02)
Jas Jain: The US Housing Supply-Demand (08/02)
Paul Petillo: At Arm's Length, Nine Signs of a Bubble (08/02)
Brent Sheather: Don't Be Too Sure That Stocks Are a Long-Term Winner (08/01)
Heather Stewart: Madness On Main Street (08/01)
Bill Fleckenstein: Easy Loans Now Mean a Hard Landing Later (08/01)
Andrew Ward: Greenspan Housing View Seen Hazardous by Wall Street Economists (08/01)

July 2005

A. Gary Shilling: Bear Market Rally (07/29)
Craig Stanley: Near-Term Outlook for North American Gold Equities (07/28)
Investment U: Jim Rogers: Hot on Commodities (07/28)
Felix: Alan Greenspan Charged With Killing Off Middle Class (07/27)
 Craig Torres: Greenspan Era's Legacy: Less Saving, More Debt (07/27)
Gene Meyer: The Core Rate of Inflation (07/27)*
John Makin: Can the Fed Achieve a Goldilocks Tightening? (07/26)
Paul Petillo: Mr.Greenspan, Care to Reconsider? (07/26)
Nick Barisheff: Protecting Your Savings From Inflation (07/26)
Dr. Marc Faber: Buy the VIX Index For Renewed Volatility! (07/25) [fixed]
George Ross Fisher, IV: Running On Empty? (07/25)
Peter Brimelow:  Happy 81st birthday, Richard Russell! (07/25)
Adam Hamilton: Trading Gold Volatility (07/23)
T. Stein/S. McIntyre: China Gives Green Light to Gold (07/23)
Floyd Norris: Greenspan Era Taught People to Gamble (07/22)
Paul Tustain: Hyper-Inflation: Where, Why and When (07/21)
Caroline Baum: Greenspan Opens in New Haven to Negative Reviews (07/20)
Dr. William R. Swagell: Washing Each Other's Underwear (07/19)
Bill Bonner: Dude, Where’s My Home Equity? (07/19)
Bill Fleckenstein: A Blackberry With Your Pizza (07/18)
B. Willett: Gold Walks the Line (07/18)
Jay Loomis: Dow Stuck In Neutral (07/18)
AIR: Marc Faber And The Crisis Of Confidence (07/15)
Floyd Norris: Job Doubts Eclipse Fear of Inflation (07/14)
Robert Samuelson: Big Houses Could Be Big Trouble (07/14)
Aubie Baltin: Financial Tornados (07/13)
Stefan Karlsson:Greenspan's Mysterious Conundrum (07/13)
Bill Bonner: The House Poor (07/13)
Thomas Dawson: Another Recession (07/12)
Jon Nones: Former Wall Street Whiz Kid Says Gold Equals Insurance (07/11)
Adam Hamilton: CRB Index Revised (07/11)
Floyd Norris: Who Cares About Inflation? (07/08)
Brett Arends: TV's Not Best Stock In Trade (07/06)
Gerard Jackson: Alan Greenspan and the US Current Account Deficit (07/05)
John Crudele:  Cnooc-Unocal Deal Could Blow Up Housing Bubble (07/05)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Soviet Economics (07/05)
Nell Henderson: Analysts Worry Greenspan Fed Too Forgiving (07/04)
Larry Elliott: Something's Gotta Give (07/04)
John Riley: Breaking the Rules (07/01)

June 2005

Allister Heath: The Trouble with Bubbles is that the Economy Suffers When They Pop (06/30)
Rachel Beck: Housing Bubble Could be a Replay of 1990s Rise, Burst (06/30)
Walter Williams: Federal Deficit Reality (06/28)
John Crudele: Ugly Combination (06/28)
John Dizard: Gold Breaks Out But The Best Is To Come (06/27)
Sam Ali: Bubble, Bubble, P/E and Trouble (06/27)
Comstock Partners: Fed Aiming at Soaring Asset Values--A Follow-up (06/27)
John Riley: The CIS CRacKeD Investment Glossary [humor] (06/27)
Dr. Marc Faber: Housing Bubbles and Resource Misallocation (06/25)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Backstreet's Back (Time To Sell) (06/23)
Bill Bonner: The Bubble Imperium (06/23)
Mark Hulbert: The Good News - And The Bad (06/23)
Aubie Baltin: Depression 2006 (06/22)
The Economist: After the Fall (06/22)
Don Newman: The Elephant in the Room - Inflation (06/22)
Bill Swagell: The Biggest Global Real Estate Boom of All Time. Thanks Al! (06/21)
Frank Shostak: Federal Funds Rates and Long-Term Rates: Greenspan’s Conundrum (06/21)
Al Martin: The Larry Kudlow Stock Bubble Fraud Conspiracy (06/21)*
Bill Fleckenstein: 'Mr. Bubble' Should (But Won't) Tackle the Housing ATM (06/20)
Jeffrey Scharf: Everybody’s Business (06/20)
Paul Tharp: If Housing Bubble Pops: Look Out! (06/20)
Adam Hamilton: Euro Gold €350! (06/17)
WSJ: Warning Signs for Stocks (06/17)
Paul Tharp: Oil Could Hit $60 a Barrel (06/17) [fixed]
Eric Janszen: Housing Bubble Correction (06/16)
Scott Wright: Real Estate Bubble 3 (06/15)
Steve Butler: Time to Catch That 'Gold Bug' (06/14)
Peter Grossman: Watch For Economic Fallout When Housing Bubble Bursts (06/14)
John Crudele: Greenspan Needs To Get His Interest Rate Story Straight (06/14)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Silver ETF May Cause Spike (06/14)
Greg Ip: Some See Economy Teetering On Edge (06/13)
Satre: A Bubble Ready To Pop? (06/13)
Andrew Cassel: No Fireworks, No Alarms - But Details Are Worrisome (06/10)
Bill Bonner: Do You See a Bubble? (06/09)
Caroline Baum: Has Greenspan Changed Views on Bubble Management? (06/09)
Mark Hulbert:  Mutual Fund Cash-To-Assets Ratio Is Bearishly Low (06/08)
Steve Sjuggerud: Housing Bubble: The New Real Estate Conspiracy (06/08)
Gerard Jackson: When Did the US Economy Being to Crack? (06/07)
John Crudele: Jobs Report Hints At Weakening Economy (06/07)
Michael Liedtke: Interest-Only Mortgages All the Craze (06/07) [fixed]
FT: Greenspan Says Markets Signalling Weakness (06/07)
E.S. Browning: Why Can't Stocks Get On a Run? (06/06) [fixed]
Paul Farrell: Day-Trading Retirees? They're Blowing Bubbles (06/06)
NPR: Yale Professor Predicts Housing 'Bubble' Will Burst (06/04) [audio]
Devvy Kidd: Four Paychecks Per Household? (06/03)
Frank Shostak: China Does Not Determine U.S. Interest Rates (06/03)
Michael Kahn: Low Rates Defy Pundits, Commodity Prices (06/03)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy, Trade Deficit, Money Supply and Growth (06/03)
Robert Samuelson: The Curse of Cheap Credit? (06/02)
Eric Janszen: Dancing, Booze, and Overpriced Houses (06/02)
Brady Willett: Commercials Seek Hiding Dollar Bear (06/02)
Tim Wood: Gold Price Manipulation Debate - Turk vs Wood (06/02)
KRT: Pop Goes the Bubble? (06/01)
Adam Shell: Strategists Perplexed As 10-year Yield Falls (06/01)
CBC: U.S. Living Beyond Means, Dodge Warns (06/01)

May 2005

John Crudele: If You're Betting On Jobs Figures, Take The 'Over' (05/31)
Greg Heffernan: Indian-American Economist Alleges "Greenspan's Fraud" (05/31)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: Emperor Greenspan Has No Clothes (05/26)
John Handley: New Report Stokes Fears About Real Estate `Bubble' (05/25)
Jim Jubak: The Fed Is All Wrong About Inflation (05/24)
Bill Fleckenstein: Gold and Silver Won't Be Down For Long (05/24)
Paul Farrell:  'Nuclear Bond Option' Needs To Be On TheTable (05/23)
Irving Blackman: Storm Clouds Gathering Over U.S. Economy? (05/23)
James McInerney: Dangerous Days For Investors (05/23)
Alan Stang: Why Tax? Why Not Just Print? (05/20)
David Wessel: Fed Voices Concerns at Signs of a Housing Bubble (05/20)*
Dan Slater: Yuan Revaluation Won't Help US, Predicts Marc Faber (05/20)
Brady Willett: As Greenspan Bids Adieu, Say Hello to Uncertainty (05/19)
Adam Shell: Could Hedge Funds Cause Market Meltdown? (05/19)
University of South Hampton: Do Investors Behave Like Lemmings? (05/19)
William Hague: Economy Propped Up By Cheap Money (05/18)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy, Monetary Policy and Recession (05/17)
Tim Wood: $40bn Hole Punctures Gold Equities (05/17)
Lyn Millner: Bubble, Bubble, Housing Market's In Trouble, Author Warns (05/17)
James Paulsen: Believe It Or Not, Inflation Is Here (05/16)
Comstock Partners: The Weight of the Evidence (05/16)
MENAFN: Oil Industry Sees Prices Going Higher (05/16)
Todd Stein & Steven McIntyre: Why We Like Those Wretched Gold Stocks (05/13)
Aubie Baltin: The Obvious Is Obviously Wrong (05/13)
Nicholas Benton: The 40-Year Crash Cycle (05/13)
William Hague: Greenspan and the 'Credit Bust' (05/12)
Helen Huntley: Cracks Grow In Retirement Nest Eggs (05/12)
Alan Newman: Mania Still In View (05/11)
 Dr. Steve Sjuggerud: Stock Market Projections...Advice for the Next Two Decades (05/11)
John Crudele: Marts Shaken By Jobs Data (05/11)
Nick Barisheff: Is The Gold Bull Market Over? (05/10)
Gerard Jackson: Is Another Recession On The Way? (05/10)
F. N. Chancellor Smalkin: Risky Lending Trends Could Bust Mortgage Boom (05/10)
Paul Lim: If You Think This Is Bad, Wait For the Real Bear (05/09) [fixed--different title]
Bill Fleckenstein: Lessons From Japan's Bubble -- For Ours (05/09)
John Hall: Ominous Numbers About Household Debt (05/09)
Jim Jubak: Washington’s Plan to Stick Us With High Inflation (05/06)
M.A. Nystrom: Sign of a Pop: Housing is Everywhere. The Great Transition, Part III (05/06)
Harry Huri III: SilverFinger The Hunt Brothers Story (05/05)
AP: 30-Year Bonds Back On the Block? (05/05)
Barrie McKenna: Inflation Bugbear Threatens Greenspan Legacy (05/03)
Peter Brimelow: Why Gold and Gold Shares Take Different Paths (05/03)
Mary Umberger: Investors Fed Up With Stocks Are Scooping Up Property (05/03)
Edward Lotterman: Greenspan Drank the Kool-Aid (05/02)
Claudia Carpenter: Gold May Rise as Alternative Asset to U.S. Stocks, Survey Shows (05/02)

April 2005

Bloomberg: Bank of Japan Says Deflation Will Last for 8th Year (04/29)
Eric Janszen: Inflation is Dead! Long Live Inflation! (04/29)
Malcolm Maiden: Storm Warning (04/28)
Philip Bowring: U.S. and China on a Collision Course (04/28)
Dr. Kurt Richebächer: The Great Wealth Deception (04/27)
Nick Barisheff: The Gold, Oil And US Dollar Relationship (04/27)
Andy Mukherjee: Greenspan Misses the Point About Yuan (04/26)
Tomi Kilgore: Nasdaq's Big Rally Only Confirmed Its Weakness (04/26)
Zbigniew Piekarski: Mood Swings (04/25)
M.A. Nystrom: The Great Transition, Part II: Profiting from Trend Changes (04/25)
Dr. Sam Vaknin: The Bursting Asset Bubbles - Wall Street, October 1929 (04/25)
Dr. Sam Vaknin: The Bursting Asset Bubbles - Introduction (Part 1) (04/22)
John Riley: The Big Picture (04/22)
Brady Willett: Beware The Commercial Pounce (04/22)
Eric Janszen: One Thing Leads to Another in the Bubble Cycle Wonderland (04/21)
John Crudele: Stock Market Is Scary Place To Be (04/21)
Bruce Bartlett: Worrisome Economic Wobbles (04/20)
Jonathan Burton: Standard Bear (04/19)
Axel Merk: The Fed Embraces Public Perception in Place of Sound Monetary Judgment to Set Policy (04/19)
Stephen Bartholomeusz:A Glitch, or Harbinger of a Darker Threat? (04/19)
M.A. Nystrom: The Great Transition Part I: Giant Popping Sound (04/18)
Bill Fleckenstein: If Only Greenspan Could be Volcker (04/18)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: What's Going On With Gold and the Dollar? (04/15)
Eric Janszen: Ka-Poom Theory Revisited (04/14)
Andrew Cassel: The Deficit Elm Grows to an Ominous Height (04/13)
Christopher Lingle: Excessive Asian Reserves? (04/13)
John Berry: Fed Minutes Offer More Confusion Than Clarity (04/13)
Mark Weisbrot: Greenspan Could Have Warned Investors (04/12)
Dana Blankenhorn: The Coming Real Estate Wreck (04/11)
Knight Ridder: Costs of Oil, Raw Materials Renewing Fears of Inflation (04/11)
Miami Herald: The Specter of a South Florida Real Estate Bust (04/08)
Eric Janszen: Debtor Nations Dream of Deflation (04/07)
William Hague: Greenspan and the Real Estate Bubble (04/07)
John Waggoner: Top-Selling Funds of 2000 Deep In Red (04/06)
M.A. Nystrom: Panic in Pakistan, World Next? (04/05)
Chris Lester: Last Call For Cheap Red Ink (04/05)
Steven Pearlstein: Global Economy in a Cash Bubble (04/04)
Zbigniew Piekarski: Spoils of War (04/04)
AP: NYSE Leaves 'Circuit-Breakers' Unchanged (04/04)
Gerard Jackson: US Economy: Jobs, Growth and Inflation (04/04)
Paul Tharp: Oil Price Panic (04/01)

March 2005

Michael Shedlock: It's a Totally New Paradigm (03/31)
Kevin Hall: Inflation Creeping Its Way Back (03/31)
John Crudele: Fantasty Nos. To Bite Marts (03/30)
Chris Mayer: The Decay of Paper Currency (03/30)
John Makin: Greenspan's Second Bubble (03/29)
Martin Hutchinson: Beware of Singularities (03/29)
J. Anderson/Riva Atlas: Will the Next Pop You Hear Be the Bursting of Hedge Fund Bubble? (03/29)
Ian Campbell: Alan's Perilous Poker Game (03/28)
Bill Fleckenstein: Caught in the Fed's Inflation Trap (03/28)
Terry Keenan: Greenspan's Wake-Up Call Rings Bells (03/28)
AScribe Newswire: PPI/CPI Differential Indicates Serious Inflation Problem (03/24)
Greg Ip: Fed Increases Breed Anxiety (03/24)
Michael Wallace:The Fed's Stealthy Bias Shift (03/23)
John Crudele: Wrong-Way Greenspan Strikes Again (03/22)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: All Roads Lead to Gold and Silver (03/21)
Jay Hancock: What If Greenspan Successor Turns Out To Be Bubblebuster? (03/21)
Katy Delay: Government Inteference With Economics (03/18)
Eric Janszen: The Bubble Cycle is Replacing the Business Cycle (03/17)
Curt Morrison: Outsmarting Market Trends (03/17)
Mark Gilbert: Bond Bears Worry the Picnic Rug Will Get Pulled (03/17)
James Stewart: Natural Resources Are Red Hot (03/16)
Bill Fleckenstein: The Fed Sees Bubbles -- And Keeps Them Secret (03/15)
Richard Siklos: Greenspan Should Have Removed the Punch Bowl (03/14)
FT: Growing Fears Credit Boom May Implode (03/14)
Donald Lushkin: Inflation Is Everywhere (03/14)
Allan Sloan: Beware the Quiet Bear (03/14)
Floyd Norris: Tech-Bubble Lesson May Be Forgotten (03/14)
James Grant: Five Years Later and Still Floating (03/11) [fixed]
Andrew Cassel: Birthday, Shiller and Bad Bubbles (03/11) [fixed]
Brian Deagon: Even With Five Years To Reflect, Dot-Com Mania Still Astounding (03/10) [fixed]
Justin Lahart: Memories of Halcyon Days (03/10)
Adam Shell: 10 Reasons Why Nasdaq Won't Recover Soon (03/10)
M.A. Nystrom: Thoughts on a Second Great Depression (03/09)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: he Politics Behind the U.S. Dollar (03/08)
John Crudele:  Putting On Rally Caps Over Jobs Growth a Fool's Game (03/08)
Bill Fleckenstein: Housing Mania Will End in Tears (03/08)
Martin Hutchinson: Thank you, Mr. Greenspan (03/07)
Floyd Norris: In '05, Buffett Says He's Still Betting Against the Dollar (03/07)
Kevin Duffy:  Honey, I Shrunk the Net Worth (03/04)
Brady Willett: Like A Lead Balloon (03/03)
John Crudele: Here's Why Interest Rates Are Going Up This Spring (03/03)
Eric Janszen: The Three Desperados (03/02)
Fennell Betson: Commodities Now the Only ‘Pure Bull Market’ (03/01)
AP: Is Economy Headed For Disaster? (03/01)

February 2005

Ray Smith: A Prominent Wall Street Bear Calls It Quits (02/28)
Bill Fleckenstein: Dress Rehearsal For a Dollar Deluge (02/28)
Big News Network: Aussie Official: U.S. Dollar May Collapse (02/25)
Thomas Friedman: Honey, I Shrunk the Dollar (02/25)
Rick MacDonald: The January CPI's Deceptive Story (02/24)
EIR Staff: Dollar Crisis Evokes Panic Among World Financial Elite (02/23)
Ron Paul:  The Maestro Changes His Tune (02/22)
Martin Crutsinger: Wholesale Inflation Sends a Warning Signal (02/21)
Todd Stein/Steven McIntyre: The Psychology of Gold and Silver (02/16)
Jas Jain: The Most Important Driver of Gold and Commodity Prices (02/16)
Barry Sergeant: Bear Hug Grows (02/15)
Zbigniew Piekarski: Beware the Bear (02/14)
Mark Weisbrot:Will the Economic Recovery Continue to Roll in 2005? No (02/11)
Susan Walker: Smart Investors Go Against Herd (02/10)
Reuters: Calpers Official Fears Private Equity 'Bubble' (02/10)
Michael Levy: Fools Parade (Part I) (02/10)
Michael Levy: Fools Parade (Part II) (02/10)
Mark Hulbert: Large Volume of High Yield Bond New Issues is Worrying (02/09)
Alan Newman: It's Not About 'Investing' Anymore (02/08)
Tom Van Riper: Granville Sees Doom For Dow (02/07)
Mark Weisbrot: ...But Not For Most Americans (02/07)
Jon Friedman:  Fox News Declares War on CNBC (02/07)
Robert Gottliebsen: Hedge Fund Failures Are on the Horizon (02/04)
Gary Rivlin: Bubble Fears Grow as Google Surges: Is This Time Different? (02/04)
Barry Sergeant: Riding the Super Cycle (02/03)
Jon Markman: February Holds the Key to Investing in 2005 (02/02)
John Crudele: Handicapping Friday's Report on Employment (02/01)

Please note that this list is not maintained and some links may have expired or changed.

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